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Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 7, 2011
Greets Pipers. Thomas here. I discovered the joys of pipe smoking only a few months ago and I'm most glad that I have. I quit the cigs when I got my first pipe and do not miss them at all. Being a nic addict I do smoke strong tobacco in spite of being a beginner. Having so much information on the net has made the transition easier than I expected.

I'm more into the tobacco than the pipes. Will probably never be a collector. A couple of Petersons and my cobs keep me happy as long as I have good stuff to put in them. SG's 1792 Flake and their Brown Rope No. 4 are my current favourites although I also love the English blends with lots of Syrian Latakia.

Hail from Vancouver on the west Coast of Canada, land of absurd taxes.



Nov 4, 2011
Ocala, FL
Hi Ya'll, I'm Dave. Currently live in Ocala, FL and work as a US Navy Recruiter.
Been smoking the briar off and on since '96, took it up full time a few months ago.
Looking forward to conversing with all ya'll on here.



Nov 2, 2011
SW Washington State
Howdy all,
I'm James, unfortunately from Washington State.
I think I first smoked a pipe when I was around 6 or 7 when I sneaked a bowl of my Dad's cherry-something-or-other out of his Grabow or whatever it was. :D But I started regularly about 8 years ago, when I traded in my cigs for a pipe. I mostly love VAs and variations on the theme, but enjoy a good English now and then, too, especially around autumn (like now).
Looks like a good forum, and glad to be here.



Nov 4, 2011
Hello to all, yes, I am a bagpiper and now a pipe smoker too! My first pipe is a Dr Gawbow Omega with Black cherry tabacco. It reminds me of my grandfather from Mayo, Ireland. I was outside relaxing on my patio chair next to my chimanea which also burning a nice fire. I watched a video of Herr Frank as far as packing the tabacco and I did not have any major problems at all. A nice light, a smooth long smoke and overall a relaxing and memorable's that what it's all about?
Glad to join you all,



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 7, 2011
Hello everyone, my name is David, I came across by doing some online research on pipes, tobacco, cleaning, etc. I've only been smoking pipes for a few months but I've learned how to refurbish my estate pipes I've bought and so far and I've gotten really good. Already doing it as a side job for some local friends here. Still though I joined to learn more and meet new people and share ideas on everything related to tobacco and pipes!



Nov 8, 2011
Hi there, name's Robin, go by Chromenut on most forums (long story), pretty new to pipes, converting over from Cigarettes. PAD has gone insane, I've now got 42 pipes, three humidors, 6 multi-pipe stands, etc. TAD is just kicking in now, looking for real nice aro's. Still trying to determine my favorite pipe and tobacco.
Anyway, just turned 50 on Monday, AARP and the d&*(^%^ Scooter store won't stop sending me emails, but still having fun.
Quick glance at the insane volume of pipes I've purchased in less than 30 days (that humidor is 8" deep and over-running with pipes):


And some of the other insanity (that lighter is 28" tall!):




Can't Leave
Nov 8, 2011
Louisville, Ky
Hi Everyone,

Name's Darrell, and I'll admit first off that I'm a huge newbie to pipe smoking, never smoked before but always wanted to try the pipe as a way to relax.

I'm 28 years old, and live in a city of a major tobacco producing state, Louisville Kentucky.
Did some research and I've started off with an estate pipe, and a tin of Mac Baren Vanilla Creme Flake, (mistake or good move?)

I'm excited to learn everything there is to know about pipes and pipe tobacco! I also collect fountain pens, so pipes seemed like a natural progression.


Strike Anywhere

Can't Leave
Nov 9, 2011
Central United States
Hey everyone. Some of you may know me as TAB over on another forum. This place requires 4+ characters, so I had to get a little creative.
I met Kevin at the Chicago show this year; we sat at the same table during the banquet, Kevin. I'm sure you met too many people to remember, but I was the "younger" guy there with his gf. I think the other couples at the table were quite my senior (not that it matters, just trying to jog your memory). Just now getting around to signing up.
I've been smoking a pipe for several years now -- a little weird to be saying that. I guess it's been about nine years now...can't really remember for sure. Seems like just yesterday, and I still consider myself a student and newbie, although I have too many pipes and too much tobacco. Well, the latter is probably a slight exaggeration, but the former is most certainly true. Perhaps I'll be able to offer some of them on here once I get my post count to 50 or whatnot.
There is a lot of information on this website and the forum. -- almost overwhelming!! I can't believe I had not heard of this place until I met Kevin, but I don't spend as much time searching the internet for pipe information as I used to (don't really have the time).
Not to digress, but Darrell, I am originally from KY; the western region which used to be where most the tobacco was grown. KY tobacco cultivation is a shadow of its former self. The anti's will tell us this is a good thing, but the changes hit many of those farming families hard. Corn and soybeans don't pull in the money like good KY fire-cured or Green River Burley used to. On the up-side, some came out okay. My gf's dad was a tobacco farmer, and he got a nice, new, big barn from the tobacco settlement/buy-out or whatever they call it. Grows corn now.
I've rambled enough. Some of my favorite pipe makers are Ruthenberg, Rad Davis, Mark Tinksy, Jimmy Craig (current production Ashtons), and Claudio Cavicchi.



Nov 9, 2011
Hi guys. I inherited some old pipes from my dad and grandfather and figured I would try and master this pipe smoking thing. We it is more fun than I thought it would be and has proven to be more difficult than I anticipated. Anyways I am here to glean your knowledge.




Aug 14, 2011
Welcome Chromenut, Darrell, and 404papa!
Glad to see you all here.
Don't be shy now. Start posting away on all things new an old. Looking forward to the posts!
Cheers. :puffy:



Jul 13, 2010
I'm a horrible member. Straight-up horrible. I haven't posted in this thread in a long time, so I'm gonna go lame and welcome all the new members that introduced themselves before this page, and welcome: Chromenut, tabriar, Darrell, & 404papa to our forums.
Let me impart a little forum wisdom to all new members, we are a pretty easy-going crowd here and we've grown accustomed to each other, so if we seem a bit stuffy, please forgive us. Think of it kinda like those old guys you see at the mall early in the morning laughing and carrying on with each other. We are not an exclusive club and you can sit with us at our table, just don't knock over our coffee and pipes.


Strike Anywhere

Can't Leave
Nov 9, 2011
Central United States
"Think of it kinda like those old guys you see at the mall early in the morning laughing and carrying on with each other."
Do you guys also power-walk around the mall in sparkling, solid-white walking shoes? ;) :)

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