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Jun 22, 2016
I have recently begun pipe smoking after a gap of 32 years ! I have purchased a packet of St Bruno and I really like the gentle flavor. I also enjoy smoking cigars, and my favorite cigar is Henri Winterman Half Corona. I look forward to my time here.
I know there are Pipe Smoking Clubs in the UK, sadly there isn't one where I live. I would be grateful of any links for pipe smoking clubs/forums online. Also are there any Skype meets ?
Thanking you in advance.



Might Stick Around
Feb 25, 2016
Not a new member, but I have moved from Japan to Ewa Beach, Hawaii. Just updated my profile. I now work at Marine Corps Base, Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay.



Jun 26, 2016
Near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Hi all, first time posting here after all my google searches led me here. Just started getting into the pipe game. I have a nice looking Strambach Meerschaum coming in a few days and look forward to smoking it.
Just a quick glance at all the forums and conversations and it looks like there is a friendly, helpful bunch here. I will be asking many questions shortly!

Jun 27, 2016
Hey people! Joined up here a couple days ago and have been meaning to post up in here.
Been lurking pipe forums and tobacco review boards since I originally started pipe-smoking. That's something like "a couple years before the big warehouse fire", is probably the best way to put it. Back then I had a poor full-bent oom-paul-looking English-made ebay special, and I ordered 2oz of everything on the McClelland bulk menu. I had very little idea as to what I was doing, but I had bits of knowlege from the internet and knew that I had to try a bunch of different tobaccos to find what I was looking for. I figured out that aromatics, blends with perique, unflavored cavendish, burley and DFK were not for me, and you can add cigar leaf to that list, but I started to get my head around smoking certain VAs. I enjoyed Red Cake and could tell that Dark Navy Flake had something going for it, when I could get it going. Red Cake and one of their straight VA flakes pretty much clued me in to what people were talking about in terms of slow-smoking for the best flavor. I saved the latakia stuff for last because the aroma was concerning at the time. Pretty sure that this was the stuff that "stinky-pipe man" was smoking at the park when I was a kid. Eventually I got to it, and I knew right away that stinky-pipe guy knew what was up. Oriental Mixture & Dark English Full were enjoyable, and I would sometimes smoke bowls of the cyprian blending latakia straight up. They had a Balkan and a Cyprian bulk blend, and one of those was really delicious, with occasional bursts of sweet-tart goodness.
Eventually I decided to step away from piping for a few years but came back recently, still remembering the number 5100 and knowing that I had small mason jars of Dark Navy Flake (oh yeah old DNF =) ), Dark English Full, and some blending latakia squirreled away somewhere. Fortunately I had thrown the pipe away. Last summer I made a plan and ordered a bunch of stuff, and I've been going through tobaccos and figuring out what tastes like what, and what I like and don't like, doing a little hoarding, umm, "cellaring", and having a good time doing all of it ever since! :puffpipe:
Next on deck. These will all be first-time smokes.



Jul 6, 2016
Hey everybody just found this site and had to join. Just starting pipe smoking now have my first pipe coming in soon and hoping to get into the hobby soon. Im Darius a beekeeper in romania, thats in eastern europe for any that didnt know. Been reading as much as i can on here and i have to say im fascinated. Love this site already and absolutely love the pics of so many pipes. I dont usually post a lot as i find most questions have already been answered though if i do its nice to have helpful people around. Looking forward to meeting everybody shortly!



Can't Leave
Sep 17, 2014
Hey everyone! Been a pipe smoker for a little over two years and am a member of various forums and pipe groups. Lurked here for a long while but the lurking has come to an end. Looking forward to contributing. Currently smoking some Haunted Bookshop in a Ferndown Root one star bent billiard. I primarily smoke VaPers and my pipe rotation has developed from mostly Petersons to a few artisan pipes, a birth year Dunhill and this Ferndown. I still have my first Pete 80s and it's one of my favorite smokers. Cheers!



Might Stick Around
Jul 6, 2016
Hi guys I just join ed a few days ago ,smoke pipe for a hobby now that I'm retired , smoke pipe regularly back in the late 60's and 70's I go by pappap mostly from my Grand kids



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 9, 2016
Hello, I've been smoking for about an year now and thought it about time to get myself an account.

I am from Eastern Europe and I own 2 Briars at the moment.

English and Stoved Virginias being my favorites, I do enjoy occasional nic-bombs.



Jul 20, 2016

I am new to this forum, but have been a pipesmoker and collector on and off for 40 years

think I got my first pipe in 1966. Although I have not been as avid for the last 15 years

with pipes more of a cigarette smoker due to ease of access, I used to make simple pipes for my

own use because I love big chunky pipes that suit my large hands. How many pipes do I have way too many to count

In my collection I still have a bunch of new pipes as well as a good number of estates, also a collection of about 50 metal pipes with replacable bowls that I used to take to pipe shows wit a binder full of patent info on the pipes.

in the old days I went with the name of grandpaX2 when I was making pipes

as far as what brands I have Castellos , Ascortri , Von ercks , Stanwell , Barling , Ruthenbergs , Parker, Micheal parks, as well as many others that I would have to go through my storage boxes to.

like all others started of with drug store brands and then moved into better tobaccos of which included into Dunhill , mclellands , stokybe ,rattrays c&d etc that I picked up at pipeshows
eventually I will be looking a selling some of my unsmoked pipes , even have a couple of sets gbd Canadians from the early 90's, stanwell 6 pipe set of Danish pipemakers,
well that's enough for now
I am from Red Deer Alberta Canada

Jul 26, 2016
Hi all,
New member here. Fairly new to pipe smoking, but I've been smoking every day for the past few weeks and have purchased seven pipes in that time. I absolutely love it. Even got the wife on board. She feels is calms me down and make me content.
Thanks for the great forum and community.
See you out there.



Aug 20, 2013
Hi All, I came to pm when I worked for 4noggins, which job ended in 12/15. As you can see, I have a new ID, "saltedplug," with which to pursue further pm adventures. If you will, be on the alert for an addition to the thread "Dunhill Patents and Briar Quality," of pictures of said pipe and a short pipe critique.
Good to be here, a board busy with the comments of many pipe smokers, which invites replies.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 26, 2016
Hello everyone, I've been reading the forums for about a week now; have even made a few posts. Didn't see the 'Introduce Yourself' thread - still not sure how I missed it.
Anyway, its nice to meet you all. I've learned quite a bit just reading the posts and taking in all the information. I look forward to making some friends and participating in this forum for a long time.



Jul 31, 2016
Hello all, I've been reading the forums on and off for several years, recently decided to get back into smoking, and forgot everything that pertained to my old account. So I made a new one. My name is Ron, and I'm a 22 year old EMT from PA. I work part time at a MedExpress, and also I'm a shift supervisor for the boss of my local tobacco shop and Hookah lounge. Glad to be back.



Aug 1, 2016
Eastern Kansas
<p>Hello all! I've been lurking awhile now and decided to make it official. I've been smoking pipes for about a year now and have grown to find it quite relaxing. I'm looking forward to learning even more and tapping into the wealth of knowledge here... Both real and imagined.


Jul 28, 2016
Hey All,
My name is Tony, Been pipe smoking now for about a 1.5 yrs. I started up not knowing much about it, but loving it and learning more as i go on. I love to try new blends and look forward to expanding my pipe and tobacco collections. Its just a bit more expensive up here in Canada lol.



Aug 5, 2016
Hello all I'm new to pipe smoking came here for help and to expand my knowledge for it all. Been trying new tobacco can't seem to find much I care for it do like English blends a lot but thought I would say hi.



Aug 5, 2016
Hi, new member and new pipe smoker. I've smoked cigars and been pretty into them for several years but finally got around to trying a pipe. Two different experiences and love them both, but I'm just now on the beginning steps of figuring out what I like on the pipe side of the house.
Oh, let's see, details... I'm 50, ex navy, ride an Indian motorcycle, drink singlemalt islay scotch and am married. I live in the bay area, california (east bay) and work in san francisco in high tech.
So far I have a cob, an amadeus bent pipe and a savinelli natural I just picked up. I've tried a few different tobaccos including Lane 1-Q, Stokkebye bullseye flake and some McClelland 5100 red cake. So far the 5100 has been head and shoulders my favorite of those.
Looking forward to learning from everyone!

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