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Aug 11, 2012
Hi everyone.

I'm pretty new to the world of pipe smoking. I used to be kind of a snob against any type of smoking. I didn't want to be around any of it. When I got married, I despised the fact that my in-law's smoked (cigarettes), especially in their house. When my son was born 4 years ago, a buddy of mine brought over some cigars to smoke in the back yard. I put aside my snobbery and realized it was actually enjoyable. After a while I realized that cigars are just too darn expensive. Plus, I'm a huge Lord of the Rings nerd and loved the idea of recreating the smoking scene before the birthday party in FOTR. I bought one, & never looked back. I just recently made a significant Craig's List purchased of 22 estate pipes. Some were garbage, and some are pretty decent. I learned a lot about piping in my research to restore & identify those pipes. I still have a question about one specific pipe. If anyone cares to take a gander, I posted my plea for help in the "Pipe Talk" forum. It's called, "Too Good to be True?"

Happy Piping.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 10, 2012
Huntington wv
Howdy, names greg and im 22. I started smoking pupes bout year or two ago but it didnt keep. But not to long ago my father picked up a estate collection that ive been helping him clean up and he decided i could keep a couple of the ruffer and abused ones lol. I fixed a couple dr grabows up and have been enjoying it ever since i fount out how to do it correctly from here. So far ive learned tons of stuff just skiming thru all the information on here and hoPe to learn lots more bout enjpying my pipe.



Aug 9, 2012
Hello all. I suppose I should have posted here a little bit ago. You may have seen some of my other posts in a few threads. My name is Caleb, I am 25. I started pipe smoking back in '05 during my freshman year of college. I greatly enjoyed it, along with a few friends of mine. After my sophomore year of college I joined the Air Force and forgot the great pleasure of pipe smoking. Last week one of those old college buddies passed a pipe smoking article my way. I read it and the old flame of excitement for pipe smoking was rekindled. Since that time I have been all over this forum, and many other places chomping at the bit to once again join you fine gentlemen in the great pursuit of pipe smoke. I do not know a great deal, so you may see me asking quite a few questions that might be considered "rookie" or "newbish", please bear with me. I look forward to learning about and enjoying this great past time in your esteemed company!



Aug 11, 2012
Hello All, I'm Caliban. I've been smoking pipes all my life but just recently been accessing all the pipe lore on line and learning a lot. Much better now with pipe tobacco reviews, videos on YouTube. Got some Everclear and some kosher salt today and going to start cleaning up some estates from EBay: Ropps from the 70s, for example.



Aug 12, 2012
HEllo to all at this forum. My name is Jay. I've been smoking pipes for quite a few years and am happy to talk all things pipes.



Aug 14, 2012
Hello all,
My name is Bryan, I'm the crazy pipe smoking gorilla. I've been smoking a pipe off and on for 8 years but recently I've found myself lighting up like a chimney. I'm well versed in cigar and tobacco knowledge but I'm kind of a newb when it comes to all things pipe. Hoping to learn from everybody here to further my new interest and help our company provide more pipe products that "real" pipe guys want. Now, which way was it to my hazing?

Aug 14, 2012
Hi guys. Just found this forum and signed up. Happy to be here. I am a NYC artist with over 56 years of pipesmoking experience. I have recently been augmenting a depleted stock of pipes acquired as a teenager.



Might Stick Around
Aug 16, 2012
I found this forum while searching for a new pipe.
I've decided after a long hiatus to get back into the hobby. I stopped around 2004 when my Father passed away. It was something he and I did together while playing cribbage. I started purchasing pipes again about 6 months ago. However, my Mother recently sent me the last pipe my Father used. She said it needed my attention. I enthusiastically agreed! Tonight I loaded some Frog Morton in honor of my Father and played cribbage with another pipe enthusiast.
I'm looking forward to the discussions.



Dec 8, 2010
Hello all,
This is a reintroduction so I will keep things short and sweet.
I was on this forum religiously for a few months about 1.5 years ago and then for a number of reasons I temporarily gave up the pipe...
Anyway, now I'm back in the saddle and starting to enjoy my pipes once more.
I always used to smoke cobs but I am soon going to branch out with my first briar. I've tried all kinds of blends from aros (mostly bad experiences) to latakia mixtures (mixed results) but I'm now going to zero in on Virginias and Virginia Perique blends for the long haul...
Anyways gents, I hope to catch up with you all and to stay current about the changes in the pipe community. If I drift off again, the odds are it was for a reason and that I will return again!
All the best...



Aug 15, 2012
Hello everyone. My name is Erik, and I am new to pipe smoking. I picked up my first pipe about a month ago, and have been immensely enjoying the process of learning to smoke it. I have tried several different types of tobacco, trying to find my niche, but I haven't zeroed in on it, yet. In fact, I haven't met a tobacco I didn't like as of this writing. My nearest tobacco shop is a tinderbox, so I am pretty much going through their inventory an ounce at a time just to develop my taste. I look forward to reading through this site, and learning from the accumulated wisdom that you all have to offer.



Might Stick Around
May 22, 2012
Greater Boston
Joined a bit ago, but haven't posted yet. I'm WhimsyT, yes, one of the female members of the pipe smoking tribe. :puffpipe:
I've sadly been bitten by the PAD and TAD bugs waaaaaaay too much, but I have been enjoying my exploration with baccys and pipes! I've learned a lot in a very short time, as well as beginning to develop my palate and pipe preferences. I have a blog where I write of my adventures....
For now, I enjoy VaPers most. Would love to get my hands on just enough Butera Kingfisher to try it as I hear it's the bomb diggity. Until then, I have Solanie 369, Sutliff Private Stock Golden Age, and Haunted Bookshop (I know, they have Burley in them, too) to keep me going, along with a few others I like, such as MacBaren Scottish Blend and McClelland's Oriental. A pipe friend sent me just enough Bullseye Flake to try it, and that's another big hit for me!
On my TAD wish list are: all of the Cornell & Diehl Hebraica series, John Patton's Storm Front and Cool Hand Fluke, and of course, the Butera Kingfisher, which I'll probably never be able to find.
My pipe collection has grown exponentially! But perhaps I'll get into that more later. I need to get going with my day for now.
Glad to be here! Looking forward to making a few pipe friends here.



Aug 17, 2012
Greetings! My name is Justin. 34 year old ex-dipper, husband, and soon to be first time father (wife due September 2nd) Picked up the pipe a couple of weeks ago to help with the no dipping and loving it. I've been smoking Nightcap due to the nicotine levels but the wife hates the room note. In the market for a high nicotine, full flavored, beautiful smelling aromatic if such a beast exists :) Just wanted to say hello!



Aug 4, 2012
Welcome all newcomers. I wanted to suggest a tobacco for Justin. First congratulations on the new soon to be family member. Latakia will do that to others in the room ....

So I wanted to make a suggestion on a nice tobacco that may fit your bill. Try Davidoff Flake Medallions. It has good strong flavors and a nice hit of Cavendish that adds. nicely to a pleasant room note. If you do try it, please let me know what you think.
Regards, Pailiepipes
P.S. I don't know why my picture does not come up here. Anyone know why?



Aug 17, 2012
Hello, I'm only 19 and I just recently entered the world of pipe smoking, it's an interesting culture. I used this site to get the majority of information to start out. I thought I might as well make a profile too.
I'm trying out different blends right now, Middleton's Cherry and Paladin Black Cherry. I really want to find a good, sweet tasting tobacco to smoke regularly.



Might Stick Around
May 22, 2012
Greater Boston
Hey Delta
I had a whole bunch of cherry blends, including Middelton's and Paladin's. Didn't like any of them on their own, but when I mixed them all together? They are now awesome. And I'm not a big fan of aros.
For an aro you might enjoy, I highly recommend Boswell's Christmas cookie and Piper's Pleasure. I prefer Piper's Pleasure a little over Christmas Cookie, since I am not a huge fan of aros. But it may fit the bill for your longing for good and sweet.
The only drugstore blend I've found that might fit your bill is Middleton's Black & Mild.
The exploration and discovery is all part of the journey, and it's fun. Enjoy it!



Apr 10, 2012
Hello to all!
Hi there I just wanted introduce myself to everyone as I subscribed to the site sometime ago and haven't visited since. So thanks to the guys that have requested me as friends and sorry it took me so long to accept. I intend to be a regular here now and look forward to meeting everyone.
Anyway I'm 36 and live on the south coast of England. I've been smoking a pipe for about a year and a half now and it's one of the best things I've ever done. I'm currently smoking Rattray's 7 reserve, it's a blend I can smoke all day without it ruining my pallet (if that makes sense), a real smooth smoke, slightly sweet. I plan on checking out some of their other blends, does anyone else have any experience of these blends? I'd be interested on your thoughts.
Anyway enough from me for now!! I look forward to hearing from you all!!!

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