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Jun 30, 2012
i, my nickname in here is Fluffy. (My wife called me that because of the large amounts of lint that use to collect in my belly button. Real name is Jim. I join this forum to see if I could get answers to a couple of questions. I hae tried on a lot of other forums with no results. First, I have over a 100 pipes. I mostly resell them, but a keep a lot of them. I have one pipe called "Old Order 81" which i can find no reference to anywhere. The other has a Peterson logo on the stem and the bowl is covered in a burgandy suede. It is meer lined and has no other markings. Is there anyone that know anything at all about either of these pipes. I hope I can get answers aas i would like to belong to the site.

Jul 4, 2012
Hello all, I'm Xander, from NYC. Been smoking for about 3 years. I don't have all that many pipes to my name, a Savinelli pipe or two and a Peterson. Joined the forum to read member opinions on different types of blends as i am quite new to smoking. Looking forward to reading through all the articles and member posts to further gain some insight and maybe I can finally find that blend I've been looking for through recommendations.



Jul 2, 2012
I recently found this site and decided to join. I'm an old guy, been smoking pipes since about 1970-1971. I'd hang out at the Edward's Pipe shop in Tampa between classes at USF. Since that time I graduated and eventually was hired as a law enforcement officer with the Florida Game and Fish Commission and retired from it's successor agency a few years ago.

I still enjoy the pipe and trying new tobaccos but keep coming back to Latakia blends. Still learning about pipes and tobacco recently began reading "The Perfect Smoke" by Fred Hanna.



Can't Leave
Dec 8, 2011
Buford, Georgia
Welcome to the forum. Ther is a host of invaluable information to be had. From many folks all gear to share and upi look forward to y'alls input as well.



Might Stick Around
Jul 5, 2012
Hello all. I'm brand new to the hobby. Enjoying it more than I thought I would.



Jul 5, 2012
Hi, I'm Leigh and have not actually smoked a pipe yet. I am interested and plan to try it soon, and just interested in general since I have a friend who smokes pipes and my daughter has enjoyed it also. Plus I like the smell. I am 53, raising a 5 year old grandson, ride a Sportster, and just looking for new experiences....



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 6, 2012
Hello everyone. I'm 25, and first got into pipes a couple of years ago but didn't keep up for too long. I purchased about sixteen individual ounces from John T's over the course of about 5 months. The other day, I was packing up my belongings to move to Nevada City, and I found my cigar box along with two Thompson cigars and all the various pipe tobacco I thought I had given to a friend. However, I was pipeless because I gave my last one away some time ago, and therefore in need of a new one. I opened up a few of the bags and surprisingly, they were still fresh. I instantly wanted to start smoking pipes again, so I took $15 to a smoke shop($15 was all I had) and I bought myself a pipe to hold me over until yesterday when I was able to buy a nicer one. I also bought some Black Cavendish in Grass Valley. So yesterday, I got $60 and went to a place in Vallejo by the name of "Ye Olde Briar Shoppe," where the owner was happy to help me out. I purchased a briar pipe that was on sale for $45, and a pipe tool, as well as one of the owner's aromatics called Sea Breeze. My interest level this time around seems more promising, and I think a lot of that interest is due to the scenery in Nevada City. Forests, lakes, ponds, rivers, serenity and not having to wake up to sirens and gunshots every day. I'll be "home" in a day or two where I can sit and play my guitar by the lake and listen to bullfrogs and birds replace the sounds of the bay area. Even though I should be going to sleep right now, I can't resist the urge to sit on the cliff that drops down to the California bay, and smoke my new briar pipe packed with Sea Breeze while looking at all the lights and stars.

Jul 8, 2012
Hello everyone. My name is Luke and I call the tiny place of Maple Rapids Michigan my home. I began smoking a pipe last year on national pipe smoking day. I own two pipes at the present and found them at an antique store I like to frequent. I was drawn to the pipe mostly out of curiosity from reading all of the Sherlock Holmes and Lord of the Rings novels. I don't posses the funds to quench the thirst of my PAD and TAD as others on the form must feel so I get my smoke from the local blending shop. I am glad to finally join this group of great guys and I am looking forward to conversing with all of you.
Luke Stephens



Might Stick Around
Jul 8, 2012
Hello everyone,

I am new to pipe smoking.

Gave it a try about 20 years ago but did not stick with it.

So I quit smoking cigarettes about a month ago and have been smoking 1 or 2 bowls a day with a new cob.

I have 3 or 4 old flea market pipes from when I first tried it that I need to dig out.

For me pipe smoking is very relaxing and I hope to learn much more about the art here.

Take care, Will



Jul 6, 2012

Started smoking a pipe about 2-3 weeks ago, really to try and kick the habit of cigarettes. I'm finally getting over burning my tongue every time I smoke now so that's a plus.
Is there like a club for people who have "Acquisition Disorders" here? I apparently have tons of acquisition disorders, most recently pipes.
I'm just around for the info!




Evening all, been lurking for a while and thoroughly enjoying the forums and learning a lot, so decided it was time to join in.
I bought my first pipe at the age of 14, in 1984. I have no idea what it was, but it was a great companion on long walks in the woods, trying different tobaccos - parsons pleasure, three nuns, condor plug, erinmore mixture and some others. I've been on and off the pipe ever since, but took it up seriously again about 7 years ago. Basically because I love tobacco, and pipes. I've been collecting pipes and tobacco in a small way, and learning to love them all and their little quirks. I have a soft spot for Danish pipes, but also love some of the Italian jobbies out there. But, being as funds are limited, I try to limit myself to acquiring Danish estates, though I have picked up a couple of lovely old petersons recently. To this end, I have started to try my hand at a little pipe restoration - I have to admit I love picking up old, well used pipes and rejuvenating them - then trying to decide which tobacco I want to smoke in them. Today it was a lovely lane era charlatan I picked up for €25, cleaned up and just looked at for a while, before deciding it was perfect for squadron leader. Great way to pass an hour in the greenhouse!!!! And a good combination.
For all the lovely pipes I have 'treated' myself to, my go-to pipe is an old clay, George v. I have had many of these over the years. Lovely size, shape, and hang beautifully, and smoke great - easy to clean and maintain - just pop it in the fire for the evening and pick it out of the ashes in the morning. It goes with all tobaccos. A real old friend!
Anyway, typed way more than I intended. So, hello all, and I look forward to chatting with you in the future.
All the best,

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