Hey folks,
Name is Andrew from Ottawa Canada. I guess you could call me a younger pipe smoker, at the tender age of 25 lol. And since i'm asian (chineese) the whole pipe smoking thing doesn't suite my "look" sorta speak. Since I was a kid, I would get a whiff of tobacco pipe once in a blue moon and loved the sweet candy like smell to them. After years and years of never thinking twice about it, i decided to get a pipe and tobacco. I started off with a cheap drug store type pipe for $10. After doing much research and more reading, I fell in love with the Brigham pipe system. First off they are Canadian!! Gotta represent canada! haha. Second, their filtering system reall intrigues me.
So I ordered a Brigham Voyager #184 rusticated finish. I LOVE IT!!! Its so much lighter than my POS drug store one. It feels nice, with little tounge bite, and well balanced in the mouth. Only downside was, because i ordered it from another city, I didn't have a chance to look at it with my own eyes and hands. On the bottom outside of the bowl, it looks as if the carver went a little too deep with the rustication and looks like a gouge (i know it's a rough finish). Anyways, after my first smoke with the Brigham I want another!!! When i ran a pipe cleaner through, it came out blue!?! That can't be right! Maybe it has something to do with the breaking in precess??
I havent seen too many Brigham pipe on this site. Is it because they were only sold in Canada and no one in the States has owned or used one??
Anyways, enough of me rambling.