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Nov 5, 2016
Hello Fellow pipe smokers. Scott here. I just joined. I have smoked pipes off and on for a while but my go to smoke was always cigars but I have found myself picking up a pipe more and more of late and have finally decided to devote all my time to pipes. I find I am more calm and relaxed with my pipes so there it is. Also my wife is happier! I'm looking forward to embracing this new hobby and discovering all the new experiences and friends along the way! Thanks for reading!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 22, 2016
Akron, OH
Howdy all! My name is John. Just got into piping in March this year. Its been a slippery slope as ive managed to collect over 40 pipes and 130lbs of tobaccos, many unopened. Think I finally got the smoking learning curve down so I don't blast my tongue with hot steam. Other than that I come from a 8yr background in smoking cigars!



Nov 9, 2016
Greetings everyone. My names Erik and I have been smoking pipes for about 25 years now. I mainly have been using a churchwarden as of late. I smoke mostly aromatics and am very fond of Sutliff Private Stock Molto Dolce but I am always open to suggestions.



Nov 1, 2016
Hello all!
I started my pipe adventure when I was very young... Over 30 years ago now, but I remember it like it was yesterday, It seemed like just a normal day to me, I opened the door to the shed and got out my bike, grabbed my trusty fishing pole, then set out on the hour long ride to my favorite fishing hole, On my way I stopped at the lil country store in my hometown to get me a soda and some penny candy.
(Wait... Maybe I should back up just a bit...

Ok, so a few months prior to that day I had lost something very important to me, My Grandfather and fishing companion, whenever we went fishing he would light a cigar to keep the skeeters away... But, since I didn't have him anymore, I would have to improvise...)
So I looked around the store and decided to get a cob and a pouch of Middleton's apple pipe tobacco as well. (Funny how easy it was to enjoy life back then) So I got down to the waters edge then climbed up onto the large granite ledge and perched myself right under the ol hickory tree... Got settled in, baited my hook, packed a bowl and lit a match. At first it smelled way better to me than them the old stinky cigar stubs my Grandfather puffed on to keep the skeeters away. But something was missing... I spent more time thinking that day than fishing while the pipe kept the bugs confused, It kept me calm and grounded in the real world while my mind drifted into deep lucid thought.
Wish they still made that tobacco, it was kinda gross but... well you all know.
Hope that wasn't to much of an intro... :puffpipe:



Might Stick Around
Nov 10, 2016
Hey guys/gals new to the forums. Been smoking a pipe off and on for about five years. long time cigar smoker



Nov 14, 2016
Hello all,

Not new pipe smoker here, but new to forum, although along time lurker and podcast listener.
Love collecting and restoring pipes. Love my C&D based blends. Love discussing all.
Some may know my from my cigar posting days as JMN on various forums (ICC, BOTL, etc) Got a little burned out on those, but need to get back into them at some point.
I restore pipes, and you may have seen some of my work if you live in southern Oklahoma and North Carolina, or as a restored pipe on the great "Pipestud" store. I reside in SoCal now.
Glad to be here and you can always follow my and my work at



Nov 16, 2016
Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum and new to the culture. I just started smoking a pipe about a month ago, and so far I'm obsessed. I'm still trying to find the tobaccos I enjoy. Frog Morton's on the Town has just become a new favorite. I started on aromatics, but am finding myself veering away from them more and more. I do really enjoy Lane's 1Q though. So far I have 3 pipes with a Peterson Christmas 2016 x105 on the way. Couldn't pass up the good price on ebay.
I hope to learn a lot from all of you.



Nov 16, 2016
Hello Everyone,

Long time (but very slow paced) cigar and hooka smoker here. I picked up a corn cob starter set on a whim whilst ordering cigars, and have definitely hit the ground running. In two weeks I have acquired about 8 pipes, and about 10 different starter tobaccos based on recommendations I have found lurking this forum and other Internet resources. Although it is pretty early, I do find that I like pipe smoking more so than cigars. I defiantly like that I can get a fresh cob pipe and 2oz's of tobacco for less than a single premium stick!! I look forward to my new hobby! I do have a few odd questions and comments, but I will place them in the appropriate sub forum.





Jun 27, 2016
Wilmette, IL
Hey Everyone,

I actually joined this forum a while back and figured it was time to join in. I actually started smoking a pipe years ago when I was in the Navy. So a couple years ago when I retired I started thinking about what I could do to keep myself busy. Ding....then it dawned on me that I smoke pipes, I'm fairly knowledgeable about pipes, why not restore/refinish and sell used/estate pipes. Not only keeps me busy, but make some pocket change as for me. I do a lot of research on the pipes I restore, so I can provide the correct info to my customers if they should ask. And while doing my research, info from members here at the pipesmagazine forum seemed to pop-up a I joined.



Nov 18, 2016
Been lurking for awhile figured it was time to "get on board". LOL Long time pipe smoker, getting into it as more of a hobby. Hoping to meet new people and get different perspectives on this wonderful past time.

Nov 19, 2016
Hi everyone .
I am a wood turner, from time to time I get orders in for custom made wood/metal or wood/glass pipes.

I have a passion for wood, normally I only use natural materials and natural wood color .

I collected exotic woods for a couple of decades and bought out a couple of companies exotic wood stock when they were going out of business .

I have a strong mechanical back ground and have some what of a machinist too ( Some what ).

I have several lathes and my shop is a total mess at the ,moment.

I have been working on a pipe for a couple days .

And should have the pipe done in 2 weeks.
When I get the pipe finished I will be more then happy to post a few photos.

I don't wish to deceive anyone my pipes are made to smoke MJ in them ..

They also are slightly different then any pipe I have ever seen .
Thought I would introduce myself and look forward to some enjoyable conversations



Nov 20, 2016
Hi all,
Just wanted to introduce myself and say thanks for all the good information I've picked up here.
My favorite pipes would be what some call "American Classics" - Kaywoodies, Grabows, cobs... have a few "nice" pipes but always come back to my favorites.
My favorite tobaccos are probably the stronger GH and SG smokes, with a fair amount of GLP, C&D, and such thrown in.
Oh, I spend my workdays trying to teach math to high school students so I might be a little insane.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 27, 2016
Hello community,

Long-time recipient of great information from this forum, finally decided to register. Both my dad and grandfather smoked pipes and I'm a happy inheritor of some of theirs. While carefully cleaning these pipes (built-up gunk & green stems), I've added a few new pipes along the way that appealed to me. I genearlly prefer smaller pipes; looking at my predecesor's pipes, either they did too--or pipes in general have gotten a lot larger since they died. My oldest briars are inherited 1930/40s through to the 70s (mostly British & Danish), my newest is Savinelli's "chubby cutty." Looking forward to learning more & hope to make a few friends. Cheers! Sats



Part of the Furniture Now
May 27, 2011
Sierra Foothills
Welcome to the site. This is a great place, enjoy.
Yes Drydock, my pipes from the 60s are small compared to those I have purchased lately. Maybe group 2. We did not have the time as youngsters to take a 1.5 hour break I guess. :crazy:
lone red tree



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 29, 2016
Greetings from the Canadian Eastern Arctic.

Newish pipe smoker here, having made a segue from the cigar world in the last year.

I like English and oriental blends ... so far.

I use and collect Canadian made pipes: Brigham, Blatter, Trypis, Calich.



Might Stick Around
Nov 25, 2016
Hey guys! I joined up just last week, started a couple of threads already with questions I had in the beginners forum section, but thought I'd introduce myself here..
I am English but working as a volunteer in Romania, with an American charity, managing everything day to day, so life is fun, challenging, busy but very rewarding!
I got into pipe smoking just over a month ago, and since then have started building up a small collection of pipes and pipes so far are Peterson Irish Harp 03 shape, Falcon bent stem with Pllymouth bowl, an Aldo Morelli bent shape pipe called Palazzo which I bought locally here in Romania and have found NOTHING about it online so far! A church warden is being added to my collection pipe inspirations are Gandalf, Sherlock Holmes, Bing Crosby and CS Lewis...Mark Twain's attitude to the whole thing, and in fact life, was also awesome!
i have collected about 20 tobaccos so far...i'm waiting for some of them from America to arrive like Dunhill Early Morning Pipe and Night Cap, Sutliff Pumpkin Spice, far from the blends I could get here in Romania, the best is Peterson's Connoisseurs Choice, and Peterson Sherlock Holmes...although I like their Gold Blend too...I have a tin of Artisan's Blend coming locally which I will test out asap...
love these forums and in fact everything I've found on this site...and the camaraderie that exists here is great...modern pipe smokers definitely live up to the gentlemanly stereotype our ancestors created!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 30, 2016
Greetings all.

South Louisiana newb smoker here. Always loved the smell of pipe tobacco since I was a kid. I chewed and dipped for years (no longer), and recently the desire to smoke a pipe grabbed me and I couldn't resist. Enjoying Cult Conspiracy at the moment, along with Drew Estates' Toasted Black Cavendish.
Still haven't found the smoke aroma I remember when I was a kid though.
This board is cool, I'm glad I found it.



Dec 3, 2016
Norfolk. England.
Hi all.
Just joined this fantastic forum.Been a pipe man on and off since the late 80,s .
At the moment enjoying Balkan and English ,but looking forward to trying out new blends.



Dec 1, 2016
FNG here. I started pipe smoking back in late June of this year. Started off with aromatics, but have been trying and liking some English blends, namely Nightcap. My pipe collection has grown to 8 pipes, mostly el cheapo refurbished estate pipes from eBay, but I recently picked up a Savinelli Trevi Rustic 310.

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