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Sep 20, 2014
Hi, RocketmanDane here, Been smoking a pipe since May 2014. Been smoking cigars off and on since 2004 smoked ALOT of cigars in 2011 thru 2013 and kinda got sick of them. Had a real hankering earlier this year for a cigar tried one or 2 and still didn't like them so someone at the local smoke shop asked if i had ever tried a pipe? Well long story short i am in Love! I am not a Every day or Week even smoker BUT when the time is right i love a good Pipe smoke :) Kinda smoke in Spurts A week at a time every night then maybe a week or 2 off then maybe for a few days and So on.
I have to say that hands down at the moment my favorite Tobacco is Lane 1Q i smoke that 90% of the time and absolutely love it! Have started experimenting in a Few other tobaccos, My local Local shop has a decent selection of cheap tobaccos but they even don't recommend trying them... The Shop 50 miles away has a decent selection probably 25 higher quality(But all have local names and they wont fess up to what they actually are Dont blame them thou!) 2 ounces baggies But at 9.$$ a pop they are a little spending IMO for just a Sample. Really Hoping to look to the Internet for Advice of some Great Tobaccos to try and order online.
My Current Favorite pipe is a Estate Stanwell i picked up. Hard to find Much Detail on the Pipe but smokes absolutely Amazing as far as i know it is a STANWELL ROYAL BRIAR model 196 also know as a Potato sack Pipe Designed by Sixten Ivarsson.

Had to borrow a Image to get a Good Photo of the Pipe Model BUT the Picture below is of the Same Model as i own But mine is i a Little nicer Condition.




Sep 19, 2014
Hi, my name is André, I'm from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 41 years old, physician, love pipes, literatura and wine.



Might Stick Around
Aug 3, 2014
Hi all!
This is a belated introduction. My name is Bob Graham. I live in Tucson, AZ. I have lived here for 15 years. I have been smoking pipes for a few months now. I went on a spending spree starting with a Big Ben, then a Bringham, than two Wiley's, a Ruthenberg, and now a Dunhill. I do like all Dunhill blends except My Mixture and the new Aperitif. I am looking for more calends along these lines. Also I am interested in meeting anyone who lives in my city.
Good smoking!



Sep 7, 2014
Hello everybody,
This also is a two week belated introduction from Portland, Oregon. I had been a pipe smoker for many years but stopped about 12 years ago, just as the internet was beginning to become so widely used. Boy, do I wish I had the information then as what is presented on the website today. I know more now in a couple of weeks then I had known in the twenty years I smoked. Thanks to Brian and the Radio Show, I am ecstatic to be back as part of the pipe smoking community. I am catching up on the past podcasts which although may be sometimes irreverent, are ALWAYS educational and ALWAYS entertaining.
I hope I will be able to make even a small contribution to everyone here.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 15, 2014
Hey, everybody!

My name is David. I am from Carbondale, IL and am elbow deep in my final semester at SIU in the forestry program. I smoked a pipe for about a year back in 2003-04, bought some good stuff and enjoyed it, ran out of money, bought some disgusting OTC junk and stopped smoking a pipe. I started back again about 7 or 8 years ago and became really good friends with our local tobacconist. I have now built up quite a collection of pipes and tins, but there is still some free space here and there. I will share some pics of my cellar when I get the time (and once my house is no longer a disasterpiece.)
My hobbies include, but are not at all limited to: camping, hiking, fishing, watching movies (especially horror and scifi), reading books, smoking pipes-duh, drinking craft beers, drinking stag, drinking Scotch, drinking wine, drinking moonshine (but not the store bought kind, ew), yeah, I like drinking, and riding my bicycle.
I can't wait to swap tales and tins with everybody.




Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 23, 2014
Hi all,
Todd here, from Chicago. I've been smoking a pipe for 20 years or so, but have rarely participated in online forums beyond a few posts to ASP way back in the day. For some reason, I've been struck with pipe enthusiasm recently (though I've never stopped smoking), so I figured I'd join in here.
I'm a traditionalist in many things, and especially in pipes. I dabbled with a few freehands and Danish shapes long ago, but have since eliminated all of those in favor of boring old traditional shapes. I have about a dozen good pipes and a half dozen others that I sometimes press into service. About half of my regulars are Petersons, which I love. Just super pipes for the money (though they seem to have raised prices in the last couple years?). I also own a couple of Dunhills, an Ashton, one Ferndown (about to be joined by another), an IMP meer, and various other makes. I don't find the fancy pipes to be noticeably better smokes than my Petes, but at this point I have enough solid pipes in the rotation that I can save up and buy the occasional pretty one rather than worry about quantity. I've got this one coming to me from SmokingPipes this week, and I'm psyched for it. For all my years of smoking traditional pipes, I've somehow never bought a decent bulldog.
I usually smoke VA's and VA/Per's, but I dabble in other styles occasionally. I rarely smoke any particular blend tin after tin, though I often have either Orlik Golden Slices or Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake around as go-to, anytime smokes. Escudo, Hal O The Wynd, Reiner Long Golden Flake, Solani 633, and Astley's No.2 all make at least a few appearances every year. Various other blends from Sam Gawith, Pease, Dunhill, MacBaren, and McClelland show up from time to time. I've been leaning more towards the OGS/LNF in the last couple years, not so much because they're cheap (though that's nice too), but because I find it hard to appreciate more than a couple bowls of the more sophisticated blends in a day.
Outside of piping, I'm either prepping for my classes (I'm a math teacher), running around after my kids (twins, age 7), or maybe playing a board or card game of some sort. I might well have a glass of Bulleit in hand while doing any of those things. Hmm... that sounds like a pretty good idea right now, in fact.




Sep 9, 2014
Hiya! Zafaryab Hassan here. 21 m Pakistan, studying electrical engineering and at the same time i happen to be artist, wanderer, poet and a newbie pipe smoker and i believe life is beautiful if we appreciate the things that we have and i love smoking in the alone and i believe at the moment of smoking i contemplate far deep than i usually do and i still don't get the irony of putting smoking hazards in every pack of tobacco.



Sep 25, 2014
Hey all, Brian from Woodbridge, VA. I've been smoking pipes for 17 years now and have just found this community. I generally prefer stonger latakia blends. Of late money has been tighter because of student loans coming due, but now that we (my wife and I) are emerging from the other end of that tunnel, I am looking forward to reentering the world of buying pipes and tobacco on a more regular basis. I am on the cusp of trying out pipe carving with some of the pre-bored blanks you can get from various places, and generally prefer straight pipes to bent.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 26, 2014
Hi I'm Scott a newbie living on Vancouver Island in Canada. I spent the first 29 years of life growing up in Australia apart from a one year stint in the UK and have lived in Canada (first in Ottawa) for 8 years now. I am very new to pipe smoking (and smoking in general). Truthfully I am somewhat surprised by what has happened. I grew up around plenty of cigarette smokers and never had any interest in it. My wife was reconnecting with old friends while travelling for work and learned that one of them has just bought himself a pipe. On hearing this my response was surprisingly strong about why would he ever do that. I am a pretty even guy so this response was strange. Over the next month it became pretty clear that the emotions behind my initial response were strong because this was something that I was interested in. Something tells me that I must have been a pipe smoker in a past life or something as I have taken to it like a fish to water. I don't smoke often (one or twice a week) but it is clear this is something that I am meant to do. I learned a lot about the how from lurking on this website so thanks to everyone for sharing their knowledge. The store with the largest pipe selection in British Columbia turned out it be in the town I live in... fate? After a couple of trips to the store and tackling the idea that I thought I was a non-smoker I picked up a Peterson Dublin #68. I started with a mild aromatic, quickly realised that was not for me so got an aromatic with a hint of latika (much closer to the mark). Obviously I needed to keep moving in that direction so I picked up a tin of Peterson's Old Dublin and wow, I have found the right niche I think. I am now pondering what pipe I need next (Rattray's Lowland 34 vs 48 is currently high on the list) and what other tobacco's to try. I am not in a rush for any of it, I find as much joy in the pondering as the procuring. Due to a long teachers strike here in BC I took my two kids camping up island for five days and that gave me the chance to smoke daily in front of the campfire which was wonderful. Most of my smoking is done in a shed in the backyard usually with a good book in hand.
It almost appears as if I am trying to write a book here so I will end it with a second thank you for all the good information shared on this website.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 29, 2014
Hello everyone,
My name is Al, I live in Ft. Worth, Texas. I've been smoking cigars for 20 years but just recently started smoking pipes. I look forward to meeting new people and going on this new journey.



Sep 29, 2014
Good day all! My name is Frank, I currently live in Mansfield, Ohio but I'm originally from Cleveland. I'm 32 and I've been a pipe smoker for about two years. I bought my first pipe on Ebay, and since then my collection has grown to about 40 pipes. I am constantly looking to try new brands and blends, but have also developed a few favorites. I'm looking forward to learning from the wealth of information contained here, and to making a few friends along the way.



Sep 30, 2014
Hi everyone, I'm your newbie from Scotland. I've been smoking my pipes for a few years and an avid Listener to The Pipes Magazine Radio Show for about a year. I've finally gotten around to joining because I'm making plans to visit Chicago next year for my first ever pipe Show



Sep 29, 2014
Hello everyone. I'm a newby pipe smoker - slowly building a collection of pipes and trying out different tobaccos. I'm a barrister based in Dublin, Ireland but originally from Northern Ireland. Looking forward to learning about pipe smoking from some of the old hands on this forum.



Can't Leave
Sep 30, 2014
Hello all, I am Steve from regional Australia. I have only been smoking pipes for a couple of weeks, my cousin gave up smoking and passed his pipes onto me. I have an old Damman pipe from the mid 1800's as well as a fairly new burnt in pipe with an aluminium stem. I love them both but the new pipe has a larger bowl I find easier to pack although the older wooden pipe is much smoother.
My biggest problem is finding somewhere that sells pipe tobacco. So far nobody in my area sells the tobacco so I guess I will have to find a specialty tobacconist in the city about an hour out. I just packed my last bowl this morning so I will have to find somewhere that sells it soon. The only tobacco I have tried is Dr. Pat's Irish Blend.
I must say I enjoy relaxing with my pipe and find it a more relaxing smoke than cigarettes, also I am enjoying the occasional nightly cigar.
Thank you all for accepting me as a member, I like this site and enjoy reading your many stories in the forums, I look forward to meeting you in the future as I become a more experienced pipe smoker.



Oct 2, 2014
Hey all,
I'm 31 and glad to be here. I was a smoker for a long time but have been cigarette free for maybe 4 years now. With cooler weather on its way to Houston, I got the urge to pick up a pipe so I grabbed a briar from Gatlinburlier and a few different bags of tobacco. It finally arrived here today so I'm going to light it up tomorrow.
Anyway, this place has already served as a great learning aid.
P.S. My wife is not psyched that I'm about to start enjoying the odd smoke, lol.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 3, 2014
Hello all,
My name is Jim and I am located in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. I've recently taken up the pipe after a few years of smokeless tobacco which I used to quit a long time cigarette habit. My primary source of tobacco now is nasal snuff but I do enjoy a few bowls a day. I've lurked here for a short while and really appreciate the wealth of information and the friendly atmosphere. I'm especially interested in some of my fellow Canadians posts as we share the same obstacles regarding tobacco regulations. Well, the wife is at work, the little one is in bed so it's time to light up my evening pipe and do some more reading.



Hello Folks,
I'm Geoffry and live in Indianapolis, Indiana. I have been lurking a bit and thought joining in the fun was a good idea. My first pipe was 20 years ago when I was smoking cigars and cigarettes. I grew away from cigars mostly and just recently left the chokes behind as well. I find the pipe to be the most relaxing and enjoyable of all ways to take tobacco and favor Latakia and Oriental blends (English/Balkans). I would love to find or try and form a pipe fellowship group here in Indianapolis if possible. We have quite a few good B&Ms here but one of the best shops in the area is about 60 miles south in Bloomington right next to IU. Well cheers to all and its good to be here!



Oct 4, 2014
Hi all,
New member here in San Diego, CA. Look forward to talking pipe and tobacco. I am a collector of seconds. I like Mountbatten, Irish Seconds, Ben Wade, Royal Sovereign, Royal Danish, etc. Thanks in advance.

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