On Hipsters

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Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I wonder what it is that makes some kids want to rattle the elders and rebel? I liked the elders of my family. My natural father was killed in Vietnam, so my adopted dad was really encouraging. Always encouraging me to be creative and artistic. But, being a jeweler he realized that there were way more opportunities in the arts than in other areas. I do the same for my kids.
Maybe some parents are just control freak jerks?



Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
MSO - I know what you're saying about your time in the Navy. My first unit in the Coast Guard was an icebreaker and a quite a few of the senior officers and enlisted had beards - including the Captain and XO. They also smoked pipes and cigars. I noticed that when we had new ensigns or cadets aboard for their summer training cruise, they all grew beards also.
I guess they were trying to emulate their senior. That and use their beards to blend in with the rest of the crew.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I am 58 and hipsters wish they were as cool as me. Hipsters have their thing, but they are not that cool. They think they are cool, but they don't know the meaning of the word. If they want lessons they can contact me and I will give them some.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Creativity and inspiration are pretty much dead on PM when yet another hipster thread grows to over 300 responses. This is kinda like unfunny Starcat.
Hipster = conformist.
Any social movement = conformity. Anything that can be labeled = conformity.
Even generational rebellion = conformity.
Individuality happens in spite of social movements.
It's natural for people to seek a tribe for identification. It's an instinct that been built into our lizard brains since our ancestors were roaming the grassy savannahs of Equatorial Africa. Find a tribe or get eaten by a lion.
Who gives a shit who smokes a pipe and enjoys tobaccos, as long as they smoke a pipe and enjoy tobaccos.
Unless it's Hitler smoking a pipe and enjoying tobacco. He's not worthy.
Hipster hats are crap, though. No brims worth a damn.



Jul 21, 2015
It's natural for people to seek a tribe for identification.
Hmm. That's an interesting point. Extending the social algebra:
Individualism = Conformity
And that I agree with, although it's heresy.
I used to have a note taped to the dashboard of my car that said, "If you define yourself with someone else's music, don't touch my stereo."
I think I'm going to make one of those, except that the stereo doesn't work and even if it did, it doesn't have a headphone jack for iPhone/Pad/Watch plugins.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
This is not "the mean streets". It is a pipe forum.
Best line so far.
Only if you're evaluating it using your own fixed opinions as a procrustian bed.
That's yours.
But to someone with no investment in it, the 300+ replies this has provoked show you what kind of topic actually pushes peoples' creativity and interest buttons.
No. As was pointed out over and over again by other responders, this thread's responses are largely a rehash of previously covered ground, so there is little to no creativity involved here.
When corporations run into that kind of intense resonance in the course of doing focus groups, they scramble to produce and market whatever it is that lights otherwise sedate people up.
Having participated in this activity at point in my "illustrious" film career I can say from my experience that focus groups result in decisions designed to homogenize and dumb down the product. Moreover, the "decider", may take an illogical position regarding the results that is more instructive regarding their personal demons than any conclusions suggested by the data.
What does happen in threads, as did in this one and which is happening now, is that topics meander. DM was repeatedly pointing out that the OP was being lost. Indeed it was, as indeed it still is. Which suggests that, far from being the "kind of topic actually pushes peoples' creativity and interest buttons", it's a pretext for a ramble.
"Philosophizing" is a popular activity here, as is navel gazing and various forms of mental masturbation. We're mostly too rickety to have at it with quarterstaves.



Jul 21, 2015
Today, over-specialization and the great speed of change have destroyed, or almost destroyed, the context of everything, and we are reduced to purely operational definitions and meanings. But, since all operational definitions are solipsist, and everything in the world today has become isolated and subjective, any meaning in either teleological or contextual or even functional terms has become impossible and we are faced with the total triumph of the Meaningless and The Absurd.
This seems highly accurate.
I can say from my experience that focus groups result in decisions designed to homogenize and dumb down the product.
Corporations are now looking, it seems, to social media to find where the resonance is. They have no idea what interests people, which is in itself suspect. But, if you find a whole bunch of people ranting and raving about something, you know it is relevant.
They may even be farming these very pages. If "anti-Hipster Pipes" become a thing, then you know we've been had.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
That's yours. :nana:
Still yours, unless you are oracular.
You've confused creativity with novelty. They are not synonyms. Exploring the ramifications of an idea in depth necessarily involves referencing back to previous posts.
No. I've confused nothing. I'm simply repeated what was posted by others.
Very post-modernist of you. There are no values any more -- only "personal opinions." Motivated by demons. If that's what works in your world, fine. But you could not project it onto me (or me into it. I don't belong there).
There's nothing post modernist about it. Moral and ethical relativism has been alive, well and active since Op mugged Pog to steal the mammoth's tooth.
And you have already projected yourself into it by expressing judgements over events for which you were not present.
In short, I think you read past the substance of the issue. Which was not the nominal topic. It was the clash of antithetical and mutually exclusive worldviews.
In simpler terms, it was a meandering ramble, the stuff of forums.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I've missed it! I've participated and, not once have I found any depth to this thread. I love "the sky is falling" posts. They usually result in diatribes, argument, screeds, and the ever wonderful "I am sooooo offended" responses.
Pipes and tobacco are to be taken seriously here, not too much though. "New and earthshaking" posts are fun, sometimes informative (rarely though), and never new or earthshaking in content. It's simply, good clean fun meant to exercise the mind and keyboard as far as I can tell



Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
Cosmic, chili is NOT soup. You may have soup flavored with chili seasonings that you eat with a spoon, but that's not authentic chili.



Mar 7, 2013
Aaaand... just when it was starting to look like the Universe's first Perpetual Motion Machine had been created, it grinds to a prosaic halt. :lol:



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Chili is always authentic. Authentic Texas chili. Firehouse chili. The most authentic chili, Mexican of which there are many variations, all authentic. I've had great chili verde, chili in SE Asia, and Spain. And, all the chilis were, by nature, soupy. Ergo, chili has to be soup. True even when served as an entree.
I believe in the old thread the old, ancient, stale, trite, well used, adage was used to prove the point; "it's not a sandwich unless it's Manwich!" I was terribly abused in the cited thread for suggesting that both hot dogs and hamburgers were sandwiches. I was terribly offended!
Yes, that thread was disappeared, leaving nary a trace, except memories of good times and a few cat hairs floating gently to the ground. An epic thread in the history of the board!



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
What's the difference between soup and stew? In theory, a soup is a combination of vegetables, meat or fish cooked in liquid. A stew is any dish that's prepared by stewing - that is, the food is barely covered with liquid and simmered for a long time in a covered pot.
- www.tasteofhome.com
What is the difference between a soup and a stew?

Generally, stews have less liquid than soups, are much thicker and require longer cooking over low heat. While soups are almost always served in a bowl, stews may be thick enough to be served on a plate with the gravy as a sauce over the solid ingredients.
- wikipedia
Chili seems to qualify for both appellations. Maybe it's a stewp?
I love making chili almost as much as I love eating it. And I buy my powders from El Potrero Trading Post
In fact, I'm about to mix up some chili rub to apply to a couple of pork chops in a moment.
I've eaten chili all over this great wide land and have only rarely encountered a bad bowl.

What would be a hipster approach to chili? Maybe this is the food to defeat hipsterism, or hipsteria! Would hipster chili be authentic?

Can chili between two slices of bread be a sandwich? Or would it be a much better idea to fill up a sopapilla with some green chili? If you don't know what a sopapilla is, you are not qualified to answer the question.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I make my chilli stew from ground venison, black beans, and ancho peppers. It's a very thick black chili, with a savory quality just after the initial heat. Sometimes, I'll add a little cubed rabbit to the mix for body. My kids won't eat rabbit unless I bury it in things and tell them its chicken.
We call it Black Stag Chili

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