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Jan 8, 2013
Nice... I've been trying to get my hands on a freehand and those are just beautiful :)Welcome. I'm pretty new myself, but the people here are awesome.



Feb 22, 2013
Hello everyone,

I'm new to the pipe smoking world, looking forward to it though.

I searched this site for a while before I joined.

There seems to be a lot of good people on here and a ton of great information.

Looking forward to chatting it up with you...



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 21, 2013
Thomas here. I was a lurker for few weeks and decided to pick up a pipe and give it a try. I've been a cigarette smoker for longer than I'd like to be or to admit. I'm hoping the pipe will replace the cigs to some extent. I picked up a MM from a local convenience store and an estate pipe from eBay. The estate pipe is a L'Artigiono by Cesare Barontini. I am very new to pipe smoking so I go back and forth between the 2 pipes trying to figure out what I'm doing. After reading a lot of reviews I picked up a few ounces of 1Q and Milan 401. Whie the 1Q smells great I don't think it has enough nic to satisfy me. The 401 is a little better but still not what I was hoping for. After reading a little more I'm thinking that one of the GLPs will be my next purchase. I live in a small lake community in NJ and am looking forward to cruising around in my boat this spring with a fishing pole in one hand and smoldering pipe in the other. Thank you all for some great info and I look forward to sharing this journey with you.

Jan 14, 2013
Howdy, I don't think I've introduced myself yet. I hail from Oregon, Originally from Bakersfield, CA. I have many hobbies, Pipes being my latest. I do everything from carving knife scales & knife steel handles to photography all the way over to software development. I'm a jack of all trades so to say.
I've been smoking a pipe for a few months now and have tryed quite a few of the Altadis blends, Largo (UGH), Sir Walter Raleigh (Didn't much prefer it) I'm looking to expand my types of tobaccos and get more info on the types available, how to cure, flavor and age.
Once I pick up a new hobby I got hog wild with getting all the knowledge I can on it.



Feb 23, 2013
Hi all!

I'm Saverio and i am writing from Italy.

After i quit smoking cigarettes i decided to try with the pipe, so i purchuased a cheap Savinelli and a pouch of Skandinavik regular and now, after more than 30 pipes, i am still looking for the "perfect" pipe! :roll:

I like to fill my bowls with VA and VA/PER, EM, local OTC kentucky blends and minced Toscano cigar. Seldom smoke aromatics.

That's all for now, thanks for all precious info and i look porward to share my pipe hobby witrh you. :)



Might Stick Around
Feb 13, 2013
I light my bowls off of campfires. I use my thumb as a tamper. I clean my pipes with squirrel tales. I am a... guerilla piper. It's great to be a part of this community.



Might Stick Around
Jan 25, 2013
Hey all, I've been smoking a pipe for about a year and a half now. My current favorite blends are: Esoterica Dunbar, Dunhill Flake and Nightcap, McClelland 5100, Cornell and Diehl Opening Night, and last but not least the always tasty Full Virginia Flake. I smoke mostly Virginia's but I enjoy English mixtures sometimes, hence the Nightcap. Great to be here!



Feb 26, 2013
Guten tag. Hello I'm new to pipes but I've wanted to try it for years unfortunately the only actual pipe tobacco I've used was captain black and it was terrible but I'm hoping to get some cherry tobacco soon.

Hello to one and all! My name is Chris, I'm 29 years old.
I live in The "Biggest little City in the World" (Reno, NV.) and just recently took up the pipe after smoking cigarettes for 12 years.
I'm the type of person that loves ritual, and pipe smoking seems to be just that, one big ritual, from packing and lighting, all the way through the cleaning process afterwards. My wife LOVES the smell of HSPC Trout Stream, and I think it is a just fine flavor.
Thus far, I'm really enjoying the half hour or so I spend by myself, Pipe smoking is an exercise in controlled breathing, and I really feel like I benefit from that.
Thanks to everyone here on the forum for making this place a welcoming, wealth of knowledge! :puffpipe:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 26, 2013
HI! long time cigar smoker (and overactive on a cigar forum under the same name), but after a decade of fiddling around with a couple dr. grabowand some OTC stuff to poor and indecisive results, i took a suggestion from one of my stogie guys and tried nightcap. EUREKA! a little studying on how to load and smoke, and i feel like i am at the start of another long and great journey with the leaf. still rocking the dr. grabows (hey, they burn well if you know what you're doing), but have a couple starter estates recently, and my first petey on the way.
had this place highly recommended to me, and i have to say you all look to live up to the praise. thanks for having me. o)



Mar 1, 2013

I am John i am 20 years old and i enjoy pipe smoking quite a bit. I just started a few weeks ago and am enjoying a lot (despite complaints from the girlfriend because smoking is bad for you...) Im glad i found such a helpful site to aid in all the troubles and questions i may have. I only have 3 tobaccos right now..i do not want too many because i dont smoke often and don't wanna have hard choices. I have Capt black white. Carter Hall. And Middleton cherry blend. My favorite is a toss up between the Captain and the carter. I have a can of Hearth and home berry nice on the way as well..cant wait to try that :) Thanks for all the information, i know i will have fun here :)



Mar 1, 2013
Hey, guys! The name is AJ, I'm 30 years old, just recently married on January 26th (WOO!!) to my best friend of 5 years, Sarah. I've just recently taken up pipe smoking and do restorations on the side. I've been a musician since I was about 5 years old, I play 12 different instruments, I have 2 albums on iTunes, just recently finished composing the soundtrack for a short film entitled "Picture Show" that won best screenplay last year at the Ozark Foothills FilmFest....and I'm running out of commas!
The pipes I currently own are the ones below (from t - b: MM Legend, MM Great Dane, antique lattice meerschaum, and a handmade Israeli burl briar)

I normally smoke Captain Black White, Captain Black Royal, or my local tobacconist's golden cavendish blend, but I just recently purchased some of's "Treebeard" from the Middle Earth Pipeweed series and I absolutely love it. Its complex, but its very aromatic and sweet at times.
However its great to be here and I look forward to getting to know you guys! Blessings!!
Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."



Mar 4, 2013
Hi all,
I'me new too pipe smoking and I just wanted to introduce myself. My collection so far includes a couple of Peterson's and a Missouri Meershum corncob (A General). So far I'v only tried aromatics, but I'm looking to try some new tobacos. Thanks.



Mar 1, 2013
Hi all,
I just realized I never introduced myself. My name is Dan and I live in Cherry Hill, NJ. Have been smoking a pipe on and off for about 25 years and just felt like getting back into it. I am still an avid cigar smoker but wanted to explore my horizons a bit with the briar. Just picked up a nice Nording and a strong blend from my local tobacconist.
I must admit the "thing" that got me into pipe smoking at 18 was reading the "Lord of the Rings" series. It seemed that every few pages someone was smoking a pipe and I started to experiment with the common aro's such as Capt Black. One of my roomies in the Marine Corps smoked a pipe and introduced me to the Tinderbox, which was a local shop. I started to experiment with different shop blends but have never tried the tins. After reading some of your comments I feel the need to go by some Night Cap today :)
I look forward to learning a LOT from you all.



Mar 5, 2013
St. Louis, MO
Hello all,

My name is Jeff and I am new to pipe smoking. I gave up cigarettes as a new years resolution and picked this up instead. So far no complaints; I smoke less often, it's cheaper, and smells much better. Looking forward to chatting and learning a few things. Semper Fidelis -Jeff



Dec 19, 2012
Greetings my brethren,

Please excuse my late introduction. As a long time cigar smoker, I decided to experiment with pipe smoking in no small part because pipe tobacco is so much more affordable. $1000 worth of pipes and tobacco later and I'm hooked! Honestly, I never suspected that there was so much to learn in order to properly smoke a pipe. This forum has helped me immenslely. Here's to a long friendship; I hope I will someday be able to reciprocate the help I have thus far received.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 6, 2013
Been hanging around the forums for a while as I got into pipe smoking but never took it upon myself to make my own profile. Finally decided I'd start contributing to the conversations here, seems like a fine community.
Learned a lot from you gents (and the occasional lady) and I am excited to be here.

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