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Mar 13, 2012
I figure this would be as good a place as any for a first post on a new forum.
My name is Mike, I'm a 25 year old law student in Canada. I bought my first pipe while backpacking with friends in China. It was a cheap corncob pipe (worked out to about $2 USD) and a small package of Villiger black cherry pipe tobacco. I was with two friends who were cigarette smokers. I never started on cigarettes (don't care for the taste) and when I went on a jaunt around the hostel neighbourhood, I found a pipe shop in Beijing that had just opened. Whenever they'd go out for a smoke break, I'd load up a small bowl and enjoy the chats outside with them.
When I got back to Canada, I put the pipe away but recently again picked it up. It's quite relaxing I find, and am really enjoying sampling some different tobaccos - limited as they may be in Saskatchewan. With that said, I'm afraid to say that that pipe fell apart on me and am now looking for my first briar which might be picked up as early as tomorrow!



Dec 5, 2011
Wow ! I really neglected this. I'm two pages behind.
Welcome Mike, Jeff, Wasim (my brother in law lives in riyadh) , Katrina (we've got some Brits and a Belgian here), Jake, Kareem, Romeo, Jim and above all, my fellow Dallas-ite Brian. And all those I may have forgotten.... My apologies.
As always, sit down, buckle up and enjoy the ride ! :puffpipe:



Might Stick Around
Mar 11, 2012
Good evening gentlemen. My name is Tony and I am returning to pipe smoking after a 25 year absence. I started in September of 1976 in my freshman year of college and it became quite the hobby. I have about 15 pipes in my collection, the youngest being a Jobey at 26 years and my oldest a Petersen System 303 that is 34 years old. I have hand-carved Ben Wades, Savinellis, GBD and some others. The fun part is the world of tobaccos that are never-ending.

I thank the internet for getting groups like this together to share their experiences. Especially now with the anti-tobacco culture that seems out of control.



Mar 13, 2012
Welcome Tony!
I think that the anti-tobacco culture is slowly becoming more of an anti-cigarette culture (luckily) and that there's still a certain charm for pipe enthusiasts and, less so, for cigar smokers. An interesting discussion for sure, but one giving us a little lee-way.



Mar 15, 2012
Hey everyone, i have had a pipe for a few years now but it sat while I mostly smoked cigars. About a month ago I decided to pick up the pipe and I'm up to 6 estate pipes and my collection will get bigger. My local b&m is smokingpipes so I'm lucky to not have to travel all that far for an awesome selection. While I know my way around cigars pipes are very new to me so tons to learn.




Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 17, 2012
hello all! i recently picked up pipe smoking again. i tried it a few years back and gave it up after awhile. im also an avid cigar smoker. any suggestions for differnt brands of tobacco or pipes would be greatly appreciated. thanks!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 8, 2012
jacksonville florida
welcome but sorry

i am so new i don't know much to recommend

i just got my first new pipe since starting 18 months ago and struggling to break it in .

i don't want to smoke that old one any more so maybe i would advise you to get more than one decent pipe if possible .

right now i am thinking about getting an estate pipe for my next one or maybe a poker or even a cob
p s - that's funny - i meant to do a search but put the words dry tobacco in the box on the top right and it added it to the tags - now i can't delete it - oops wrong input box



Mar 17, 2012
Hey all. New here. Been smoking a pipe for about a year now and already have a nice little collection of 7. My favorite styles at the moment is Danish free hands. Especially with plateaus. Always looking for them. Anyway, just wanted to say hi all

Mar 16, 2012
Hello, i'm also new here. I'm smoking pipe again for more than a year now.

I like to try several tobacco's in different pipes.

Excuses for if my writing in English is not so good for i'm a real Dutchman.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 8, 2012
jacksonville florida
eendrieenzestig wrote

Hello, i'm also new here. I'm smoking pipe again for more than a year now.

I like to try several tobacco's in different pipes.

Excuses for if my writing in English is not so good for i'm a real Dutchman.
your english seems fine to me - as a matter of fact - it seems too fine !

are you sure that you are a real Dutchman ?

even more suspicious - what is that chinese writing on your hat ?
prove you are a real Dutchman - start flying and smoke a pipe at the same time with one lip tied behind your back - then we will see just how good you can speak english
p s that sure looks like a nice pipe that you have - what is it ?



Mar 14, 2012
Hi Guy's I'm new to the forum. I'm a US Army retiree niw serving as a civilan contractor in Afghanistan. I decided to start smoking a pipe like my grandfather did. I am definatly enjoying it. I currently have one pipe it is a wessex "standard" billiard with a straight stem, but have 4 more on the way. I am enjoying reading all the posts and forums.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 8, 2012
jacksonville florida
chuck71 wrote

Hi Guy's I'm new to the forum. I'm a US Army retiree now serving as a civilian contractor in Afghanistan
welcome, a heartfelt welcome to you, we always like to hear from our boys and girls ' over there '
i was in the army once - but it didn't work out - they breached my contract right after basic so i got out and went to the navy - i liked the army better for straight forward manliness and face to face confrontational embellishments but in the navy it was a lot easier to get away with some things that were not exactly ' regulation '
serving as military contractor - cool !
now in solemn confidence and complete sincerity, as one olive drab chuck to another ->
Lemme tell ya, you guys ain't dumb.

Maybe get a blister on your, little finger.

Maybe get a blister on your thumb.
That ain't workin', that's the way ya do it.

Money for Nothin' and your chicks for free.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 8, 2012
jacksonville florida
crpntr1 wrote

I'm a genius, kinda like Albert Frankenstein.
hey man - seems you and my pipe really think a lot alike

my pipe always tells me that i kind of look like Kurtrand Russell - at least the part about he and i incessantly puffing away on a pipe in between movie scene shots
since you obviously are quite an astute and phenomenal pondering pipe puffer, as i am, i am pretty sure you are ready for this
my pipe says we are all convinced that we are stars in our own internal mental moving picture producing minds
can a monkey do that ?

i don't think so but i am not brave enough to ask Furious George .
sorry - there is one bad word in the song - be careful



Mar 18, 2012
Hi all, My name is Doug and I have smoked one thing or another for around 25 years. Started with cigarettes, moved to cigars, then to chew, and back to cigars and have recently been drawn to pipes. Bought a couple nice pipes and some aromatics to start from my tobacconist, however the captain black gave me tongue bite a bit. Got online and ordered a tin of Mississippi Street from Seattle Pipe Club and smoked it last weekend - fantastic! I was a little nervous with the latakia and perique in there, but I actually really enjoyed it. Looking forward to learning from all of you on this site, as I have read a couple books on the history and intricate detail it takes to enjoy them properly! Here is my favorite pipe right now.


Can anyone tell me how long that tobacco will keep in the tin? Thanks!
Edit: Fixed your pic, Lawrence.

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