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Jul 20, 2012
Hello all, new member here. Bit of background, born to a pipe smoking Father, I started smoking RYO at 16yrs but also borrowed one of my Dads 'old' pipes, but didn't enjoy it much. Found out much later on that the pipe in question was suffering from 'burnout'.
Now I'm an older chap, I still smoke my RYO, but enjoy smoking my clay pipes as well. Dad still recommends good 'baccy' to buy off the 'tinternet, but I prefer to smoke them through my clays :)



Jul 19, 2012
Hello eryone, I'm from maryland hense the name. I smoked a pipe for the first time back in college but didn't stick with it. Picked it up again about two months ago. I live about 45 minutes away from boswells pipe shop, therefore I'm a huge fan as I have ten of j.m. and dan's pipes.

I'm also into datsun z cars which I have two, a '77 280 and a '72 240. I just got married in november and we just compleated our victorian style house. I found this forum looking for info on pipe smoking and all that goes with it.
Thanks Mike



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 20, 2012
Hello all, just joined.

I have only been smoking a pipe for about a month, and have found a wealth of good info here. All of you seem to be good honest people, and very helpful. First thank you for that, it's getting hard to find to many of us. LOL
My journey started because I began making my own cig's, I know that's a dirty word, right, but I found to many tobaccos that taste so good, I couldn't help but think they would be great in a pipe where I could really taste them. I had tried a pipe when I was much younger (I will be 50 this year), but was much to impatient to enjoy one then. Now I find it so nice and relaxing, but still having to learn what to do and what NOT to do.
When I was younger I had blond hair and a red beard. Now the beard is mostly gray, hence the user name.
Looking forward to learning from all of you and hopefully in time being able to help others as well.



May 27, 2012
Hello all,
I smoked a bit in the '70's but only really started again in May 2012, thus I'm very much a novice. (A hand made pipe, 1971 Don-Lou, disappeared from my desk at work, but it re-sparked my interest,so some good can be found in all things).

I have a question about tobacco reviews I've read. I'm experimenting with non-aromatics. Pipers declare that they recognize a little Virginia, or oriental, latakia, barley, etc. How does one come to know those tastes specifically? Wouldn't one have to taste each independently to know what it's like? If I'm eating a mouthful of rice and corn together, how would I know which was which unless I'd tasted each beforehand apart from each other? It appears that it might take a very long time to reach this level of expertise. may I assume such?
In the meantime I'm enjoying the aromas, feel of the pipe, the burn patterns etc. But I'm not yet able to recognize specific tobaccos. Any words on this are appreciated. Thank you.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 22, 2012
Greetings all, I'm a 33 year old match striker. I've been smoking a pipe for almost 10 years, and have been lurking around this site for some time before joining. Lots of great information, and great people here. I probably won't post too often (more of a reader than a contributor), but I figured I might as well say hello and make my presence known. I've been active duty military for about 11 years, and I'm currently a recruiter in daytona beach, fl. I have about 30 pipes in my rotation, and (like many of you) have started stockpiling my favorite blends for the coming tobaccolypse, and to see how my favorites will age in their tins. My favorite pipes are petes and savis. Maybe I should say they're my most numerous as there are definitely pipes I would rather have but don't have the bankroll for. If any of you are ever in the daytona area, hit me up, I love getting together at our very decent local B&M on my lunch break to enjoy some Constitutional freedoms.




Jul 22, 2012
Hi all. I'm new to pipe smoking but have smoked cigars for 15 years. I've found this site and forum to be very helpful to newbies like me. The people here seem very down to earth and friendly. Thanks to all of you who share your knowledge and wisdom on a host of matters & looking forward to learning more. After smoking pipes and having a wonderful range of tobaccos out there, so you don't get bored, I may have been converted away from cigars.

Thanks again,




Jul 21, 2012
Hello to everyone! New here and this is my first post. I'm still fumbling around the site and trying to see where all the action is. Lots of pipers here - that's for certain. Anyway, good to be here. -Damon



Jul 22, 2012
Mount Sterling, Ohio
hello all... im shawn, 41 years young:) im literally brand new to pipes. always loved the smell and look of pipes, but never ventured into the hobby till a few days ago. i bought 3 different types of tobacco: mac barron dark twist, hearth and home anniversary kake, and i have some Newminster Superior Round Slices that will arrive in the morning. i know absolutely nothing about pipes except what i learned reading on here. i know very little about tobacco but i do like the sweeter tobacco (anniversary kake) the best. i want something super sweet though so any suggestions would be appreciated:) as far as pipes go, i bought a few estate pipes on ebay. if anyone has a crash course on pipes and care for pipes id like that too... basically i already love the hobbie and see me having an entire section of my room full of pipes. i love their diversity and respectability. ill probably have a hundred in the next 6 months:) haha. i dipped snuff for 20 years. switched to cigarettes when i divorced in 05, but i hate cigarettes so now im doing this, and enjoy it. im a social maniac:) so ill probably be all over this site. so say hi, and give me some advice... PLEASE:) already had a case of tongue bite, but have learned how to avoid it:) thanks for reading:) and see you around!!!!



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 6, 2012
Welcome shawn622. I'm fairly new as well. Been smoking this time around for a few weeks, but first time smoking was a couple years ago. I stopped then because of tongue bite, and goop traveling up the stem. But this time around, I've found this site, which has been a lot of help.



Jul 16, 2012
Hello everyone. I'm Shawn and I live in Knoxville, TN. I've been smoking pipes for a couple years, which is just long enough to realize how much I don't know about the hobby. Thank goodness I found a place like this, full of reliable and entertaining information for those of us who need the help! I'm excited to learn from, and with, you all.



Jul 23, 2012
Hello all,
I have been smoking cigars (occasionally) for about 10 years and recently became interested in pipes after my brother gave me a cheap one he purchased and used once or twice before giving up on it. I am still struggling with packing and lighting techniques but have been reading a great deal about that and tobacco types to try. My father used to smoke a blend called haymarket (Hill & Hill, Michigan) which I hope to find and try when I can properly smoke and appreciate what the blend tastes like.
Danny M.




Jul 25, 2012
Hi there,
I'm not a smoker, but I've joined to look around for pipe stuff for my dad. My dad enjoys an occasional bowl in the evening, and I'd like to know a little bit more so if I were to pick him up a tin or two of nice pipe tobacco, I'd know what to get him. I don't want to buy him pipe tobacco at walmart (no offense to anyone).
I've been using Swedish snus (smokeless tobacco) for years, and getting into nasal snuff a bit as well. Smoking never sat well with me personally (tongue bite & mouth taste after), but I have nothing against smoking as long as I'm not the done doing it. Smoke up guys!



Jul 27, 2012
United States
Hello gentlemen. I grateful to join such a large community of pipe and tobacco smokers and enthusiasts like myself! I was referred by a friend through my blog/magazine Dapperism. Thank you all for being here!



Jul 26, 2012
Hello, all. I'm Greg from WV. I have been lurking for about a week and figured it was time to join. I'm an (almost) ex-cigarette smoker who used to enjoy cigars tremendously. I can't say for sure what has drawn me to pipes but here I am. I found the forum by searching for info on beginning tobacco pipe smoking and have found a wealth of information already.
I've smoked my new pipe for the last three days and see progress in my skills already. I also know that I can't wait to be able to upgrade to a nicer pipe and try some differents tobaccos.



Jul 27, 2012
Hello everyone. My name is Tom and I hail from VT, originally from LI, NY. I have smoked various things in my life, but pipes are something I never really gave a try. As such, I am very new to pipe smoking, but I have a suspicion that my interest will quickly go from hobby to habit. :)
I look forward to learning from everyone here.



Jul 26, 2012
Hi and hello everyone.

My name is Matthew I'm 27 I have smoked cigarettes for some time now.

I'm a painter and a gamer and lets not forget I'm also a father to a little 3 year old girl Madalynn.

I have been wanting to try out pipe smoking for some time now so I went online and ordered a corn cob pipe and I also went to a local store and bought a lucienne p701.

For my birthday a friend of mine bought me a a pipe starting kit that came with everything I would need but a pipe lol.
So last night after getting off work I did a little more research on how to pack a bowl for a new pipe and went to town on my Lucienne. The tobacco I used was called waccamaw low country the smell that came from the can when I first opened it was just amazing a spicy outdoors kind of smell (made me think of camping).

So with my first bowl packed and hoping I did it right I grabbed my stick matches and with a quick flick lit the match and held it just above the bowl so I do not burn the rim.
It was really amazing the kind of flavor I got from the Low Country it wasn't what I thought it would be from smelling the tobacco but it was really nice. It seemed to be a little on the strong side for me but for my first bowl in my first pipe I was happy.
I did get some tounge bite but it didn't put me off pipe smoking at all just made me want to try harder to get it right so I can enjoy the hobby to the fullest. I cannot wait to smoke my next bowl :puffy:



Can't Leave
Jul 29, 2012
I live in Alberta, Canada and I have been a non-smoker all of my life until this past Christmas, when my wife gave me a Savinelli Tundra pipe & some black cherry tobacco as a present. The next day I gave it a try and quite liked it and really enjoy a relaxing smoke on the deck or in the mountains. Have been looking at a lot of websites, forums and such, including this one. Finally decided to join this forum and hope that there are some fellow Canadians that I might get to know here.
Looking forward to reading and learning as much as I can about pipe smoking and getting to know others here and in time when I know more, sharing with others.



Might Stick Around
Jun 30, 2012
Hello pipe smokers, I am new to the site. My name is Malcolm from Michigan. I started smoking pipes when I was a teenager. I had mostly clay churchwardens and a few briars. I bottomed out on Latakia, various MacBarens, Erinmore Flake and Balkan Sobrani and took up rolling cigarettes with Dutch tobacco the last 30 years. Recently I found a monstrous old freehand 'Malaga' pipe in an antiques mall. It looked to have been smoked every day for millennia and had only 'Prince Albert' used in it. The cake was 3/8 inch thick in a bowl chamber of 1.25 inches. I took it home and lit it up and was off and running. It was the coolest smoke ever.

Now I'm collecting old pipes again and smoking only Virginia/Perique blends.

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