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Sep 11, 2014
Hello all,
Signed up a few weeks ago and just now saying hello (or at least I think this is the first time to say hi).
Tried to smoke a pipe back in my 20's but couldn't get the hang of it. Now I'm a bit older (58) and finally getting the hang of it. Sure enjoy the taste and smells of the various tobacco's. I haven't found that ONE blend I want to smoke exclusively.
I have since added six pipes to my fledgling collection of which contains a single estate pipe, looking for more.



Oct 7, 2014
Greetings everyone. I just signed up and I'm very excited to learn from the veteran pipe smokers here and also share what I can. I've been an avid cigar smoker since the 80's and I've only recently picked up pipe smoking again and have fallen in love with everything about it. I'm taking things slow and Im trying to learn before I jump in and start buying pipes. My favorite pipe I'm using is a Savinelli 1616 and I really enjoy the way it feels in my hand and how it smokes. I didn't think I would like non aromatic tobaccos but Ive found I really enjoy them the most.
Cheers and may your pipes always be full.

Michael jiffycoil



Oct 7, 2014
Zac from Texas. Im 31 been smoking for a year. I have a savinelli I picked up in Lubbock and i really dig frog morton. Any ways i am fixing to make my first big tobacco purchase online i would love to hear some suggestions. I like frog morton and other english blends.



Can't Leave
Aug 18, 2014
Hey all I'm John I live in Apache Junction, AZ. Ihave been a pipe smoker off and on since I was 16. I have smoked Medico, Dr. Grabow, Kaywoodie when they were sold by Woolworths, Walgreens etc. they were a good smoke for the price btw this was in the 70's. Then I smoked, half/half, some Prince Albert, Sir Walter, Revelation, Mixture 79, Paldin Black Cherry, mittleton cherry blend, an apple, field and stream and what ever the shop keeper happen to have. I now smoke Savinelli,Comoy, CAO Meer, SMS Meer along with some Petersons. Currently I am looking for some good tobaccos.

I am now 63, married and have had an interesting life.
Have a great day




Oct 11, 2014
Hello,Xain(Zain) here new smoker 2 weeks now since I hv started to smoke pipe, but not too much only 3 times a week am going to intake soon just giving a try .
started Super Value Vanilla ,I like it,
have some problem where I live,due to restriction only can get few brands namely SuperValue ,Mac Baren and Dunhill Any advise is appreciated



Oct 11, 2014
hello again ,
Few questions want to clear myself
Any one can tell me how come when smoking with my pipe it tastes like just an ordinary cigarette, not the tobacco in it , something wrong with pipe am using Peterson or smoking wrongly , also there is whizzing sound in pipe while I smoke , have cleaned it but still there is the sound
any specific pipes to be used for each tobacco or any pipe shape is okay ?
I am using Super Value vanilla tobacco , also brought yesterday Royal Yacht of Dunhill and MacBaren 's 7 seas Royal .



Might Stick Around
Oct 12, 2014
Ottawa, ON
Hi There - Got into pipe smoking almost 3 years ago when I was given a "novelty" pipe as a souvenir from a friend's trip to Cuba (along with a couple nice cigars). Anyway I decided to smoke the dang thing so it was off to the local B&M for some tobacco and a tamper. It quickly turned into a hobby if I can call it that and before you knew it I was lurking on the pipe-smoking forums and scouring ebay for the next pipe (and the next...).
My most recent purchase was from a member on the forums who lives here in Ottawa (Ontario Canada) so I thought I would sign up and say hello and thanks.

Oct 13, 2014
Jackson, MI
Greetings everyone to a newbie from western Ohio. I've been smoking pipes for about 4 years, though only regularly (daily) for the last year. Favorite tobaccos thus far are (in no particular order): Mississippi River, Plum Pudding, several of the Dunhill offerings, and Black Gold (an aromatic from Hilands Cigars in Scotsdale Arizona). I'm just now getting into Virginias, so if anyone wants to make any recommendations I would appreciate it (FYI: I've bought a tin of McClelland 2013 & 2104 Christmas Cheer, but hadn't planned on opening them for a few years as I've heard Virginia's do better with age).
As far as pipes go, while I have a few decent briars, I've actually come to prefer MM Corn Cobs (the cheapness of these cobs makes it very easy to dedicate pipes to specific tobaccos).
I am a Christian pastor, husband, and father of three (ages 14 through 18).

Oct 12, 2014
Hello everyone from Memphis, TN! I am new to both the forum, and pipe smoking. And I'm finding that I absolutely love both! There are so many great places here where I can find advice and it is quite helpful!



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 16, 2014
My name is Jeremy. I have smoked a pipe since 1998 while I was stationed in NC. In 2005 I moves to Texas and in 2010 I met my current wife. I sold all my dunhill and ferndown pipes because she was asthmatic even though she never asked. We got married in 2012 and she bought me some cigars. I still miss smoking a pipe and hopefully I can find one that I love so I can enjoy them again. I love large bent english bulldogs such as the Dunhill 5108 and Ferndown 3* bent bulldog. I love latakia blends.



Oct 17, 2014
Hello from TN. I've been smoking a pipe for 15 years. I have a beautiful wife and two wonderful sons. My other hobby at the present is reading. I enjoy reading everything from westerns to English classics. I also enjoy studying Anglican theology.

Oct 18, 2014
Hey everyone. I just recently got into pipe smoking. I have been a cigar smoker for a few years now and decided to try pipes, and I absolutely love it. I got my first briar pipe (a Dr. Grabow), my dad gave me one of his old briars that he doesn't smoke anymore and I reamed it and cleaned it up, and just a few days ago got my first meerschaum. I absolutely love the meerschaum (hence my name ;) ).
If anyone has any suggestions on pipe tobaccos I should try I would welcome it. So far I have in my possession Captain Black Regular, Peter Stokkebye 84 Turkish, and Newminster No. 400 Superior Navy Flake. I'll have to give the Turkish a few more smokes to be certain, but right now I am pretty sure my favorite of the three is the Superior Navy Flake.
I have browsed this forum a few times when I was researching pipes and have already gathered some useful information...and am now glad to be a part of the community. Look forward to talking more with you all. :)



Oct 18, 2014
Hello to all!
New pipe smoker here. Actually haven't even broken in my new pipe yet. I have a Vauen Auenland Hugg Rustic churchwarden purchased from CV Tobacco in Connecticut. Looking for a good 1st tobacco to break in my pipe...done a little research and Frog Morton seems to be a good one and it is available at a local pipe shop in Raleigh, NC.
Anyway, I am co-owner of a wine shop in Cary, NC and love great wine and craft beer. I also am involved in reptile/amphibian conservation. Love Miami football and am a Tolkien geek as well. Glad to find this site/forum.
*Not sure why my avatar isn't showing up as well*



Hello everyone,another new guy to the forum here from SW Florida. I'm 36,smoked my 1st pipe back around 2000 but until recently(year ago) smoked mainly ciggs with a few bowls a week tossed in. I smoke mainly MM pipes with forever stems but have a good sized collection of briars also,i usually smoke Virginia/perique blends but also like a lot of the Hearth and Home blends from I have been reading this site for quite awhile and figured I might as well sign up since I already spend so much time reading here anyways :D



Oct 20, 2014
Good evening!
My name is Michael. I am from Kentucky. I serve in the U.S. Army here in grand ole Ft Campbell. I've been smoking a pipe since August, but actually picked up doing multiple bowls daily about two weeks ago. I've found that I really enjoy English tobacco. Something about them just makes pipe smoking more fulfilling than most of my other hobbies. I also use nasal snuff.
I hope to become part of what seems to be a great community here.



Aug 19, 2014
Hi Guys.
I'm Kristian from Denmark.
Both my father and grandfather smoked pipe when I grew up, so I guess it was in my blood. about ten years ago I smoked cigars for a few years, but I gave it up again. A few years back a couple of my friends started smoking pipe when we would have a "get together". It got me starting as well and in the beginning of this year my father gave me one of his old Stanwells. it's a Silver S 86. I cleaned it up, and must say it's a great smoker. Over the summer I have bought several other estate pipes, mostly Stanwell. I came across Pipesmagazine when I was searching for help on how to clean up pipes. I have already learned a lot.
I almost forgot to mention that my mother also was a pipe smoker in her younger years. She thinks it's funny I started smoking, my wife on the other hand thinks I'm a bit crazy. :lol:
I look forward to spend many hours in front of the computer while reading Pipesmagazine.



Oct 23, 2014
Ames, IA
xrundog checking in. I have been a member of various cigar and pipe forums for some time. Always with this same user name. I'm hoping I might know some people here already. I came across this forum while searching for something new when things were slow at my usual haunts.

The focus of my pipe collecting is on older Cased American pipes. I also have a lot of Kaywoodies. They range from early briars and meerschaums to the newer pipes. And I have a smattering of English and Artisan pipes. If I like a pipe and can afford it, I'll buy it. I currently have around 80 pipes. I'm always buying and selling them.

I look forward to participating on your forums in as positive way as possible.

Thanks for having me.

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