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Sep 28, 2012
Hi everyone. I'm new to smoking in general and decided to pick up a pipe over a cigar and I couldn't be happier. I joined the site to inform myself and keep me optimistic no matter how many times my pipe goes out. I'm looking forward to a healthy pipe smoking future.



Mar 19, 2012
Hi, Everyone

My name's Pete and I live in CT. I'm 48 and I've been a smoker since I was 18, mostly cigars and cigarettes, but pipe smoking is something relatively new for me. I've been hooked since my first bowl of Dunhill Early Morning Pipe that a friend from a cigar forum sent me and since then I've been something of a fiend buying different types of pipe tobaccos to experience, along with a couple of estate pipes and new pipes, which I'm still breaking in.

I found this forum during a Google search I was doing on pipe tobacco blending and was impressed with the wealth of knowledge I discovered among the various threads I've gone through. You folks really know your stuff:)

I've still got lots to learn about pipes and the art of pipe smoking, but I think I'm the right place to continue my education.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 1, 2012
Hi everyone, I am Kevin from Toronto Ontario, Canada. I am new to this forum as well as to pipe smoking. I currently have 2 pipes, one is an S&T and the other is a Zero, both handmade in china and they were given to me as gifts. I hope to learn much from everyone here. Thanks in advance!



Might Stick Around
Oct 3, 2012
Central FL
Name is Adam, located in Central FL and a new pipe smoker for a few months now. Ive enjoyed cigars here and there (never a cig smoker) and sort of out of a joke, I bought a pipe and come to find out I actually enjoy it much more than cigars...which seems to be a trend I see on here. Been lurking the forums for a bit now just reading and educating myself on pipes in general. Seems the general population here is ranging in all ages and pretty laid back, which is cool!
Some background on me... huge gearhead and cart nut, I do autocross racing, surf (work in the surf industry) and skate. I also work in the graphics/print industry and currently own 2 businesses in both the surf industry and website/graphics. Into music, and play guitar/bass.
Look forward to contributing when I can!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 3, 2012
Hello Pipemagazine forum. I am located in the Chattanooga, TN area. New pipe smoker looking to expand my pipe and tobacco knowledge. Started smoking a pipe about a year ago. Started off with the most awful pipe. A $20 cheap pipe from a "Pipe and Tobacco" store (aka head shop). I swear it was made of plastic and had the worst draw imaginable. It is amazing I stuck with it. Picked up a bunch of cheap estate pipes (30 pipe for $30) and started restoring them, most of them are Dr. Grabow pipes. The Dr. Grabow was a huge improvement. Been researching various pipes and I am looking to get something like this: Savinelli Pipe set and this: Peterson Harp. Lately I am smoking a local blend from the Chattanooga Billiard Club called the Burn's Blend. It is ok, but like my pipe situation, I am looking to expand my horizons. I going to order some from Boswell's here shortly. Working a weird schedule right now so no time to sit down and enjoy this hobby of late, but thought I would get to at least discuss pipes and tobacco in the mean time. Thanks for having me and looking forward to hearing you from you.



Oct 5, 2012
I'm Kenny, from Richmond, Va. I've been lurking on the forum for a couple weeks now, reading as much as I could. I'm a born-again pipe smoker, used to smoke about 20 yrs ago while I was in the Corps. I was 19 at the time and partook of cigars and cigarettes while I delved in pipes. Didn't have anyone to teach me, I had a Dr. Grabow and whatever baccy I could find at the drug store. I gave it up after a few months. I still smoke cigars, make my own cigarettes, and my interest in RYO cigarettes actually drew me back into the pipe fold, so to speak. I'm starting all over, learning all that I can. I've decided to start my new adventure with an order from (I love their customer service and their shipping is fast). My first 2 pipes are on the way from ebay....a Venturi billiard (one of the "infamous" the pipe's) and a Marxman that I like the looks of. I'm thinking I'm going to focus on estates, restoring them, and having fun finding what works for me and what doesn't. I've got some Pirate Kake, AJ's VaPer, Ambassador's Blend, Bayou Night, and Three Friars on the way. I look forward to the pipe journey and to making friends with the wise and esteemed men and women on this forum. Thanks for all that you've taught me already.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Welcome aboard Marine!

Please allow me to express my gratitude for your service to our country, my family, and me.

There are lot of us Jar Heads here and many greatly respected representatives from every branch as well.

Tons of really knowledgeable gentlemen and ladies as well.

We run the gamut from Culinary Students to Licensed Funerary Service Technicians and then there's Hobie1dog. :nana:
Seriously, we're glad you have joined our ranks.

We all look forward to your questions, comments, and pictures.




Oct 5, 2012
Thanks for the warm welcome. I've noticed that there's quite a few service personnel here, devildogs nothwithstanding. I'm looking forward to getting my feet wet, so to speak, and learning and getting advice from the members here. As soon as my pipes arrive, I'll be sure to post some pics



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 3, 2012
Howdy PM forum. I also have been lurking for sometime of here. I have been a cigar smoker for about 15 years. I have attempted to pickup pipe smoking a couple time without any success. That was before of found this site. So far, I am off to a better start this time thanks to the info on here.
Great forum, keep it up guys. I wish I had some knowledge to add, but I probably rank up there as one of the worst pipe smokers thus far LOL. Hopefully, down the road, I can be a productive member.



Sep 23, 2012




Might Stick Around
Oct 7, 2012
Hiya pipe buddies!! Joined a few days ago, and have been perusing the forums through the weekend. While not technically new to pipe smoking, I am new to this site, it's forums, and all of you, so a great big HELLO to everyone, and thank you to those who have already been kind enough to "friend" me. By nature I am hesitant regarding the whole social media thing so I may be a bit "turtle-ish" in getting photos up, but this is pipe smoking after all.. and we all gotta know where our priorities are!! :puffy: I look forward to getting to know you all better and hopefully participating in some great discussions.



Oct 7, 2012
Hello, My name is mr. A.T.S feel free to make up your own nickname, as I didnt notice the rodent reference until after the fact :)

I dont mind it much though. Im 22, years old, live in Idaho, and am fairly new to pipe smoking. I have quickly discovered that pipes are one of the great and simple pleasures of life. I'd like to send out a warm thank you to those who have already friended me, a few of you are already familiar names to me as I've been stalking the forums since I started smoking pipes.



Oct 8, 2012
Hey guys, my name is Ian. I've been smoking pipes for a couple of months now and I'm loving it. I found this site after I decided that I wanted to be part of a pipe smoking community and start learning a lot more about pipes and pipe smoking. This is definitely a hobby I'm not going to quit anytime soon and I figure it would be time even better spent amongst friends.



Might Stick Around
Oct 9, 2012
Salida, CA
Hello all,

I'm a California farmer. I started to smoke regularly a few months ago. I'm here to learn, buy/sell/trade, and be a part of the community. I'm currently on aromatics but I'm very curious about the other offerings and hope to try some soon.



May 17, 2011
Northern New Jersey
Howdy all pipe brethren, I'm an active member on Smokers Forums (aka kashmir) and decided it's about time I renewed my membership on this fine forum. So, I'm glad to be back, and learn from you good folks here on Pipe Magazine. I've been smoking a pipe since the early 1980s, and prefer classic English pipes, and heavy Latakia blends like Star of the East, Pirate Kake, Odyssey, Westminster, Charring Cross, Balkan Sasieni, etc. I also like cobs and Falcons. And I used to smoke only Prince Albert and Captain Black White. Over the years I've become more of a Latakia smoker, but I hit the old Captain every now and then, especially in public. I go through about 5 to 10 bowls a day, and I am never without a packed pipe. Life goes better with a pipe, from taking out the garbage and doing laundry, to smoking on the porch pondering earthly matters, to driving to a job interview. So I pretty much have a pipe going all day. I counteract any negative side effects (hahaha) I walk five miles a day. So when I bump into an anti-tobacco sort, I've got ammunition at the ready. Well, I guess that's it for now. Looking forward to interacting with you kind folk and learning a thing or two.



Oct 7, 2012
Howdy folks, I a fairly new (month in) and fairly infrequent smoker (2-3 times a week). That being said, I have fallen headfirst into the hobby and am thoroughly enjoying the collecting aspects that go along with it. I'm currently a junior in college, and I've found that to be able to sit back and enjoy a pipe a few times a week is a lovely coping mechanism for dealing with the drunken antics of those around me.



Might Stick Around
Oct 11, 2012
Southern Oregon
New to the Forum, after 45 minutes fiddling with the Avatar, I failed at a profile picture instead got something of a pipe lighter. :)
I've smoked pipes since about 2000 . . . going through the drugstore, friends' mixes, and Dunhill brands, settling on Dunhill's Royal Yacht. When they suspended producing Dunhill for the U.S. in 2007 or so, and after trying replacements I found MacBaren's H&H Mature Virginia a very nice replacement. By now, (Ha!) I see Dunhill is back producing for the States.
Whew, I think I got the Avatar figured out.



Oct 10, 2012
Hello there,

Developed an overnight infatuation with pipe smoking less than two months ago. Smoked a pipe in high school, perhaps a dozen times, then nearly 30 years later, after a water cooler conversation at work that involved pipe smoking, I'm on ebay buying estate lots,.. ordering tobacco online,.. buying cobs and basket briars and OTC tobacco.

Joining up here seems an obvious next step on my way to escalating to a full blown obsession. I look forward to having none of you try to talk some sense into me.

OK,...what else...i'm 43,....beautiful wife and daughter.....enjoy drinking cold beer and Irish whiskey and playing guitar and singing....usually all at once. And now, under the right conditions, i'll try and do all that with a big ol' corncob hanging outta my yap! Can't wait!



Might Stick Around
Oct 12, 2012
I promised Yavuz I'd join up to post up brag pics of my Storient pipe(s) when I get it (them?). Hubby has been smoking a pipe for almost a year now (at my suggestion) now I have joined the fun as well.

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