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Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 4, 2014
St.Paul, MN
I'm very new to pipe smoking for I've smoked my first bowl tonight. I smoked some Captain Black (white) from my new Dr. Grabow Freehand.

I enjoyed the experience fully. I had 4 re-lights for the top 2/3 rds. I got a good rhythm on the bottom 3rd by breaking the cherry apart with pick tool then lightly tampered the bowl. What proceeded was a consistent draw and great flavors upon my palate. Can't wait for my 2nd session!



Jun 5, 2012
Albuquerque, NM, USA
Although I smoked my first several pipes between 1989 and 1990, when I was studying at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, the bug did not really take hold until I settled in Albuquerque, where there were many more opportunities for a person with a hankering for a good pipe and tobacco with which to fill it. For some reason, however, I did not acquire P.A.D. until a few years ago when I joined my local pipe club and started seeing the wondrous variety that is out there for the grabbing. Soon I became known as a confirmed sufferer (or practitioner, as I prefer) of the disorder. My collection is now around 100, from Peterson's and Savinellis to GBDs and my latest acquisition, a Cavicchi 4C Freehand with which I am presently in love. But of course I am somewhat fickle where it comes to devotion to a single pipe and never seem able to make a commitment.
I was wondering if I should expect an email or something from the Society with membership information. After I paid, nothing came but a receipt from PayPal.



Aug 4, 2014
Hello from the Iron Range of Northern Minnesota!
I am 48 years old and have not smoked a pipe. BUT I have about 70 pipes in my collection. It is a complicated story, this obscesssion. I have been drawn to pipe tobacco my entire life and yearn for it. I told my wife 22 years ago that I WILL start smoking a pipe when I turn 50. The countdown has officially started, and she is livid about it. In our 27 years of marriage she has never "put her foot down" about anything, but she has on this one. It has been an all out refusal to negotiate on her part. She won't even entertain my opener of one bowl per month even if I drive two states away to do it. No deal. She has even said I can take up hang-gliding and buy a motorcycle if I want to. She openly encourages me to drink Bourbon. But no smoking. She has agreed to let me buy pipes (EBay and Antique stores) and now lets me hold one while I read. So progress is being made.
This is all complicated by the fact that we have each lost a (smoking) parent to lung cancer and I have a touch of asthma myslef. She can not differentiate between a once-in-a-while bowl that is not inhaled and the 2-pack a day parents she was raised by.
I am also a marathon runner (trying to run one in each state: 47 down) and Nordic Skier and Bicycle enthusiast. So it is a rather odd pairing of endurance sports and love of tobacco that I will attempt to balance. I have been absolutely excited about the history, complexity, and culture about pipe smoking and am growing rather impatient with those that equate it with the tobacco addiction that cigarette smokers succumb to. I have purchased a number of books on pipe history and smoking as well, so I will bet that in terms of the cost of my hobby in terms of dollars spent per bowls of tobacco that have been smoked, I might be the world leader.
I have many questions, mostly about the health effects of this practice as well as some of the pipes that I have in my collection. I will continue to lurk on this forum and try to get involved in disucssion when I can.
So I collect pipes and dream of the day when I will eventually light one up. -Truenorth



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
Truenorth: show here the US Surgeon Generals report on smoking, that shows cigarettes kill and pipe smokers live two years longer than non-smokers. There is still time to get her started!
Lots of new members recently, welcome to all!



Aug 4, 2014
Hey ssjones. Thanks. I tried that Surgeon General route a few months back. The report that is often cited is the one from 1964, which doesn't carry much weight. I keep looking for more recent figures. She's actually being a pretty good sport about all of this. We actually have four pipe racks that are full of pipes in our bedroom. At present I am trying to negotiate four or five "Pipe Days" per month for the future. I am in a very strong negotiating position, as she is the envy of all her friends and neighbors for the quality of life she has due to a husband that will do anything for her and the family (seriously). Of course, I could just get started and let her deal with it, but that wouldn't be very nice.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
You are on the right path Truenorth, throwing a curveball after 25 years can be a little tricky. I started smoking a pipe at 30 years of marriage, so I know all too well. Moderation and not coming to bed smelling like a pipe were two keys for me!



Aug 6, 2014
Hello all,
My name is Luke, and I've been following the site regularly (religiously?) since I purchased my first pipe about a month ago. I am very impressed with the collective knowledge of forum members, and I'm grateful for the tips on all aspects of pipe smoking.
I live in Lexington, KY, and I enjoy our other famous export as well -- bourbon.
I've already purchased one pipe from a forum member!



Might Stick Around
Aug 8, 2014
Hello. I've been smoking pipe on and off for over 40 years. I gave up cigarettes a year ago and have been enjoying my pipes full time since. My locale has always been void of tobacco shops so I mainly smoked OTCs early on due to availability. For variety I grew and processed burley and golden virginia leaf up until about 10 years ago. Once I "discovered" internet B&Ms things became easy, I stopped planting and the cellar is stuffed with tins of Va and Vaper.



Aug 8, 2014
Howdy! Just began my endeavor into pipes about a month ago after 2 years of casual cigar smoking. We have several local shops nearby, but no tobacconists :? Luckily the forums here have kept me informed and capable of picking some solid starting choices. Kicking things off with Carter Hall and a MM Legend was the best advice I could have ever received. Big thanks to anyone reading this who has helped out the newbies here, you made things a lot easier on me! Still working on packing techniques and finding that perfect level of moisture so I don't burn my tongue off with a hot, wet mess.



Aug 9, 2014
Howdy, my name is Art Ruppelt. Some of you may know me, or know of me, others of you not so much. By way of introduction, I have been a pipe smoker for twenty some years and started Ming-Kahuna back in 1989. Being very busy with that endeavor, and having put my daughter through college (out-of-state tuition…yikes!), I have kept a rather low profile for the past handful of years. I would drop in on a newsgroup that I belonged to for ages, but there has been zero going on. I wondered where everyone had gone. I guess that is here. It’s a pleasure to find such a group as this.
After some years of refining I finally have my pipe collection down to a manageable number. I have found that they are my best smokers, gifts, or have a special memory attached to them. That is often one and the same. My favorite tobacco is still Virginia #1 rounded out by two great GLP blends (Cumberland and Stratford), Brindle Flake, Black Parrot, Russ Oullette’s Virginia Spice, and Semois. Sometimes the heat here in Dixie isn’t conducive to pipe smoking, better suited to cigars, but that’s when I break out my cob.
I have noticed a lot of tamper makers here and look forward to sharing what I can to aid them in their efforts. Just surfing this morning I have very much enjoyed viewing their work. I also look forward to sharing photographs of some of the pipes in my collection and the memories attached to them.
My best to you all.



Aug 9, 2014
Thanks ssjones. I feel very fortunate to have been able to do what I have done. Btw, I posted that I started Ming back in 1989. That was actually 1998. I'm a better tamper maker than I am a typist.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 9, 2014
Hello All,
I'm restarting Pipe smoking again after long (30 years) layoff. Trying to relearn what I've mostly forgotten. I've ordered a Stanwell Brush Black 185 Pipe and am interested in getting another pipe in the 40-60 dollar range to use for my Latakia blends. I love Virginia Flake Tobaccos and am interested in suggestions as to those and Latakias and the 2nd pipe. Been watching a lot of YouTube pipe videos. Pipe smokers seem to epitomize the Wild West of Youtube. Love it!
Thanks - Toadshade

Columbia, SC
PS - Just posted this in the beginners section too.



Aug 10, 2014
Hello, my name is Nathaniel Tunberg, I am a 21 yr old college student in Texas. I have just recently started pipe smoking, and I find it very relaxing. I stumbled across this site while is was looking up how to pack and light a pipe. So far I have been extremely impressed with the amount of information that can be found here. Well that's all I have to say, looking forward to hear from anyone about any rookie mistakes I can avoid, and glad to be part of the group.



Might Stick Around
Aug 14, 2014
Hi, Just joined up after reading the forums for a while now.
I'm 39, from Canada. Only been getting into pipes the last couple of months but I've been enjoying occasional cigars for the last few years. Really enjoying the variety of tobaccos and flavors but there's so many! Only having a bowl a couple of times a week I think it'll take years to figure things out, but these forums so far have been really helpful.



Aug 12, 2014
Hi everyone from Central PA, been a cigar smoker for 8 years and decided to give pipes a go. I have been smoking for 2 weeks and have learned a lot so far, but so much to know. I really enjoy the variety and have a MM CG, a 10 pack of cob seconds and a Grabow Omega to start. Things are going well and I have to say I am really enjoying this new hobby.
Best to all,



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 7, 2014
Its Jess, from Australia, I'm a postgrad student and a marketing executive. From chaismoking rollies since my early teens and have only recently switched to pipes. Mostly love my Petersons..

Aug 16, 2014
Hi, everyone :)My name is Desmond and I just smoked my first bowl today with me new pipe. First time ever. I have smoked cigars for awhile now and found that smoking cigars and from pipe "center" me--relaxation. It's nice to meet all of you and I'm looking forward to long beautiful friendship with you; my new friends :)



Aug 17, 2014
Hello All!
My name is John and I have been reading the forums for some time, but never bothered to register. As you can see I fixed that today. I started out as a cigar guy, but stopped into a little pipe shop I found while calling on clients (Boswell's in Chambersburg, PA) picked up a pipe and some of their aromatic tobacco blends and the rest is history! I generally split my time evenly between aros and English. I also have a rather unique and complicated method for designating which pipe gets which tobacco. Aros go to bent pipes and English to the straights. Complicated huh?
Looking forward to getting to know everyone around the forum. :)

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