On Hipsters

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May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I must be honest. This thread reads, feels, and sounds like an old cliche: predominantly white men trying to ascertain whose penis is bigger by quoting the most theorists or philosophers or responding the longest. I know some individuals on this forum have asked the question: Where are the female pipe smokers? This might be why.
You are new here so you might be missing the fact that no one takes this stuff seriously. We have some members who fancy themselves as philosophers so they enjoy a lengthy discussion where nothing really comes from it. No one is trying to be mean or hurtful, that behavior is not acceptable here.
This place is filled with some of the most caring and generous people you will ever find on the internet. If you stick around for a while, I think you will see this with your own eyes.



Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
Cosmic said: I have to wonder how we know whether an individual is smoking a pipe just as an affectation verses any of a million of other reasons
I think one way to tell a "hipster" pipe smoker from just a regular pipe smoker is the number of pipes and what kind of tobacco he owns. I'd say if the smoker has less than 4 pipes (an arbitrary number to be sure) and only smokes one or two different tobaccos, then he or she may be a hipster. If the smoker has so many pipes that it takes a good 30 minutes or more to decide which one to smoke and enough tobacco to supply start a pipe shop, then the pipe smoker is an enthusiast.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 2, 2015
That definition fails to take into account the so-called "codgers" out there, and the many among us who like to just keep things simple. This forum just tends to attract the enthusiast/hobbyist smokers, I think. I'm not sure it's worth the time to try to figure out some formula for determining "types" of smokers.



Jul 21, 2015
Most codgers I know are also fanatical about supplies of batteries, flashlights and emergency gear.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
The original point of this thread: having a beard does not make someone a hipster.

Me? No way anyone would confuse me with a hipster, unless there are old ones. But, we have had many that would identify with the hipster folks, at least we used to. I won't call them out, but we've also had steampunks, if that's a genre of hipsters.
To be honest, when I see anyone under 40 buying a pipe, I have to hold my tongue. And, especially when I see some kid under 30, and even more so a college student, buying an $800 pipe, all sorts of question marks spring to mind.
But, we have had many self-professed hipsters here,many still do. What harm is it for them to join us in supporting the hobby. And, if a majority just want to smoke one pipe one tobacco for looks, heck, what harm is that on us? How can it hurt us in any way? Heck, if some butt ass naked purple haired clown wants to talk about VaPers, so what? As long as I don't have to watch him on a YouTube, ha ha.



Feb 15, 2015
"The original point of this thread: having a beard does not make someone a hipster."
This forum is P.C. enough. Any further mental blinders would be a mistake in my opinion. I could care less about the topic, but like Penzance, these threads proliferate, so if you spend time here, it is hard to avoid them. From outer-space, here in the Ozarks, most every male may resemble a hipster, but I doubt a hipster would last very long here. Beards, more than common. Tobacco usage way above average. Flannel shirts common. But, Confederate flags, definitely in vogue. Effete males, rare and endangered, as are teeth. All in all, a fantastic place to be. People using all forms of tobacco, a lot. People free to do what they want, priceless.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Less than four pipes? One blend? That describes a good portion of the pipe smokers of my father's generation I knew. Not poseur in the bunch. They were a hard working, focused on family bunch. I miss them and their cohorts very much.



Jul 21, 2015
I doubt a hipster would last very long here. Beards, more than common. Tobacco usage way above average. Flannel shirts common. But, Confederate flags, definitely in vogue. Effete males, rare and endangered, as are teeth. All in all, a fantastic place to be. People using all forms of tobacco, a lot. People free to do what they want, priceless.
I'm told the scenery is awesome too, as is the moonshine. Sign me up.



Jul 21, 2015
But, we have had many self-professed hipsters here,many still do. What harm is it for them to join us in supporting the hobby.
Them as people? I don't know.
But hipsterism will destroy anything you love from inside. Don't take it from me. Watch. It takes awhile but then you realize how much of a terrible mistake has been made.



Can't Leave
Dec 24, 2013
Virginia, USA
Touche, but I'm not trying to perpetuate the thread (except now which shall endeth forthwith). I also learned (or confirmed) that never argue with an idiot saying... :nana:

Mar 1, 2014
I think this discussion could play out in reverse just as easily as it has progressed here.
If counter culture is fundamental to being "Hipster", then anyone who is "Hipster" will try to prevent other people from fitting what they consider to be "Hipster". Hipsters would probably find the thought of us trying to define "Hipster" completely revolting. Only a Hipster can say what "Hipster" is.

Calling someone a "Hipster" is insulting to Hipsters, what's more, even accepting someone's self proclamation as a "Hipster" is probably just as bad. For all we know every Hipster wants to be the only one, I wouldn't be surprised if they have Hipster fight clubs to continually shrink the "Hipster" population. But of course that would be a ruse, no Hipster would show up to an event claiming to be exclusive to "Hipsters", since there is only one true Hipster and that Hipster is inherently "Hipster", there is no debating it.

Thus, Hipsters should never be spoken of except to scare young children into eating their vegetables.



Can't Leave
Dec 8, 2012
North Idaho
Thus, Hipsters should never be spoken of except to scare young children into eating their vegetables.
If you don't eat your broccoli, your skin will turn to flannel, only skinny jeans will fit, and you'll vote for Bernie Sanders!
You said Hipster 19 times in that post..

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