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Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 4, 2014
St.Paul, MN
Welcome to all you newer folks! I'm just a couple weeks into pipe smoking and I've had nothing but a great experience. It's easy to enjoy this new hobby with the friendly and easy access to people's input in all the forums.
Enjoy your bacci time both good and bad. It's the journey not the destination!



Aug 19, 2014
G'day pipers,

My name is Glen and I live in Australia. I have been smoking a pipe full time now since 2012.I live in a small country town where I think I am the only pipe smoker. I still smoke cigarettes from time to time but I am gravitating more towards pipe smoking full time as time goes by. Like most people, my grandfather used to smoke a pipe but unfortunately none of his pipes survive today. So I will assume I am following in his footsteps. I am told he was never without a pipe close by until he passed when he was 95.

Some would say that since taking up this hobby, that I have embraced all things pipe related with a zeal that I seldom expressed with any of my other "hobbies". At present I own about 80 pipes with about 70 of those being smokeable. I am restoring the rest.

From what I have read, I started out most typically. My pipe smoking career started with aromatics (Borkum Riff Cherry Cavandish in an Italian no name bent billiard). That soon passed and after a lot of research and YouTube viewing, I soon moved to English/Balkan/oriental blends. I was still looking for that "cigarette replacement" blend and I found straight Virginias. My current favourite is McClellands Virginia Woods. However my all day smoke is Carter Hall. I just can't get enough of that stuff!!! It's my mother's milk.

Anyhow, that's me in a nut shell. Hope to speak to some of you soon. If there are any Aussies here that are in Queensland, please leave me a message. To everyone else, I'll say G'day and hoo roo for now.



Aug 19, 2014
Sacramento, CA
My name is Eric, and while I am now living in Sacramento, CA, I spent the last 5 years living in Nottingham, England where I picked up pipe smoking toward the end of finishing my PhD in Theology in 2012. I was fortunate enough to have three other colleagues who also smoked pipes (or started smoking with me), and we would meet on a regular basis at a pub to smoke our pipes, have a pint, and discuss our work (somewhat in the spirit of the Inklings at the Eagle & Child in Oxford). I was also very spoiled living in Nottingham to get to know Glynn Quelch, formerly of Gauntley's, now the guy behind GQ Tobaccos. The Nottingham Pipe Club was definitely one of the highlights in my brief pipe-smoking life thus far, being able to meet some fantastic people as well as trying countless blends.
My first pipe tobaccos were:
  1. Nottingham Blend from Gauntley's, which contains African and Dark Virginia, Spicy Black Cavendish, latakia, Kentucky, and cigar leaf. From that moment I was hooked and am still (mostly) a non-aromatic smoker, although I do enjoy blends such as Planta's Burberry, Dan Tobacco's Devil's Holiday, and Tewksbury's Hobbit's Weed from time to time.
  2. Golden Blend Amaretto, an aromatic that my wife bought me to start the hobby, thinking she might also enjoy it. It was 'okay', but my wife even prefers smoking the Nottingham Blend over the Amaretto (she has good taste). I still haven't finished this pouch.
  3. Celtic Twilight from Gauntley's, which is a mix of dark plugs (blended by K. Koslowski). It originally packed a punch, but I discovered that I have quite the high tolerance for high-nicotine tobaccos with this blend, and I've also continued to favor a lot of darker blends because of this.
  4. J. F. Germain's Rich Dark Flake. I first smoked this at the first Nottingham Pipe Club I attended. I fell in love with it right away, only much later learning that it is the same thing as Esoterica's Stonehaven (I know there is some debate about how these may be different, but honestly I cannot discern a difference, having now smoked both). I think this was also my first blend that allowed me to enjoy a VA/burley mix, and these days my absolute favorite blends are Mac Baren's HH Old Dark Fired and C&D's Old Joe Krantz (really any burley-based blend from C&D is just a treat for me).
My current top blends are:
  • Old Joe Krantz by Cornell & Diehl
  • HH Old Dark Fired, by Mac Baren
  • Rich Dark Flake / Stonehaven, by J. F. Germain's / Esoterica
  • Key Largo, by G. L. Pease
  • Tied between: McClelland's Blackwood's Flake and Peter Heinrich's Dark Strong
I have a silly YouTube channel where I mostly talk about pipe tobacco, pipe club videos, review and such, but while I was in Europe I also had the wonderful opportunity to visit the Savinelli shop in Milan, Peterson's of Dublin & JJ Fox (videos on each). That nonsense can be found here:



Aug 21, 2014
Hi all,
My screen name is Johnny Reb. I've been a pipe smoker and an occasional cigar only, off & on since I went away to college many years ago. My dad was a reformed cigarette smoker taking up a pipe for many years and his dad before him. I have about 15-20 of my dad's pipes in my collection but none from my grandfather that I know of. Since I smoke pipes mostly at home now days I usually just grab up one of my favorite cobs and save the briars for when I go out somewhere where there might be some cobsnobbery going on!
I like Perique & Latakia tobaccos, and tend to favor English & Oriental blends. My recent favorites in no particular order are:
Pease Gaslight

Boswell's Northwoods

Mississippi River

Frog Morton Cellar

Lane's 1Q
Looking forward to learning & sharing here as time permits!



Aug 22, 2014
Hi my name is Brad.
I smoked pipes 35 years ago and I'm back to it now. My how things have changed. Back then I was a college student with no money pawing through the seconds bins but pipe stores and tobacco were everywhere. Now, when I finally have some money to spend in said stores, they are all gone!
Anyway, I'vebeen lurking in the forums and learning a lot. Thanks for providing this community.



Aug 23, 2014
Afternoon all! My name is Owen and I currently live in Beaufort, SC. I'm stationed here in the Navy. I've been smoking pipes occasionally for about 4 years, but really started smoking regularly on my last deployment when I picked up my first Meerschaum pipe. I'm new at this, but slowly learning. I can't wait to learn and smoke even more!
Happy smoking!



Aug 22, 2014
Hello to all -
I joined a few days ago so thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself.

I first took up the pipe just out of high school, mid-'60s, but have abandoned the pursuit several times for long periods (invariably being seduced by those motherless CIGAREETS!!), however I've once again come back to fold.

I'm not a collector, have no "bragging" pipes, prefer Latakia blends, briars, traditional shapes, smooth and bent.

But I have mostly other variants. Go figure. :)
Since I know almost nothing of pipe esoterica, I confess I've come to learn rather than teach.

But I'm confident the place is swimming with knowledgeable folks to help along the path.
Warmest regards to all,
Terry Caron



Aug 28, 2014
Hello to all pipe smokers today is my first day on the fourm my name is Joe. I have been smoking a pipe for a few years now the past year I have realy got into it and building my pipe collection and my tobacco cellar. I hope to meet some good people on here.



Aug 20, 2014
Hi All,
My name is Henry, I am 60, living in West Michigan.I am a returning pipe smoker, having stopped while the kids were growing up. I got rid of my entire collection 12 years ago except for a full size gourd calabash. I am restocking pipe wise and I find that it is possible to find some early Kaywoodies that smoke very well.
I am a Latakia fiend but I am smoking Drew estates tin tobaccos as a change of pace. My regular smoke is Dunhill Latakia mixture. Iam reading the forums and finding out I have a lot to learn.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 31, 2014
Granbury, TX
Just wanted to pop in and introduce myself. 22 year Navy veteran recently retired. Smoked a pipe briefly back in 2007 and lost my Nording in one of my moves and never picked the hobby back up. Recently bought a $30 basket pipe from local B&M and am getting back into this relaxing hobby. Hopefully I will get another Nording or other name brand pipe but for now I'm just glad to be back in the states permanently and smoking again. From what I read this forum is low drama, very helpful and has awesome members. I'm glad to be here.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 4, 2014
Hello All

I got a no name "St Claude" pipe as a birthday present while in France last July. Tried some over the counter stuff like Amsterdamer,Alsbo Black and Nappa Valley. All of which where a rather pleasant introduction to the pleasure of pipe smoking.
I also picked up two Petersons,well I am from Dublin :D So far I have tried, Old Dublin,Balkan Delight,Mick Mc Quaid and Condor in them. Truly wonderful enjoyment!
Today I received in the post a Northern Briar Poker, I'm still grinning. I'm also developing a rather serious plug fetish :)



Might Stick Around
Sep 5, 2014
My name is Eric 24, live in Florida, land of the Burning Sun. Started smoking a pipe a few months ago and trawling this forum for tips and tricks has helped me discover one of the best things that I've ever been involved with, Pipe Smoking! I just now decided to register, and become a forum member. Since I've cut cigarettes, frankly disgusting and I only ever smoked them when I was drinking, hey-o! I've come to appreciate the quiet time with a nice briar or cob out on my porch with a cold one in the Florida heat. Really helped me mellow out as a person, and slow down to appreciate the little things. Right now I'm smoking a nice tin of Sutliff Private Stock, and a bit of Frog Morton a pal who I work with gave me, looking for new things to experiment with.



Might Stick Around
Sep 12, 2014
Hi. It's Eric here. A newbie from China.

Thanks a lot for making such a wonderful platform.

I just screw up my only pipe because of smoking 3 bowls a day for a week.

Still waiting for my new pipe coming and it's not easy to find a decent one here.

Anyway, glad to be here. And thanks to everyone who helped me to accommodate in the last few days.



Sep 17, 2014
Just found this site and already had some useful info on pipe tobacco availability in Barcelona.

My wife is going there soon so will hopefully bring me back some .

Here in UK 50g of Condor Ready Rubbed costs me almost £11.

Have just retired so looking for cheaper options.

It's that or stop smoking and I've been on the pipe for 40 odd years.



Sep 17, 2014
Hi all my name is Panagiotis and I m from Greece. I m new to pipe smoking and I saw your website so I joined to help me get into it :)



Jul 4, 2014
Hello to all and thanks for the add. Looking forward to all the good insight into this wonderful hobby and showing you guys what i might be able to add to the world of pipes.



Sep 19, 2014
Hello all, I am not new, but not a seasoned to smoking a pipe. Been smoking for about 7 years, and I have been reading the articles on this site for awhile. I am in WV and swear that I have only seen three other pipe smokers in real life since I started. Hope all is well for everyone!

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