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Jan 20, 2013
Hello from the pacific northwest! just a quick introduction from a new pipe smoker. Hobby started with an eBay purchase, a Darby pipe. Love the site. Lots to learn. Looking forward to the journey.

Other hobbies old motorcycles playing guitar and good beer.

Cheers Adam



Can't Leave
Jan 24, 2013
Hi, I'm Paul. Live in southwestern Pennsylvania. Used to collect pipes, now I just smoke em. Prefer billiards and straight princes. Virginia tobacco or Abingdon if I'm alone, drugstore aros in public. I'm in my mid thirties with two kids, been smoking about 15 years.
Favorite pipes are ancient Petersons for the abuse they can take. Have a lot of expensive pipes, but the best smoker is still an oooold Masta patent sandblast bulldog with more putty than briar. Guess I'm just now learning the value of things.
Thanks for having me!



Jan 26, 2013
My names William I live in Toronto, Ontario
I`ve been smoking a pipe the last year or so and I love it!
Just wanted to say hello



Jan 5, 2013
I am Matt from Wyoming. I have recently tried a cob pipe and some low cost tobacco. After the third attempt I seem to be getting the hang of it. I still have quite a few cigars but I was hoping the pipe would be cheaper and provide a bit of relaxation after work. After I am finished with the first two pouches of tobacco I hope to try the Hearth and Home tins. I did purchase a Peterson pipe as well but feel I should practice a bit more with the cob first.
The articles and forums are informative and I enjoy being a part of this site.



Jan 31, 2013
Hi guys my name is Brian. I just started pipe Smoking a little over a month ago. I started with the basic captain flavors and now im getting into some different blends with burley. Anyway im saving up to buy a decent pipe and continue my adventures in this fantastic religion of Pipe smoking.



Jan 31, 2013
G'day from Australia.
I just inherited something very similar although not identical to the pipe discussed in this article.

For the old world to new with love. I was looking to post comments in the page itself but couldn't figure it out.
I'm interested in finding out more about this pipe but have been unsuccessful in finding much information and was wondering if anyone might be able to point me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance



Feb 1, 2013
Las Vegas
Hello everybody! My name is Evan. I'm from Las Vegas, Nevada. I've just recently taken an interest in pipes, after taking an interest in cigars first. I have been lurking on this forum since November of 2012, reading posts and learning as much as I could about the hobby before I ever picked up a pipe.
Then, on Christmas Eve of 2012 my mother surprised me with a nice new briar pipe, a pipe/tobacco pouch with an ounce of tobacco in it, a nice pipe and cigar lighter, a tamper, and a neat two pipe ash tray with a cork knocker in the middle.
Since then I've purchased two other pipes, a corn cob and a churchwarden. They are both great pipes! I've also gotten a few ounces of bulk tobaccos, and a tin of virginia. I only smoke the Virginia out of my churchwarden. The other two pipes are used for whatever I feel like smoking in them.
Anyways, I can't wait to participate in these forums. I look forward to getting to know all of you fine pipe smokers, and learning all I can about this wonderful hobby.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 3, 2013
My name is Kaleb. I have been in the tobacco business for thirteen years now. I've been smoking a pipe off and on since 73, nothing serious untill about a year ago. Since I'm in the business I have been lucky enough to purchase some pretty sweet estate pipes. I've also started cellaring about four months ago and I'm up to 34 lbs. so far with a goal of 50. Out of all the forums I creeped this one seems to be the best that I have found. Looking forward to participating.



Feb 5, 2013
Hey everyone,

I started smoking a pipe when my Grandfather passed away almost 30 years ago. I was 18 at the time and I smoked off and on for about 5 years.

I picked up pipe smoking again about a year ago. I wanted to use the pipe as a crutch to quit smoking cigarettes.

Man I forgot how much I really enjoyed a pipe.

I'm now building my collect of pipes up and always looking for pipes and tobacco. I look forward to my pipe time everyday.

As I have been expanding my pipe collection and my taste for tobaccos I thought I would join here and see what other pipe smokers have to say.



(Bailey's Briar)
Jan 30, 2013
Hello, my name is Steve and I have been a resident of Kentucky for 50 years. I grew up working in tobacco fields on hot summer days then freezing while stripping tobacco in a cold barn in the middle of winter during icy snows. Most times this work required a big chew of 'Red Man' or 'Beech Nut' to complete the task. Those were the good old days! Been a cigarette smoker half my life or better and recently started RYO'ing. My tobacco of choice for everyday cigarette smoking consists of Peter Stokkebye Amsterdam, Danish & Virginia Long Cut. I also just recently picked up the pipe and fell in love. It's so relaxing. I remember seeing my Grandfather smoking a pipe when I was a child and loved the scent of his tobacco. At the moment I don't have any pipes you would call expensive or even collectable, however I do get enjoyment out of smoking my Savinelli Duca Carlo Pipe 'Lumberman' and my Missouri Meerschaum Cobs!
I do plan on expanding my pipe collection and have started with purchasing a Peterson Pipe. I am enjoying the Villiger line of tobaccos. My favorite so far is 'VILLIGER 1888 Mid Day'. Please feel free to recommend other brands similar to Mid Day please. My taste in tobacco's include both aromatic and English blends.
Looking forward to getting to know fellow pipe smokers and participating.



Feb 5, 2013
hey guys, im new to the forum and new to pipe smoking too, im 29years old, i was a cigarette smoker for 16 years and quit with the help of an electronic cigg. to be honest i still loved the smell of tobacco, so i started with an occasional cigar. it was hard to find one i really liked but i did, but i always looked at pipes. i started smelling the pipe tobaccos at my local store and finally sprung to get one after this past christmas. i use my pipe about once a week, so far i like a couple aromatic blends, but i have a couple english and non aromatic. the non aromatic still smell good to me but the 2 english ones i got smell very strong, do they taste that strong too? anyways, i also like to expiramint with e cigg flavors and liquids and have found some tobacco extraction processes which i am actually in the process of trying to hopefully create a good pipe tobacco e liquid flavor. i havnt used many pipes, but right now i have a lo rocca bent and an erik nording. the nording pipe looks amazing. ive seen many of his pipes that look great.

i am wondering thoguh, right now i only fill the bowl about half way. can someone reccomend to me by pm one with a small bowl? when i use my pipe i only go for about 10-15 mins before i put it out. any help would be great!




Might Stick Around
Feb 7, 2013
good day all...i'm a hobbiest pipe maker currently living near Stuttgart Germany.. working for the Department of Defense... retired Navy Cryptologist (CTRC) ...born and raised in Texas...... many of you I probably know.. to those I don't a hearty hello.. i've been trolling the site for a while.. love the radio show and figured.. why not
I look forward to chatting with you guys



Jan 30, 2013
Hello Everyone!
Realized that I had not posted on this thread since joining the site about a week ago. Name is Kyle, writing out of Stillwater, Oklahoma and I have been smoking pipes for about 3 years now. I always thought pipes were the coolest thing ever as a kid, and I promised myself I would buy one when I got older. My first pipe was a corncob with a nice cherry-flavored aromatic. I have since upgraded to three Italian-made basket briar pipes (know next to nothing about them). They serve me quite well, though I am looking in the future to splurging and getting a Peterson or Savinelli. I especially like the look of the Savinelli Morino Billiard. I have also made the transition from aromatics to English blends, and have been working my way recently through tins of Dunhill Nightcap and My Mixture 965. Nightcap is easily my favorite smoke. Love the full bodied taste and the nicotine kick. I dipped snuff for around a year and half, so there is not much tobacco-wise that can take me on a ride, but Nightcap does the trick.
I enjoy pipe-smoking very much. I am a Civil War Reenactor, which complements my pipe-smoking quite nicely. In addition I am a college student and also recently engaged, so pipes are a needed and very relaxing pastime. I will never quit.
Look forward to learning from and talking to you all!



Might Stick Around
Feb 6, 2013
Thornton, Colorado
Greetings and salutations from Thornton, Colorado all. I'm Jason, extremely new to pipes though it's always been a desire, I cannot for the life of me figure out why it's taken this long. Just recently I got back into cigars after kicking cigarettes (17 years) to the curb 5 years ago. I felt I could finally indulge and not fall back into a 2 pack a day habit and fortunately, I was right. Picked up a cheap basket pipe from a B&M and a few ounces of the exceptionally limited supply of pipe oriented tobacco they had and I've been off and running (or would that be puffing?) since. I'm hooked, not in the hopeless way, but in the supremely excited way of getting into a new hobby that I have enjoyed thus far. A joy I am certain will only continue to grow as I learn and experiment with new tobaccos growing my cellar and pipe collection over time. I must say that my first impressions of this community have been nothing but great, what a wealth of information you all have to offer. I'm not a big poster, so I will most likely be lurking and learning, chiming in here and there. Thanks for being a civil group of folks, as far as I can tell the troll population is scant if present at all, you have to love a good predator management program. Hope Friday eve finds you all well and in good company. Cheers!

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