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Aug 19, 2016
Hello from Arkansas. I'm very new to pipe smoking. I picked up my first pipe just 4 days ago, a fully restored Dr Grabow starfish estate pipe. Have got several more pipes since and I am really beginning to enjoy myself. Looking forward to learning and sharing with the folks around here. :)



Aug 19, 2016
Hi, my name is Brian, coming here from Norway (originally from the US). I have been smoking pipes for about a year now and am slowly amassing a collection of both pipes and tobaccos. I don't smoke usually, mostly weekend enjoyments, so even with my small tobacco collection, I think I am approaching a lifetime of smokes every time I purchase more and more tobacco to just cellar. :)
I also taken up a hobby of hunting down estate pipes at flea markets/antique shops/etc. to restore them to a point where they can be usable. I found and finished a really nice and old Stanwell that was in perfect shape other than having some mild stem oxidation.
Taking trips outside of Norway is when my pipe/tobacco collecting goes into hyper-drive. 50g tins are $30-$40 USD in Norway. I occasionally buy a tin or two here, if they are only available here (there is a few blends from a B&M in Bergen that I like) or hard to find on trips (Orlik Golden Blend!) But, in the US and the EU, it's so much cheaper. There are bulk options, but it is more a pick & mix and not any value. Whenever I go back to the US, I am sure to stock up on cheaper bulks, particularly of American brands, like McClelland, which can probably only be shipped here, with the likelihood of a high customs cost (got to try it though, since no more Christmas cheer if the FDA gets their way!)
I switch between Virginias/VaPers, Englishes and 'mild' aromatics, with the tendency to the two former ones. There is no strong preference for any of them; the variety keeps things sane for me.
So that's me, I hope to join in conversations here.



Jul 15, 2016
Hello all,
First I want to apologize; I did not realize that this was the first thing that I was supposed to do.
Now, to the reply.
I'm Benjamin or Ben or Benj, or any other derivative which you can come up with. I am from rural central Pennsylvania, but I spend most of my time in Hanover, New Hampshire, where I attend Dartmouth College, majoring in Engineering Physics (I would like to end up in aerospace). I only smoke occasionally and have quickly found that I tend to more tobacco-forward and less aromatic blends. I enjoy English bends and am looking forward to cracking open a VaPer, though It may be a while, since I do not smoke often.
As one who enjoys cooking (and, of course, eating!) gourmet, part of my draw to the pipe-smoking world was the appeal of learning the nuances of the different blend styles and discerning the character of blenders. Naturally, I am quite bummed about the new FDA regulations, and am trying to stock up. I have, in the way of pipes, a MM cob (unknown model from drugstore), a couple MM minis, and a Kaywoodie campus billiard which is currently getting salt and alcohol.
So thanks for having me, looking forward to getting to know you all, and heres hoping these new regs get recognized as the illogical garbage that they are*,
Benjamin Nesselrodt
*If it wasn't so personally irksome, this case would be fascinating to me. I enjoy studying government, and this is such a well-coordinated combination of lobbying, uncontrolled bureaucracy, suppression of research, and lack of rule of law. Someone ought to do a case study on it.



Jul 15, 2016
^^^Should include a big Thanks! to codecreatively for sending me samples to guide me in my exploration of this new world.



Aug 22, 2016
Hello All,
I'm Chester from Los Angeles, been a cigar smoker for years. Pipe was something I've always been interested in. I had an uncle who'd smoke a bowl or two every night and loved the smell. I'm hoping to learn as much as I can here and get to know some of you.



Might Stick Around
Aug 29, 2016
Hello from the heart of the currently-sunny-but-soon-to-be-gloomy-and-depressing Moscow, Russia.

My name is Nickolai, I’m 32 and, God forgive me, I’m a lawyer.

For me it all started with a cheap briar pipe left from my grand-grandfather, who was a career officer in the navy (as romantic as it can be). I bought a couple of pipes (mostly no-name estates) and from that point on was in an on and off relationship with pipe smoking. I don’t smoke cigarettes so stopping for any period of time doesn’t cause me any problems. Couple of years ago I became a family man (wife, two kids, rented flat – the whole package), so pipe smoking crept back into my life as an excuse to go and have an hour or two solely to myself.

Recently dragged two of my friends (one of them – also a family guy with kids) back into this hobby with hope we can support each other’s interest.

Right now I’m slowly establishing my pipe routine and looking for a place to smoke my “kick-back-and-relax pipes” (a Savinelli Churchwarden and a mysterious bent meerschaum with a humongous bowl labelled “Ray”). Smoking in public places is banned in Russia, so all the bars are out of the equation. And winter is coming, so I must come up with something fast.

Pipes aside I am a horrible guitar player, a more-or-less decent singer and a big Dungeons & Dragons and boardgames nut.



Might Stick Around
Aug 29, 2016
Forgot to add: right now I'm battling a bad flare up of PAD, and it's all your fault, people. PAD combined with chronic GAS (which stands for "Guitar Acquisition Syndrome") may get me even more broke than I am right now (although this seems to violate the laws of nature).



Aug 5, 2016
Hi, everyone. My name is Bob. I've been smoking pipes for about a decade now. I recently made the switch from drug store brands to tins. I enjoy Mac Baren's Plumcake and Mac Baren's HH Latakia Flake as well as every Frog Morton that I've been able to find. I love Orlik Golden Flake. I have about 15 pipes, mostly briar with a handful of cobs and a couple of meerschaums and one pear root pipe from Poland. Oh and as my username suggests, i have a couple of brylon pipes.



Sep 1, 2016
Hello all,

I'm a new convert to pipe smoking. I've been a cigar smoker for several years, also a quitting cigarette smoker. I took up pipe to enjoy good tobacco rather than cigarettes without burning through all of my carefully cared for cigars.I've got to say now that my pallet has adjusted and I've learned to 'drink' my pipe, my cigars may be well aged before I get back to them. I've been using this forum for answers to my noob questions. I figured ot has time to join and introduce myself. I love the wealth of knowledge you all share, and look forward to picking your brains and sharing my experience as I go.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Welcome, gentlemen! We have a wealth of knowledge, not all of it true! :) But this is pretty lively for a somewhat sedentary pastime. Hope you enjoy your time here. Don't be shy.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 5, 2016
Hi there! New fella from Connecticut. Been smoking a pipe for about a week, cigars for about a year. Happy as can be!
See you around the forums.



Sep 7, 2016
Hi everyone,
I am 20 years old youngster from Istanbul/Turkey. Been smoking pipe for 3 years and following the forum little more than that. I have almost learned everything about pipe smoking from here so decided to being part of it. I have met with just one person that smokes pipe during those 3 years, therefore when I need company I set LOTR and puff with Gandalf and Bilbo.
Feeling still beginner to pipe smoking and looking forward to learn more about concerning pipes.



Sep 8, 2016
G'day to you all from Sydney Australia.
I go by Mike or Maz, and I'm not a smoker myself, I love to collect the packaging that tobacco is sold in - the tins and pouches, and so forth. Russ Ouellette from P&C referred me here after I asked if he knew of a place that might be able to help with that! So, here I am.
I love the smell of fresh tobacco and haven't disliked one that I've had my hands on so far.
I'm 30, and actually surprised to see so many young members like the gentleman above me. It seems pipes are making a come back!




Sep 12, 2016
Hello all,
My name is Edward. I'm towards the younger end of the age spectrum on here, I imagine- being 27 years old. I'm originally from London, England but I live in The Netherlands these days. I work for an electronics company as a network engineer and social media specialist. I hope to one day become a novelist. I'm not here to talk about that, though!
I got into pipe smoking on impulse. I was once in a tobacconist nearby where I live, in a town called Hilversum here in The Netherlands. I bought a basket pipe on a whim and it took off from there! I've been a longtime reader and it's nice to finally join in. I look forward to meeting all of you on the boards.



Sep 12, 2016
Hello all!! I am Andrew, 26 years old, and from LeFlore County, Oklahoma. I work at a cattle feed plant.
I tried pipe smoking in 2012 with a Lucienne pipe and Half and Half tobacco. Didn't know what I was doing and couldn't keep it lit for more than a puff. Just started back this year and enjoying it so far!

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