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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 17, 2012
Suncoast Florida by the Beach
Hello - Rob here from Central Florida. I'm only been enjoying pipes for about a year and a half now. Made the move to include pipes along with having a good cigar occasionally. Turned out to be a good decision indeed! I find pipes to be more sophisticated and scholarly. I particularly like the fact that there is quite a bit of variation in the different tastes of pipe tobaccos available.
I'd like to start a local pipe club in the Central Florida area and am told that this forum may be a good source of information and support. Looking forward to seeing what the future brings...



Oct 17, 2012
New from Michigan is Bo.
I'm a casual 50-somethin' partaker that alwayed loved the flavor of Tabacco. But, I'm a bit of an anti-Cigarette kinda guy. I hate the smell, never tried them, nor do I inhale. Seems like a waste of tobacco to me? I'm in in for the flavor and started to sample Cigars over 20 years ago. I like the stonger full flavored blends.
At the same time I tried a Dr Grabow and some OTC. Burned the $#@$ out of my mouth and through out the pipe and stayed w/the occasional cigar instead. Over the last couple years started to want more "flavor" with my occasional cigar and looked to Pipe Tabacco as a way to expand my flavor profile. My pipe of choice is a Churchwarden that keeps those tongue memories away while it forces me to sit down and truly enjoy that occasional smoke while I think.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 19, 2012
Bel Air, MD
The name is Rondy, and I am a 34 year old resident of the crappy state of Maryland and a single dad to the most awesome kiddo Caitlin, who will be the dreaded 13 in April 2013. So if you pray, please remember me!!
I started smoking cigarettes when I was 12. Yeah, my lungs are so black that when I die, future medical students will use my lungs at Etch-O-Sketches. Sadly, I still smoke cigarettes. And the occasional cigar.
But whereas cigarettes are about getting the nicotine fix that keeps me from slaughtering most of the population, the pipe is all about comfort, relaxation, and enjoyment.
I've been smoking pipes off and on since I was 18; it's only been fairly recently (in my 30's) that the pipe has become more important and special.
I'm glad that I found this wonderful site and its forums, and I look forward to "meeting" y'all and discussing our mutual love of the pipe and its many wonderful types of tobacco!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 24, 2012
Hello all, I just joined the site yesterday and what an awesome community! Google kept leading me to this site when I was searching the internet for pipe related topics. Then I started to listen to the Pipes Magazine podcast so I didn't really have a choice, I had to join. I have smoked a pipe off and on (mostly off) since I was 18. My first few experiences were not that great. They were filled with daydreams of Norman Rockwell like scenes coming to life followed by a mediocre or bad smoke. For some unknown reason I kept coming back to try again eventually finding tobacco I like and proper technique. Recently I have been smoking more frequently again and feeding my PAD again.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 25, 2012
Hello All!
My name is Austin and I'm from Michigan.
A little about me...
I currently live in Ishpeming, MI with my fiance, Trina while I attend Northern Michigan University. I'm majoring in Communications and Economics and plan to graduate next year.
I work full time for a large telecommunications company as a business consultant. I'm very busy all the time with work and going to school and am looking forward to a hobby that I think will fit my schedule as well as help me relax after long days of studying and the pressures at my job.
In my spare time which is rare these days I enjoy weightlifting, reading, studying nutrition, going to concerts, and most of all relaxing with Trina and our cat, Lucille.
I smoked my first pipe on the day I turned 18 and enjoyed it, but didn't touch one again until few years later when my friend Johnnyxpipe took me to the local shop and we bought 2 pipes. We smoked them in his Bronco and at his apartment. I learned enough to pique my interest and was into it for a few weeks, but had some life changes soon after and pipe smoking got lost in the shuffle. Now I'm "back" and can't wait to experience the same enjoyment I witness here on the forum.
Excited to be here,




Oct 24, 2012
Hey, everyone! I'm Teidje, but most people around home call me Tex... I'm a Canuck from Vancouver Island, and I'm pretty new at the whole pipe scene. Got fed up with foul tasting/smelling cigarettes and decided to take this route, and I'm definitely loving it so far! I stumbled onto this site from a google search and I joined up as there was tons of good info and what looks like a great community so far!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 26, 2012
Good evening to everyone!
My name is Mark, I'm a 22 year old business owner in Cleveland, OH. I smoke argileh (hookah) about 4 times a week and have been for many years since my introduction to it in my young age (it runs in my culture). A friend of mine even has produced some great molasses tobacco for the hookah using some excellent pipe blends. I've had a couple forays into pipes but about 8 months ago I dropped the pharmacy briar I had and the Captain Black and picked up a French "Key Club" bulldog basket pipe, some CAO Cherry Bomb (holy cherry this is overwhelming), and some MC Syrian Full Balkan (I HAD to buy this seeing as I'm Syrian myself and my mother grew up in Latakia). This began my transformation but I really don't like the pipe I currently have so I decided to place an order for my first big boy briar :)
Here's the order I placed today:
Savinelli Champagne 707KS 8)

8oz Dan's Sweet Vanilla Honeydew

100g McClelland's Christmas Cheer 2012

4oz Lane 1-Q
I cannot wait for this order to arrive and to start building my collection! Look forward to share plenty of laughs and loads of knowledge with you gents (and ladies)!



Oct 27, 2012
Hello from Southern Utah! Joined up last night, and just decided to introduce myself! Nice place you have here!



Oct 27, 2012
England, UK
Hiya Folk, I've been a pipe smoker for a number of years now but have only more recently become involved in smoker related forums. I used to smoke that darn awful Clan for over 20yrs, I know, sad isn't it, well since more recent times I have become an ardent Latakia fan and am quickly getting turned on by Brown Bogie, soon hopefully to be trying a little Black Bogie too. I joined another very popular smokers forum and very quickly found myself wanting to be more involved in such a community, being new there I had no chance of being promoted to site staff, so I did the obvious, I started my own pipe smoker forum. I am also trying my hand at Blogging, I had a blog a little while back but felt it wasn't going well so I ditched it, a part of me just couldn't let it go so I started a new one on Word-press called Cubby Pipes, you're welcome to pop along there some time if you'd like, all are welcome of course.
I have joined here as I heard tell of Briar Bid on Smokers Forums and felt the need to get to know the owner of this site better, who as you all know is a Partner at Briar Bid. I like what I see here so far and have been looking around a little, I hope to get to know some of you all a little better as time goes by.
Peace and good will to one and all, happy smoking folks.

Kirk. :)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 30, 2012
New pipe smoker here, long time cigar smoker though.
Just picked up a couple of MM cobs and a couple of blends to try and I am liking it a lot. Will be shopping for a good Briar next
I'm an active duty Army Chaplain stationed in Hawaii right now, have used cigars many time to boost morale while deployed, plan to bring a few pipes on my next deployment
- Chappy
"I'm not ashamed of anything whatever that I do, and I don't feel that smoking makes me ashamed, and therefore I mean to smoke to the glory of God." - Charles Spurgeon



Might Stick Around
Oct 26, 2012
Hello all

My name is Steve but known as old-shacker for my last name is neuhauser (new-house-r) a nickname someone thought up on a whim.

I am 58 and I had a pipe in my hands when I was 10. At that time, I made real corncob pipes to give away as hobby. For some reason I was amazed by the pipe at that early age.

Started smoking the darn things when I was 17 and enjoyed them ever since. I smoke a few bowls a day as I work outside and in the evening, I sit with my son on the porch, fill one of the large bowls, and sip some rum.

I have no favorite pipe for I enjoy them all. I do feel that each pipe made by hand has its own unique spirit and sets the mood accordingly.

I don’t collect pipes I use them. :puffy:




Oct 31, 2012
Hello all,
I'm fairly new to pipe smoking, about 2 years now and loving every minute of it. Both of my Grandfathers smoked a pipe as well as my father when I was younger. I picked up a pipe out of the blue one day and just the smell alone was addicting. I love the relaxation it brings me in the evening sitting in my recliner gently puffing and sipping a cup of tea after a long day at work. I only smoke about a bowl a day so I’m still learning. I get strange looks from most people when seen with my pipe but every now and again it sparks up a great conversation and typically makes a new friend at the end.



Oct 16, 2012
Quite by accident, I just returned to pipe smoking after a twenty-odd year hiatus. Damn my short attention span.



Might Stick Around
Nov 1, 2012
Hi all.

My name really is Mick. I'm in my mid 40's, lived in and around central Ohio most of my life. A brief stint in the USAF got me out of Ohio for a bit. haha.

I've been a lurker here for several months and decided to actually join the fun.

I've been smoking a pipe for about 2 years. Just actually figured it out about a week ago. I finally found another piper to show me how to properly pack one. Surprise, no more burnt tongue, no more hot pipes, I'm actually getting flavor and not needing 20 matches for one bowl. I have mostly basket pipes, a few cobs, 2 Grabows and a 70's era GBD. Now that I have begun to truly appreciate a pipe I will, when the budget director allows me, be buying some "good" pipes.

I am mostly a snus and nasal snuff user, using them to escape a 30 year cig habit. I found pipes because I write for a snus site and publish a magazine and found the scent of burning tobacco calls my muse. I couldn't write well after giving up cigs. The pipe fills my missing need.

Sorry if I bored you with the length of my first post. Looking forward to getting to know you all.



Nov 1, 2012
Hello All
Been reading this site since I came back to the pipe about a month ago. I had a really poor experience about 10 years ago when I first tried the pipe....boils down to absolutely no idea what I was doing and doing whatever it was I was doing very badly.
Since trying again with the help of the wonderful forums here, I think I have figured it out, sort of.
Just want to thank you all, you have now given me a new addiction, and I am truly happy about it.

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