4. A pipe is not part of a costume (at least not to us). Pictures of your “smoking jacket” or questions about where to find ‘wild and crazy’ colored pipes, or pipes carved into wacky shapes, or pipes carved out of exotic (and sometimes questionable) materials imply that you’re more interested in the IMAGE of pipe smoking than actual pipe smoking (again, see #1 above).
Righteo, as part of the OP was directed squarely at me I shall reply thus:
"A pipe is not part of a costume"
"where to find wild and crazy coloured pipes"
- err, umm, it may've escaped your notice sir, but in the main, quality, genuine smoking pipes tend to be extremely masculine in appearance - any ideas why that could be I wonder - well golly geez, I ain't no rocket scientist, but I reckon I could establish the unequivocal answer to that lickety split? When I'm at a formal function and wish to smoke, I have no desire whatsoever to pull out a boring as bat poo plain briar pipe that makes me look like a butch bull dyke from the neck up!
As you have testes instead of ovaries, I do not expect you to grasp the concept of a female smoker viewing her pipe as (a) a way of getting her nicotine fix and (b) complimenting her somewhat bizarre/unorthodox chosen smoking manner (as perceived by the vast majority of the population) by at least smoking something extraordinary, aesthetically pleasing and one that, to an extent, reflects her personality at any given smoking gathering i.e. at the Operetta I'll smoke my heavily gold trimmed Kay Woodie c.1900, but when out at 4WD comps, I'll be smoking my Nording or Winslow!
Just who is "us", is there a panel of Smoking Gods somewhere in an ivory tower on high that have escaped my research? Or, do you purport to speak on behalf of every serious pipe smoker here & on planet earth?
..imply that you’re more interested in the IMAGE of pipe smoking than actual pipe smoking
Again, another broad and terribly incorrect assertion on your part my good man.
The IMAGE of smoking is one that is held in very low esteem by the majority, scorned and scoffed at, we are, by all and sundry when they encounter anyone choofing on tobacco, albeit the pipe smoke smell suffers less on occasion!
I don't give a fkng fat rat's crack about the so-called image of smoking - to what "image" do you refer, a smelly old peasant herding his sheep? I've been a heavily nicotine addicted woman for 38 long and very expensive & unhealthy years. The ONLY reason I turned to the pipe is that my Ex partner refused to continue supporting my habit of 20-30 Cafe Creme Cigarellos a day which was costing him $230 per week as he earns a very modest salary. So, without nicotine, it was either Philip Nitschke's "EXIT" group or the pipe for moi!
I really don't know where you get off suggesting my desire to smoke my preferred type of pipes that are an absoltue joy to collect, restore and hand on to my children as very tangible momentos of their eccentric old mother, is in any way not fit for this forum, or that such questions give rise to angst within yourself, and perhaps others. If the forum has an ignore button, add me to your list in the short term until I am gone! If not, familiarise yourself with the back button, and ignore my posts, it's not difficult!
When I am bed bound & heavily medicated, I spend countless hours trying to absorb the wisdom of others, sitting here practising their methods, tips and trick. To awake to this, being made to feel as though my questions have disrupted and interrupted yours (and others) sense of officianado pipe smoking snobbery is very upsetting to my sense of being a newbie with a desire to learn and absorb everything from those willing to culture and educate me, whereas your comments which are akin to crushing my enthusiasm for something I really was forced into by circumstance yet I decided to make the best of it, just as I have done to date.
You'll be pleased to know I've expended all I can on gathering my collection. In future, I shall read, learn and enjoy, but as for asking questions, I feel I may be better going to yahoo and asking the unwashed. Then there shall be absolutely no need for you to continue straining your eye muscles heavenward nor concerning yourself with excess and/or needless effluvium, pfft!!!!
Hmm, I really have a huge dilemma, what pipe to smoke with this outfit, can anyone make a suggestion, it only needs to have a little bit of pink in the stem: