Notes for the Rookies

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Sep 14, 2011
How did I miss this thread up until now? It's been worth several smiles. :D
And Aussielass has been worth a good :rofl:
I'm a firm believer in "smoke what ya like, and like what ya smoke". And lord knows I learned long ago that just because it's inexpensive tobacco, doesn't mean it's bad.
Enjoy your smokes, and be nice to one another - that's my motto. :puffy:



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
Cheers Jud :)
Well I'm glad most members enjoyed such a lively, invigorating "discussion", with even a suggestion being made that it be nominated as "thread of the year".
Reading back over it again and again, as one of the people it was firmly directed at, I can only say it has really crushed any joy and confidence I had developed since joining, to the point whereby I had a list of questions I couldn't find answers to after googling & searchig here that I was about to put up. Needless to say, that list is now in the trash and now future "rookies" won't get the benefit of reading your valuable answers/insights. Heaven forbid that I may ask something the elite consider beneath their years of smoking prowess and wisdom. I've learnt more in theory in 2 weeks than anyone could normally learn in years (you get that when you research voraciously, up to 16 hours a day, every day). Putting that theory into practice is another thing entirely but, alas, so many seem to have forgotten the frustration and devastation that goes along with that practice, or else they never experienced a tongue burning worse than when you eat a ringburner curry.
I now feel like some sort of freak for wanting outstandingly different, tastefully colourful, intricate pipes to shove in my feminine, albeit oft times Wharfie-like gob, and that my bizarre taste in pipes has caused pipe snobs worldwide to shiver in horror and think that I, and others like me, are nought more than an attention seeking "image smoker" rather than a tobacco addicted, somewhat eccentric WOMAN whose tastes may be abhorrent to you, but are absolutely classical to others possessed of natural style, poise and grace. As an aside, I now have 5 new pipe smokers under my wing (read joining your precious, hallowed hobby) after seeing some of my collection. ALL: And you? How many "rookies" are currently following your lead? None? Well then, stfu because these young guys will go on to keep this, YOUR hobby, well alive, as will those to whom they introduce to it.
I have never had the finger so blatantly pointed at me in such a manner in any of the many and varied forums I participate in, sharing my wealth of knowledge and experience, not to mention possessions, with rookies gently and lovingly, regardless of their tastes. To say this has been an extremely hurtful and humiliating experience, one that will stay on the www for all to see forever, is an understatement in the extreme.
I can only ask the rest of you to think long and hard before writing such a verbose, bombastic thread, or even just a post, because although it's only the internet, words still cut deeply and have a huge impact on the person they're directed to. No, I don't need to "take a cement pill and harden the F up", and if you suggest I do, beware the subsequent tongue lashing that will surely come your way! ALL I NEED are some feminine pipes that will see me through to my dying day. Pipes that will very simply, yet elegantly, give my pathetically weak mind and body the nicotine it doesn't function without, preferably ones some old sheepherder, not known for brushing his teeth, hasn't slobbered into for decades - aah, but then they would be the "norm" and NOT what I seek, which is so terribly offensive to the 'ol boys club it seems. :worship:
Phew, just as well my saving grace is that I DO also collect and appreciate the classic 'ol boys club type pipes, even if I just look at and fondle them. Hell, I may even smoke them behind closed doors, as I ponder the nature and lifetime of the old man, now probably long gone, and wonder if he's smiling down at me as I treasure, polish and preen his beloved possessions.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2011
Chicago, IL
I never got the impression anyone was pointing fingers, nor that anyone directly or indirectly was trying to silence or belittle any type of smoker or forum member.
And as one of te very few who, mostly for the sake of argument, took the anti-questions stance, I must point out that even i sayed questions were sometimes unavoidable and even Important while most everyone else retorted with rants claiming "ALL QUESTIONS, ALL THE TIME, MORE PLEASE!!!"



Aug 14, 2011
+1 to bakerville
I want you to go to your trash can and get those questions back damnit lol



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
Baskerville, hell no, you didn't offend at all, and tell your wife don't give up .... fight the system, fight the bastards, MAKE THEM CATER TO WOMEN TOO! This isn't a passing fad, it's going to be a lifelong "must do thing", just like breathing or bathing, a passion for some - wish I could feel it.
Undecagon - clearly you missed a thread I put up enquiring as to where I could procure "my type" of pipes, this is what the OP was directly referring to.
Juozapas - thanks for that great input! :clap:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 1, 2010
Just one thought to add to an incredible topic.

Never assume that because someone new arrives and has a very low post count, that they are new to Pipe Smoking.

I have seen this happen several times and have been quite put out at the way some have responded.
Just saying. 8)



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2011
Chicago, IL
Ah yes. Just looked back into older threads and found your topic. I do remember that one now.
Because this post began almost immediately after the smoking jacket thread, that one just stuck out in my mind, but I see the obvious reference to yours as well now.
That said...sorry, but do stick around. Your input is always enjoyable, and I think the masses agreed that the points you take offense to were misguided anyway!



Jun 16, 2011
Aussielass, I'm sorry you were offended by some of the posts here, and especially sorry if I contributed to any of it, which I hope I didn't. That being said, I really have enjoyed your posts, and it thrills me to see more women joining the forum, and taking up the pipe. You, and Cyndi are two of my favorite posters on here, and I'd hate think anyone would do anything to make you feel unwelcome here. As far as I'm concerned, you keep right on doing what you've been doing, and I'll be happy to do whatever I can to answer any questions you may have. I really enjoy seeing posts with a females perspective on the hobby. I do know how you feel because I've seen the same thing happen in forums that I belong to in another male dominated hobby (amateur radio). Just stand your ground, and enjoy the hobby, you have a lot to bring to this forum.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I'm kinda new to this pipe smoking thing too. :D

Well.... sometimes I feel that way when I try something new and exciting...
Never assume that because someone new arrives and has a very low post count, that they are new to Pipe Smoking.

Hey Robs, I hope I don't fall into that category.
Seriously; I try not to make any kind of assumptions about new members.

I'm one of the "Ask away" guys.

(I'm not pointing fingers... That's not my style.) Just offering my opinion/attitude.

I know there are times when a question that has been asked numerous times resurfaces.

In those cases one must bear in mind that over time the 50 or so "regulars" change a bit.

New folks come in, others drift away and therefore the personality mix changes over time.

It's all good. Those changes in dynamics are conducive to lively and fresh discussions.

With that in mind... every now and then a question comes up that really opens a can o' worms, even though it may have been discussed ad infinitum.

Those are fun.

As for being new to this Forum and having years of experience under the belt...

I fell into that category when I first joined up.

I had been smoking a pipe for nearly 35 years before I found this site...

And, to be brutally honest, I soon discovered that I didn't know "squat" about pipe tobaccos.

I knew what I liked... but, didn't know why, or what aspects of the tobacco actually appealed to me.

When my eyes opened... I came to realize that there are many blends that fit into my "appeals to me" categories.

I still have much-much more to learn.

And, where pipes are concerned... I think; over-all the "Belly Button Rule" applies.





Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
And, where pipes are concerned... I think; over-all the "Belly Button Rule" applies.
Lawrence, do you mean, some have "innies" and some have "outies"?
A bit like, I have "titties" y'all have "willies", and I honestly do try to make a huge effort to make allowances for the latter misfortune you must bear!
Thanks Mark and all the others for your kindness and mountains of PM's, the majority here have the most incredible gentleness of spirit, culture and magnificence that is truly captivating to an 'ol bushpig like me and when I read some of you guys posts and PMs I really do feel an inner glow at how you speak to each other and newbies alike.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
Aaaah, over here we say assholes, not belly buttons - but then, we are common convicts afterall :)



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2011
Am I the only one who had a sticking point at five?
There is such a thing as a bad smoker -- ergo the definition 'good smoker' is useful, particularly if you don't understand the mechanics of a pipe. .. or just happen to think you sound a bit pompous when you talk about such a thing (guilty of this myself).
Its like tobaccos as well -- I personally only have tow types of taste, savory and bitter. The rest of my tastes don't exist because there are only a very sparse few of those buds on my tongue. I can give you thousands of different explanations of bitter. .. but 99% of people can't taste them so why bother? Further, if there's a honey taste, a malt taste, a flowery undertone .. I can't taste these things unless the scent is sufficiently strong (which for most of these specialized and light flavours, it is not sadly). I'd make an AWFUL tobacco reviewer beyond "I like this" or "I don't"



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I think we have a record here....

:clap: Congratulations Paul for the 100th post to a thread in a single day. :clap:

Your decoder ring is lost in the mail. :oops:



Jun 16, 2011
I'd make an AWFUL tobacco reviewer beyond "I like this" or "I don't"
Yoru, at the end of the day, that's all that matters. I'm sure a lot of people would like to know this and that about what you did or did not taste when you tried a blend, but no matter how much info you try to give on the subtleties of a particular blend, it will be different for someone else. Bottom line, if you like it, you smoke it, if you don't like it pass it on to someone else, or cellar it for a while to see if it improves with age or your tastes change. Happy smoking!



Mar 9, 2010
"Supreme Center for the Pipe Smoking Arts"
I want this place to be real, maybe with a great museum collection of old pipes, pipe-related art etc.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
OMG Amalgam, OMG you are a brilliant, brilliant individual - I nominate that as "Post Of The Decade!"
I bet there's a few peeps in the inner sanctum wishing they had the ability to edit their posts right now.
Your post should be made a sticky as a reminder for those suffering delusions of grandeur to always remain humble and helpful to we dreaded rookies who disrupt their forum.
You absolutely nailed it perfectly about us newbies asking questions - I don't want to come here just to chew the fat, banter & giggle, I wanted to be able to ask "stupid" questions that some dear 'ol souls would happily share their wisdom and knowledge so that when they are gone, I can honour their legacy and do likewise, as could the people I pass their words on to when I'm dust. It will be a long, long time before I ever have the courage to ask another question! Now all that's left is to read and try to learn but sometimes there's still that deep desire to know something to the enth degree that may not have been covered.

Jun 26, 2011
Pacific Northwest USA
I don't care for confrontation, mainly cuz I ain't no good at it.

Much like Thumper I strive to follow the "If you can't say something nice don't say nuthin" rule. That's just me.
Along comes aussielass and now, now we hear from amalgam.
Holy shit Batman! Amalgam shoots and damn well scores.

Truth reads so well amalgam, a pleasure to read your perspectives sir. That post made my entire morning.
As for you aussielass... you better ask any questions you have, in public forum. If you don't do so the stuffed shirts win!

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