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Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Welcome Luke!

Welcome back Nam!
Glad to have you aboard.

Just dive right in.

We all look forward to seeing your pictures, comments, and questions.




Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 27, 2011
Wasilla, Alaska
Hi everyone.
Been a smoker (pipe & cigar) for the last 12 years. I dropped off the briar for some time, and this year I picked it up again and promptly asked myself "why did I ever stop?" I have no good answer for that.
A little about me: I live in the great state of Alaska (outside of Wasilla to be exact) As for what I do, I'm a truck driver by trade and have worked on many of the roads up here. I also spend a lot of time working on the North Slope. Needless to say, I have quite a bit of time to enjoy fine tobacco in my "office"
I look forward to conversing and, well, BSing with many of you



Oct 30, 2011

I picked up smoking pipes about a year ago and love it. I have only smoked briar, but would love to try meerschaum. In my limited experience so far I prefer bent stem pipes, and would love a nice long church warden (admittedly due to loving lord of the rings).
A little about my self: I am 31 years old from Oklahoma city, I am a contractor in the world of hazmat.

I am also an avid cigar smoker. I look forward to chatting with all of you and hopefully learning a lot more about all things Pipe, and maybe even cigars!!



Oct 30, 2011

I am 19 and have been smoking pipes for almost a year now, I am from South Dakota

I smoke briar pipes and my favorite pipe i have is a Stanwell bent billiard. I have start to collect older pipes and have been trying to restore them. I like to smoke cigers every once in a while.

I love english blend tobaccos, but my favorite tobacco i have is called gandelfs choice that I get at a tobacco shop locally.



Might Stick Around
Oct 30, 2011
Monroe, NC
Hello everyone. I have taken up the art of pipe smoking to help relieve stress (I'm 21 years old married with almost two year old twins) and well I need something to help me enjoy myself. The "pipe" time is great and very pleasurable.
I'm still learning about all the tips and tricks to it but my first two smokes were great. I know I need to work on packing and keeping it lit. I am trying to not puff TOO much and to just enjoy it.
So far I have a Dr.Grabow pipe and a pouch of Captain Black (White) tobacco. Any other recommendations on enjoyable tobacco's? I know there's many and that's the fun part (finding that perfect taste/blend that you personally like).
I'm located in Monroe, NC so if anyone is over my way that would be great to sit down and enjoy the pipe together.



Oct 30, 2011
Hi folks - I found my way here by chance when I did a Google search on a blend. Seems to be a thriving community of pipesters. Though my profile states I smoked my first pipe in 1978 (true), I didn't really get into the hobby in a serious way until 2003. I live in western NC with my wife and two teenage sons. Looking forward to expanding my knowledge of pipes and tobaccos, making new friends and contributing where I can.




Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 30, 2011
United Kingdom
Greetings All,
Another new member of the forum here - from the U.K. I smoked a pipe on and off for a long time over the years, but drifted away from them about 10 years ago. A couple of months ago, I had an urge to try pipe smoking once again. The big difference this time around is the easy access to a massive amount of information thanks to the internet. I discovered what I had been doing wrong and what had been spoiling my enjoyment. The other big advantage of the internet (other than finding a friendly community on this forum) is the availability of good and varied tobacco. I'm not saying that all over the counter blends from non-tobacconists are bad, some I still really enjoy, but I like variation.
My rather limited collection of pipes so far include a couple of E.A. Carey "Magic Inch", an unbranded second and a MM Corn Cob. I'm hoping Christmas will bring me a Peterson I have had my eye on as well as a Northern Briar! AS for tobacco, I am really enjoying Peterson University Flake, Dunhill Flake and Gawith Hoggarth English Mixture.



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
Hi folks - I found my way here by chance when I did a Google search on a blend. Seems to be a thriving community of pipesters. Though my profile states I smoked my first pipe in 1978 (true), I didn't really get into the hobby in a serious way until 2003. I live in western NC with my wife and two teenage sons. Looking forward to expanding my knowledge of pipes and tobaccos, making new friends and contributing where I can.

Chris: Do you live near WCU? Welcome to the forum



Oct 31, 2011
Hey all! I'm just me.
36yo, married 8 years, I have more than three and less than five children. I've been known to fondle the tobacco of strangers, use the most aromatic blends I have in cramped quarters, and occasionally wash it all back with a spectacular seasonal ale from whichever micro-brew has grabbed my attention at the time. I make things. I break other things. I have been accused of having a fetish for automotive technology, wizardly like talent with many things tech, and an ego slightly smaller than the city I live in.
All in all - I'm just me, and I am glad to have found a spot where folks can appreciate that :eek:)



Can't Leave
Nov 1, 2011
Hey folks,
Name is Andrew from Ottawa Canada. I guess you could call me a younger pipe smoker, at the tender age of 25 lol. And since i'm asian (chineese) the whole pipe smoking thing doesn't suite my "look" sorta speak. Since I was a kid, I would get a whiff of tobacco pipe once in a blue moon and loved the sweet candy like smell to them. After years and years of never thinking twice about it, i decided to get a pipe and tobacco. I started off with a cheap drug store type pipe for $10. After doing much research and more reading, I fell in love with the Brigham pipe system. First off they are Canadian!! Gotta represent canada! haha. Second, their filtering system reall intrigues me.
So I ordered a Brigham Voyager #184 rusticated finish. I LOVE IT!!! Its so much lighter than my POS drug store one. It feels nice, with little tounge bite, and well balanced in the mouth. Only downside was, because i ordered it from another city, I didn't have a chance to look at it with my own eyes and hands. On the bottom outside of the bowl, it looks as if the carver went a little too deep with the rustication and looks like a gouge (i know it's a rough finish). Anyways, after my first smoke with the Brigham I want another!!! When i ran a pipe cleaner through, it came out blue!?! That can't be right! Maybe it has something to do with the breaking in precess??
I havent seen too many Brigham pipe on this site. Is it because they were only sold in Canada and no one in the States has owned or used one??
Anyways, enough of me rambling.



Might Stick Around
Nov 2, 2011
Greetings from tobacco challenged Utah :)
Im 28 years old (29 in december). Im an identicle triplet, two of us enjoy smoke pipe, actively trying to convert our clone. Recently moved to Utah from Hawaii. I've been smoking pipe for a few years now and have loved the journey so far. Grew up in california and spent a few years in England. Always looking forward to meeting new people and sharing stories, tips, insight ect..... I play the video game street fighter competitively. I would like to get into making my own pipes at some point.
Currently smoking a peterson. Current favorite tobacco is Christmas cheer.

Nov 2, 2011
Howdy! (That’s how we say hello in Calgary.)
Haven’t been smoking too long but have been getting great info from the forums here and love the articles. Mods and old timers seem to be very helpful. It’s appreciated.
It’s too early to say what my favourite pipe is yet. I’m sampling different shapes and styles. Just got a new Brigham Chinook and a new Stanwell HCA VI in the post today. Have a few other churchwardens as well. My Polish mother in law recently sent me a Mr. Brog and some Poniatowski tobacco from Poland. I have a meerschaum and a calabash on order. I’d love to get some artisanal pipes at some point. I’m lusting over a bamboo stemmed beauty over at Smoking pipes. So many pipes, so little time.
Here’s to a great adventure. Cheers.

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