Cheers Jud

Well I'm glad most members enjoyed such a lively, invigorating "discussion", with even a suggestion being made that it be nominated as "thread of the year".
Reading back over it again and again, as one of the people it was firmly directed at, I can only say it has really crushed any joy and confidence I had developed since joining, to the point whereby I had a list of questions I couldn't find answers to after googling & searchig here that I was about to put up. Needless to say, that list is now in the trash and now future "rookies" won't get the benefit of reading your valuable answers/insights. Heaven forbid that I may ask something the elite consider beneath their years of smoking prowess and wisdom. I've learnt more in theory in 2 weeks than anyone could normally learn in years (you get that when you research voraciously, up to 16 hours a day, every day). Putting that theory into practice is another thing entirely but, alas, so many seem to have forgotten the frustration and devastation that goes along with that practice, or else they never experienced a tongue burning worse than when you eat a ringburner curry.
I now feel like some sort of freak for wanting outstandingly different, tastefully colourful, intricate pipes to shove in my feminine, albeit oft times Wharfie-like gob, and that my bizarre taste in pipes has caused pipe snobs worldwide to shiver in horror and think that I, and others like me, are nought more than an attention seeking "image smoker" rather than a tobacco addicted, somewhat eccentric WOMAN whose tastes may be abhorrent to you, but are absolutely classical to others possessed of natural style, poise and grace. As an aside, I now have 5 new pipe smokers under my wing (read joining your precious, hallowed hobby) after seeing some of my collection. ALL: And you? How many "rookies" are currently following your lead? None? Well then, stfu because these young guys will go on to keep this, YOUR hobby, well alive, as will those to whom they introduce to it.
I have never had the finger so blatantly pointed at me in such a manner in any of the many and varied forums I participate in, sharing my wealth of knowledge and experience, not to mention possessions, with rookies gently and lovingly, regardless of their tastes. To say this has been an extremely hurtful and humiliating experience, one that will stay on the www for all to see forever, is an understatement in the extreme.
I can only ask the rest of you to think long and hard before writing such a verbose, bombastic thread, or even just a post, because although it's only the internet, words still cut deeply and have a huge impact on the person they're directed to. No, I don't need to "take a cement pill and harden the F up", and if you suggest I do, beware the subsequent tongue lashing that will surely come your way! ALL I NEED are some feminine pipes that will see me through to my dying day. Pipes that will very simply, yet elegantly, give my pathetically weak mind and body the nicotine it doesn't function without, preferably ones some old sheepherder, not known for brushing his teeth, hasn't slobbered into for decades - aah, but then they would be the "norm" and NOT what I seek, which is so terribly offensive to the 'ol boys club it seems. :worship:
Phew, just as well my saving grace is that I DO also collect and appreciate the classic 'ol boys club type pipes, even if I just look at and fondle them. Hell, I may even smoke them behind closed doors, as I ponder the nature and lifetime of the old man, now probably long gone, and wonder if he's smiling down at me as I treasure, polish and preen his beloved possessions.