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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2011
Chicago, IL
I dont understand what all the hoop-la is about.
I actually just enjoy a good argument. Don't find many here because people are so polite - which is awesome. But for someone like me who likes a little agree-to-disagree discussions, this seemed like a good thread.



Might Stick Around
Oct 30, 2011
Monroe, NC
I think we all should just go have a good smoke and enjoy ourselves! That's why I got into pipe smoking and I'm sure we can all agree that's what its all about. The pleasure of tasting different tobacco's and blends and to enjoy ourselves and the art of pipe smoking.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
It's starting to get racial
Huh, I don't get that at all, just can't fathom it. Smiles, just goes to show how vastly different some people's perceptions are though.
I could have said everything I said above in one simple sentence, "I smoke a pipe because I HAVE TO smoke something, and figured that would somehow be the least expensive way of getting my nicotine hit (OMG how wrong I was about that lmfao). However, at the same time, I don't want any of my out in public pipes to look like my grandpa's!!!" Do I enjoy smoking? No, I do NOT, I am an addict, plain and simple, but I'll be one with pezzazz!
Most of my friends are half, or just over half my age (read young and vibrant professionals) and they've all been curious, delighted and amazed by my wondrous finds, and I already have quite a few Dr G's etc earmarked to give away as gifts to some of the boyz, even a young smokin' surgeon!



May 29, 2011
One of the reasons that I stayed on this forum is the absence of ridiculous rules or concepts, making this a fun place to spend a little time and enjoy discussing my favorite past time with a few like minded folk. I do not believe in censorship, I do believe in turning the channel if you don't like what's on the Telly. I think a pipe can be a good smoker, and if someone wishes me to elaborate on that, I will. I think a pipe is in fact a fashion accessory as well as a tool to smoke tobacco, otherwise there would be only one shape and size. My comments might not be as technical or elaborate as a professional taster, but I think someone may understand me better than another who may be more aloof. On another thread I had remarked about not needing rules to enjoy our hobby, and I stand by that statement. Let's have fun people. If there is an issue, our fine moderators will take care of it. :puffy:



Oct 12, 2011
Just stuffed a cobb with PS Lux Navy Flake,poured a Ez Brooks,and will quietly slip in to the night.May God bless all that want his blessings and have a good night.



Feb 1, 2010
#9 While every one is entitled to their opinion, if I disagree with you about a pipe, tobacco or lets face it, just about anything else then at least have the courtesy to realize I'm right since I'm nearly always right and to leave it at that. Let's face it, I'm filled with the knowledge and the wisdom of the ages despite my misuse of the non-word "irregardless" for a number of years.

Jul 15, 2011
#9 While every one is entitled to their opinion, if I disagree with you about a pipe, tobacco or lets face it, just about anything else then at least have the courtesy to realize I'm right since I'm nearly always right and to leave it at that. Let's face it, I'm filled with the knowledge and the wisdom of the ages despite my misuse of the non-word "irregardless" for a number of years.
:rofl: Thank god Hauntedmyst saved the day on this one. This thread was starting to get WAY out of hand!



Mar 9, 2010
I'm pretty sure that if one was to go back to the start of everyone's posting history many newbie questions would appear. I'm just saying. :lol:
After three years I still manage to screw up when smoking occasionally. There is still lots and lots to learn! And that is what makes this such a great hobby.



Aug 30, 2011
This type of thread runs it's course through every pipe forum, in one way or another, every year or so, and they serve to test the mettle of each forum.
This forum seems to holding it's own, more or less, and that is a good thing.
While I think the OP could have been more carefully thought out and worded, I do applaud the spirit of it. I understand the frustration of reading questions, however earnest, that have no concrete answer, and wanting to make everyone understand that some things just have to be experienced and worked through, there is no quick fix. One drawback of having such a breadth of experience in one place is different levels of experience sharing the same conversation. A couple of old bastards can argue back and forth about using Kosher salt or cotton balls, everclear or rum,, and all of a sudden a new smoker reading the post can get to thinking that sanitizing a pipe is really serious enough to merit all this discussion. Now, the old bastards are just skinning their wind, arguing amongst themselves, but the beginning smoker, who wants to do the right thing can get caught up in a bunch of inane banter that ultimately doesn't help him or her.
This past September marked my 25th year of pipesmoking. My goal in participating pipe forums is to have fun and help newer smokers get through the basics, and encourage them to carry on this fine hobby. But I'm also here to learn, everyday I'm hearing about new or old tobaccos to try, and just generally absorbing everything I can to get more out of my smoking.
I'll stop rambling now.



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL

While I agree this should be a safe place to ask questions, I also think that questions readily answered via google don't deserve a thread.
I have a different opinion.
The more discussions, the more content, and the more page views we have makes for a bigger, better site that will stay around for a much longer time.
That's my perspective from the guy that is responsible for paying the bills.
Keep in mind that a person may have done a Google search that led them to this site. PM has tons of good rankings in Google. Many of those search rankings lead into the forums.

Every time some new guy posts a question that they deem simple or answered one to many times they respond with, "learn to use the search function."
If anybody here ever gives that reply, they will get a personal communication from me and it will count as two strikes against them.

Finally I think I've kept the conversation civil...
Yes, you have, and thank you for that.
I think this is one of the best discussions we've had here in a while.
I'm out of here tomorrow for the West Coast Pipe Show, so I will be dropping out of the discussions for a while.



Mar 22, 2011
Cool! Kevin's gone! Now let me tell you what I REALLY think...
Just kidding Kev... have a safe trip!



Jun 21, 2011
Cool! Kevin's gone! Now let me tell you what I REALLY think
Bigvan :rofl:



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2011
Chicago, IL
I wanted to restate a comment I made, as many people have quoted the first part and seemingly ignored the second, which was the more critical of the two.
I remember some point regarding frivolous questions vs. questions that the newbs might believe to be life changing. Being a pipe smoker for a little over four years now, i can agree there are some seemingly basic care/smoking question i have rolled my eyes at. While I agree this should be a safe place to ask questions, I also think that questions readily answered via google don't deserve a thread. Also, I believe the concept of "try it out" is extremely important for a fresh pipe smoker. Hopefully you aren't beginning on a masterpiece pipe or cherished family heirloom, so go ahead and experiment with smoking speeds, lighting methods, etc. If you hurt your beginner pipe a bit that's sad, but not devastating. Then, once you think you know what the right answers are for yourself, you can open a thread where instead of asking "how thick should my cake be" you can say "i keep my cakes super thick" and tell us why, while other discuss their reaming habbits.
People see the googling doesn't deserve a thread sentence and stop saying -- THAT'S WRONG! And perhaps they are right, but the point I was trying to make is in the last sentence. "you can open a thread where instead of asking "how thick should my cake be" you can say "i keep my cakes super thick" and tell us why, while other discuss their reaming habits." Although there may be certain issues that are just to scary to try on your own first (understandable), I was just trying to say that I would prefer to see a thread that states an opinion on a topic and opens up discussion agree/disagree, vs. a blank question thread.
That all being said, I am trying to get across that that is why I personally am here, for the discussions, and sometimes arguments, over topics. I understand others are here for different reasons, and when I see blind questions that I know the answer to, I still will likely answer. And my luck -- I'll probably have a blind question to ask within the next few days now :?
And, for those that like simplicity - sorry you read all that, all you need is:
IMO Discussion Thread>Question Thread



Part of the Furniture Now
May 15, 2010
The simple answer to your delimia is really quite simple, don't read threads that you find, repetitive, simple or anoying...



Part of the Furniture Now
May 15, 2010
In MY case, EVERY post is a jem ment to be cherished by the m-asses....



Sep 7, 2011
Capac, Michigan
I don't agree with number 4.I agree a pipe is not a costume, and I don't view it as such.I posted a picture of my smoking jacket because I thought it was kinda cool, and that people here might find it interesting.It isn't an actual smoking jacket, I just use it as such. I was also wondering if anyone here had a smoking jacket or just a jacket they use for smoking. I didn't spend anytime trying to "look like a pipe smoker".I mean, what does a pipe smoker look like? We all look different.I got it as a Halloween costume, and found it to be warm and that the material was thick. Perfect for smoking in the cold(since I can't smoke inside) and perfect for keeping the smell of smoke off my clothes, since my family hates the smell of smoke.I also disagree with how you said you against wacky pipes and accessories, I've always liked novelty items.I've heard people here say that pipe smoking is about personal expression and enjoyment, so does it matter what a pipe looks like as long as the owner likes it? If their pipe is oddly shaped are they less of a pipe smoker? For accessories I think they should be different. I mean a tamper can look like whatever as long as it tamps. What difference does appearance make? If it weren't for these differences, everything would be rather similar and boring. Diversity is what makes the world interesting. Just my opinions



Aug 14, 2011
Yeah um... I love the threads where someone asks "OMG MY TONGUE HURTS WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME!?!?!?!"
Cuz I can TOTALLY answer that. With 3 solid months on pipe smoking under my belt I can answer 95% of the noob questions; being a noob myself and all.
I agree with you in respect that I love discussion threads more than question threads, BUT the new pipe smoker ONLY has questions and cannot participate in discussion threads because they just do not know what the hell everyone is talking about.
I think of question threads as my "JOB" as a pipe smoker. To pass on knowledge and personal experiences to others so they can learn from my rights and wrongs accordingly.
Discussion threads are like the "WAGES" they are fun and EVERYONE has an opinion about it and the community will argue night and day [Like this thread!], and it's EXTREMLY entertaining and even educational. And that's the bread and butter for a forum. Enthralling discussion.
But to be able to have a discussion, you must first educate the newcomers. Even the old farts here have said from time to time that they are learning new things as well. And we learn by asking questions we don't know the answer to.....and to use the search function every now and again... :roll:

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