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Mar 24, 2013
Hello friends! I am relatively new to the pipe world, my story goes a little something like this. At the age of 15/16, i started smoking butts from my moms ashtray and swiping some here or there. Smoking cigs didnt stick with me until about the age of 20 when I joined the USAF and was stationed at Incirlik AB, Turkey in 1994. While there I bought my father a meerschaum pipe even though he never smoked. Ultimately, I became a long time cigar smoker and it wasn't until my father passed away in 2006 that I reacquired that little meerschaum pipe I had given him. It sat in a drawer with his pocket watch and other memorable up until a few months ago when I came across it and took it with me to Faders in Annapolis, MD to see what it was worth. I know i only paid $5 bucks for it. While at Faders I noticed that pipe tobacco was a helluva lot cheaper than the cigars I smoked so I asked the proprietor if I could sample a few pinches of his blends and the pipe became my new friend.
I now have 15 pipes many of which are estates that I've enjoyed cleaning up but the Peterson Green Spray Spigot XL12 with a fishtail is my favorite by far. Closely shadowed by a little Kaywoodie Super Grain that I've dated back to 1935-1938.
Hope to learn and educate. Be good or be good at it.
Ty L.



Mar 23, 2013
Hello All,

I just wanted to say hello to everyone.
I have a been smoking pipes since about 1998, and have collected over 100 pipes. Most are pipes I've picked up at antique malls, but there are a number of Savinellis, a few Ashtons, a Radice, a Petersen, a Wiley and a few others. I have a a thing for CustomBuilt pipes and have collected around 10. I also keep an eye out for Edwards pipes. One of my favorite pipes is by a local Denver carver named Mark Thompkins.
These days I smoke mostly Virginias. My favorite being Escudo. I do smoke some latakia blends. My favorite being Deacon's Downfall, but I smoke Early Morning and Nightcap. I occasionally smoke some of the aromatics from Edwards. I like the Edwards toasted Cavendish from time to time.
I also have a fondness for lighters. I have a couple of the Jet brand lighters that I take out from time to time, but I prefer butane lighters. Recently, having lost my trusty Colibri clip lighter, I tried replacing it with a Flamex pen shaped lighter from ebay, and a Colibri Clip from Ebay. Both arrived missing important parts. If anyone has a lead on parts for either, I'd love to hear about it.
I'm happy to have found this forum. It's good to meet you all.



Mar 25, 2013
I'm Joseph, and I turned 19 on Thursday.
One of my two brothers and I are working on a comic strip to send to a syndicate, and I'm planning on submitting a daily puzzle to the syndicate, as well.
Additionally, I want to be a writer, and would like to illustrate my own books, and my brother's.
I haven't smoked yet, but I really like the smell of pipes, and am intrigued by the hobby. I'll use this account for going through the forums and studying.
I should be moving to Kansas City (or the area) soon, either in a fortnight or so, or in a month or two.



Mar 25, 2013
Howdy all,

Just found this place while researching a place called Bull and Bear in St. Charles Illinois. Plan on making my first pilgramage there soon. Can't remember when or where I got my first pipe, it is a Murray, Flame and Love briar. Recently (within the last few months) picked it up again, and have been buying pipes left and right. I've been smoking mostly blends from various tobacconists and some Carter Hall picked up at Jewel. Looking forward to trying some other blends and tinned tobacco. Also looking forward to attending my first pipe show, the upcoming Chicago Pipe show in St. Charles at the Pheasant Run resort. In the meantime, will be doing some perusing here. Looking forward to continuing my education in all things pipe.



Mar 27, 2013
Hi Everyone,
Here to introduce myself, I've been lurking around the site for a couple of weeks but I hadn't got around to registering until today. Originally started smoking cigars many years ago, but recently tried pipe smoking for the first time and absolutely fell in love with it.
I'm looking forward to chatting with you and expanding my knowledge (and enjoyment) of pipe smoking.



Mar 23, 2013
Blue-collar Metro-Detroit newbie to the pipe. Family man, avid reader going through my 3rd mid-life.

As my kids grow older & I see them set in their ways, I decided to look for a relaxing hobby to fill some of my free time. Pipes.

Always liked the smell of pipes, and remembered one of my friends dads being a pipe smoker when we were kids...good memories.

Found this site via the google-god.

Peace to you all!



Mar 5, 2013
Howdy! New to the Estate Pipe hobby. Pleasure smoker since 2005. Been a nice hobby to pass the time during the Canadian winter. Live outside the Border City of Detroit and Windsor. Thanks for all the useful information and the courtesy y'all show to one another. Very informative and a pleasure forum.




Mar 27, 2013
Greetings all! Been smoking a pipe since I was about 16, so that's 39 years or so. Worked for a number of shops and grew into repairs, restoration, and making pipes. Recently sold the repair business to make time for a few more things before my time is up. Still doing some restorations for friends and a few old accounts, but no more briar and vulcanite dust. I know a few of you from my old ASP and Ebay seller days, and from Smokers Forums. I play a little guitar, was a competitive lifter and bodybuilder. Love my wife and family, my dog, motorcycles, guns and shooting, boxing and martial arts, and a good steak, too.

I enjoy a number of tobaccos, from full Balkans to Virginia Flakes and yes, even those (shudder) aromatics at times. Big proponent of "Smoke what you like, like what you smoke" ideology.

I tend to have an eclectic collection of briars, though at one time specialized primarily in pre Republic Petersons. I have since divested myself of the Peterson collection and still have many old and new briars. Barling, Dunhill, Comoy, Sasieni, to Garbe, Cooke, Pohlmann, and so on. I usually take a table at the New York show where I've been able to meet some great folks and have a great time.

There's some great posts here, and I've enjoyed reading everyones' thoughts on our shared interests!

Wishing all a good day, and smooth sailin'




Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 28, 2013
Brantford, Ont.
Hello all,

Been searching the interwebs for information on pipes and tobacco for a couple weeks. Found lots of helpful info here.
Found a tobacconist near me, and went for a visit. Came out with a Brigham Voyageur #163, some of their house tobacco called Mark Twain some pipe cleaners and a 3 way pipe tool. I found the gentleman at the shop quite helpful.

Came home and tried my new bits and bobs, very pleased. I have enjoyed the occasional cigar, and can now add this to my backyard deck relaxing toolbox.
Looking forward to my next puff session.



Might Stick Around
Mar 23, 2013
Howdy and hello,
I'm Joe from Pennsylvania. I've been smoking pipes steadily for about a little over a year now. Previously I had dabbled, but never really got in to it. My curiosity was fostered into an engaging hobby, and later an obsessive lifestyle, by the good pipe folks at reddit. I found this site searching for general articles and getting hooked on Mr. Pease's columns. I often poured through the discussions as a lurker and came to appreciate the community of more experienced pipe smokers and here I am. I'm becoming a member of my local pipe group, though I have a bad habit of missing meetings, I'm currently engaged in an affair with Dark Flake Unscented, and I'm considering picking up a blog about tobacco. I look forward to getting to know you folks.



Mar 28, 2013
Hey all. I've been smoking pipes for about a year now, and this forum is one of the places I found early for great advice I just never signed up. Currently my favorite blend is Celtic blend by Tewksbury, but I have yet to try very many so we'll see as I branch out a little. Looking forward to getting to know you all.



Sep 27, 2011
Hello, everyone! I'm a 21-year-old student at a liberal arts college in the great state of New York, majoring in History and French Studies (hence my Père Duchesne avatar - which I can't see displayed, any reason why?). I've smoked the occasional pipe for the past year and a half (taking it up again after a few months' hiatus), and I've just started with some nasal snuff this week. It's a bit scarce in typical shops in the USA, but I've been able to find Dean Swift (made by Wilsons) and Silver Dollar (made by Toque). My favorite snuff right now is Dean Swift Dr. Johnson, which has a great sharp fresh taste. I've never enjoyed cigarettes and dip seems a bit disgusting, but cigars (and some cigarillos, like Carbon Copy) are alright once in a while and I'm planning to try a bit of Swedish Snus (General brand). My favorite pipe tobacco right now is definitely Samuel Gawith's 1792 Flake. Not everyone likes it, but I think it's wonderful!
I got into pipe smoking when a friend of mine - an inveterate pothead - gave me a cheap Czech pipe he never really used (he doesn't really smoke pipe tobacco). It was a bit crap, but a good one to mess around with and learn how to pack/light. In my neophyte's enthusiasm, I went to several antique shops and bought up their used pipes (including 6 useable briars with a wooden rack - a steal at $40!). As a result, I now have a mini-collection and can lend them out to friends without worrying about them losing a really nice one. I've also tried meerschaums, which are good, but the two vintage ones I own have both had stems that came loose (one's being repaired right now) - perhaps that's especially common with old meerschaums. For daily use, my K & P Peterson pipe works best.
At college, I'm surrounded by cigarette-smokers every day and, while most of them will admit that pipe tobacco has a far superior taste once I've let them have a puff of mine, they usually aren't moved to take it up themselves - their loss. It seems that to be a pipe-smoker these days, especially if you are under the age of 60 or so, is to be branded an eccentric - which is fine by me, as I already have that reputation for other reasons! My family, of course, think it's a dirty habit, and as non-smokers make little distinction in their minds between different kinds of tobacco use. It's a shame that society at large has essentially decided that all tobacco use needs to be stamped out. I think that cigarette smokers and non-smokers alike are to blame - my apologies to any of you who do also enjoy cigarettes! I sometimes sit on my high horse as a pipe-smoker ("More flavor and no lung cancer for me - haha!"), but then I remember that we've fallen to the status of a neglected minority (notice how "smoking" = "cigarettes" for 95% of the general public and nearly 100% of both pro- and anti-smoking propaganda/advertising). Ah well, as long as there's a warm pipe waiting for me when I get home each day, I can't complain!
Blah, blah, blah. Good to find an online community of pipe-smokers, and look forward to chatting with you in the future!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 1, 2013
hi guys just wanted to say hi. Been smoking for about 2 years now :) a smoker from socal :)



Mar 31, 2013
Wanted to say hi name is David I just joined I am an avid cigar smoker just started smoking pipes benn long time fan of them wanting to learn the process of making them .

Know I will learn so much from this site

Wanted to say thank you all for the great welcome I have had so far

Thank you

David Scott



Can't Leave
Mar 1, 2013
Hello, everyone! My name is Murf, originally from Buffalo, NY. I'm now in the Philly suburbs.
I started smoking a pipe around the age of 22, been smoking for almost 3yrs. My 1st pipe was one of my grandpa's old pipes that my dad gave me. From what I can tell, he got it for free because he purchased so many tins of tobacco, he got enough UPCs to send in and got it in the mail. It's not an expensive pipe, but very special to me. I smoked that pipe (exclusively) in Russia for 4 months with my Russian "father." It has since been retired, I might smoke the occasional bowl from it, but maybe a few times a year.
I now have about 10 pipes in my collection, and a well-stocked "cellar." It's a chest made from black walnut, that my grandfather actually cut down years ago (when he was still here), and a friend of my dad turned it into a beautiful piece of furniture.
I really enjoy the act of smoking, but don't get to do it very often. I think this is do to my profession; I don't think it's a good idea for an athletic trainer at a high school to smell like smoke (even though I do enjoy the scent on my clothes). So, I either have to shower after smoking if it's a morning pipe, or wait til I get home, which is usually very late. If I think of it, I'll pack a pipe before I leave for work, and smoke in the car on the way home (I try to light up off campus, or in a spot where no one will see me. I think it's technically illegal to have tobacco at a school, even though teachers will have the occasional cigarette break).
Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the summer (when high school sports are over), so I can enjoy a pipe on a frequent basis.
I'm planning on uploading some pics soon, but that might also have to wait til the summer.



Apr 1, 2013
Hello everyone! I'm in the Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada, and I'm currently awaiting the arrival of my starter pipe set to arrive. I've been a cigar smoker for over 20 years now and always wanted to try a pipe, so here I am.
I've enjoyed cigar smoking, especially when my son was old enough to share with me and we relaxed and enjoyed many a cigar and nice scotch before and after his deployments to Afghanistan. He then started straight razor shaving about 4 years ago and he shared this experience with me and I've recently started myself (and yes I have RAD already with 8 razors in my rotation/collection in just under 6 months). I saw a gentleman the other day relaxing and enjoying a pipe and I decided that now was the time to broaden my horizons, found this site, and have a pipe set on the way. Looking at all the pipes available, I can already feel the symptoms of PAD starting.
I told my son last night about my new endeavor and he wants to start pipe smoking with me as well. This will be another opportunity to share quality time with my son, which comes about too seldom.
Thanks for listening. I realize that I have a lot to learn, however just from looking at this website for the past couple of days, answers to every question that I might have will be addressed by all the experienced and friendly pipe smokers on this site.



Might Stick Around
Apr 2, 2013
Hi all!
I smoked my first pipe after "rescuing" unopened containers of tobacco (Half and Half, Captain Black etc.) from the dumpster of the drug store I worked at in high school. I took it up again in college. My best friend and I would frequent the local pipe store, buy a bulk aromatic and bring it back to the house to smoke while reading Robert Frost and generally acting like idiots.
Also when I was in college, I picked up what I thought was a basket pipe when on a trip to Poland (the motherland). It has always been my favorite and smokes well. I took a look at it recently and noticed the makers marks. Through the magic of this site and others, I have found that it was actually made by Polish pipe maker Tadeusz Polinski. I have been devouring this forum, Pipedia and YouTube (and ebay) for any and all information about pipes everyday since.
I have picked up the pipe again after sporatic bowls over the years and have been bitten by the bug hard. I ordered a mix of highly reviewed aromatics and English blends and am really sorry I had never branched out beyond the bulk jars before. I am pleasantly surprised at how much I am enjoying the non-aromatic world and am looking forward to trying it all.



Apr 3, 2013
Howdy Folks, boys and girls, ladies and gents. I'm Tommy from way down South in the Heart of Dixie. I've smoked on and off for a few years now. Started when I first got into college, smoking cigars. And after a long road of trying different types of tobacco and such, I've settled on the pipe as my preferred method of tobacco use. It fits my personality the best. I smoke cobs because I just can't justify a briar to myself at this point in time. However, if I get my hands on a "make your own pipe" kit in the near future, I'll go that rout.
I, like many new pipe smokers, got too bogged down in the arbitrary rules of 'you gotta pack it this way' and 'smoke all the way through the first bowl or the pipe will always want to go out at that point' voodoo and so on and so forth. And after a while, I found myself on Youtube again and I found some newer videos of a channel I used to be subscribed to (at the time). This gentleman said some things that really got me fired up (pun intended), and what really got me was this, "if you want to learn how to smoke a pipe ... get a pipe, put some tobacco in it. Attempt to light it and attempt to some it. And just keep doing that." I don't know if he is on this forum or not but I'd like to send a shoutout to Jay (Dighsx) for giving me "the bug" as its sometimes referred to.
Looking forward to discussions and sharing a fairly uncommon hobby with some folks.
Roll Tide



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 31, 2013
Greetings all. New to pipe smoking. This website has been an awesome help. Can't wait to hear/read the good advice. Hope to hear from yall soon.


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