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Oct 12, 2011
Hi all.Smoking a GBD full bent with some Accountants Mixture at this time.Been quietly reading your blogs & thought might as well join in the fun!



Oct 12, 2011
Hello all Just saying hi for the first time here. I hope to learn a lot as I still consider myself fairly unskilled and new at this after five or so years. At the moment my favorite is a Kaywoodie oom-paul I restored off of eBay for $5. So again Hi everyone



Oct 13, 2011
Puget Sound
Hi everyone,

I haven't smoked for many years, but a I just started again because I'm always looking for another way to relax.

I'm hoping to get a lot of tips on the hobby here.
Hey pstlpkr, I think I look more like you than you do!

Oct 13, 2011
Hello everyone. My name is Michael. I just started pipe smoking in August of this year. I will most likely have a lot of "noobish" questions for everyone- I hope you don't mind too much!



Oct 14, 2011
Hello all,
New to the world of pipe smoking so of course i did some interweb research and I landed here, thanks for all the info and friendliness. I have one pipe that seems to cheap "Czech" pipe that I inherited from a friend and I enjoyed smoking it so much that it seemed only logical that I would like to have a better pipe so I talked the boss (wife) into getting a nice burl and WOW i am hooked! I bought some tobacco (norseman, redcake)from the local shop and im having a hard time keeping it off my lips. Looking forward to reading and learning.



Oct 14, 2011
Hey all ... I am a new pipe smoker, I have smoke cigarettes for a long time but just recently found out how much I enjoy pipes! I look forward to learning lots here!



Can't Leave
Oct 14, 2011
I hope this doesn't seem too wordy for a first post. I'm an old guy, and my history with all kinda tobacco consumption goes back to the 70's. I've been a constant cigarette smoker but have tried pipe, cigars, chaw, dip and pouch tobacco over the years. This time I'm determined to replace cigarettes altogether with a pipe. I've been scouring the internet, including this forum, and looking for advise on making the hobby as pleasurable as possible. I intend to make it so enjoyable to smoke a pipe I wouldn't want a cigarette in my mouth, and so far it's working. I'm smoking both now, but fewer and fewer cigarettes, and my goal is to be cigarette free by end of month.
In the past all i knew were grabows and convenience store tobacco like half and half, capt black, amphora, so on. now thanks to you guys I've got a new stanwell and a couple corncobs, and a batch of boswell samples to go through. Next time around I'll be looking into ordering a bunch of flake samplings.



Can't Leave
Oct 15, 2011
Hello everyone,
Started pipe smoking around 2006 not very seriously, stopped for a while and now I'm back and hoping to discover what I've missed out on.



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
welcome to the forum guys....and good luck with getting rid of those cancer sticks and the 499 chemicals in them...hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, formaldehyde, etc.



Oct 14, 2011
Hey all, I can't remember if I made a post here or not. Just started smoking a corn cob pipe I found at a corner store for like 15 bucks. I ended up really enjoying it and now I am going to actually learn a little about all this fine smoking.
I know I have a crappy pipe and crappy tobacco to start with, but I had to start some where. Here's to a good smoke and many more to come.



Can't Leave
Sep 30, 2011
Welcome adamdufresne. And be careful around here when you call cobs "crappy"...them's fightin words for some people on this forum :)



Might Stick Around
Oct 17, 2011
Hello there,

Just thought I'd briefly introduce myself. I'm a 20 year old university student living in Birmingham (United Kingdom) and just this Friday my first pipe arrived. I decided to get myself a Peterson Aran 68. On Saturday I went to my local tobacconists in Solihull and picked myself up a Cherry and vanilla aromatic. I'm obviously very new to the hobby and already much prefer my pipe to cigarettes, I'm actually hoping to drop cigarettes altogether now!

Any way, I apologise for the ranting/drawn out storytelling.

It's nice to meet you and I hope you're all well,




Oct 15, 2011
Hello Gentlemen, good morning to all of you.

My name is Francisco Garcia and I am from Yuma, Az. I am 23 years old and I'm getting started smoking pipe, Actually I have never done it. Last week I received my corn pipe, i did not want to spent a lot of money on something that maybe I'm not going to stick to. I would like some recommendations for my first tobacco purchase. any recommendations?

I hope I can learn from you guys and to make some friends here in the forum.



Aug 14, 2011
Welcome to the forums everyone! Wow that's a lot of new members in the last few days. Amazing.

A lot of the new pipers seem to start off with drug store blends that can be found most anywhere including grocery stores behind the cigar glass. I would find a local tobacco shop that sells pipes (if that's possible) and get to talking to the guy behind the counter an hopefully he smokes a pipe and hopefully knows what he hell he's talking about.
If that doesn't work then there are plenty threads on this site to get you started. Happy Searching and Happy Smoking all!



Oct 17, 2011
Hi from Spain,

All life cigar and cigarettes smoker and intermittent with pipes I hope this time will be permanent, although my technique isn't any good, will try with corn cobs and Falcons as they look easier to smoke with.
Cheers everyone



Oct 15, 2011
Hello all. I signed up a few days ago and I've finally had chance to make my first post (wooo). To give you a little background, I've been smoking cigars for a while now and absolutely love them but I recently decided to give pipes a shot as they make a bit of a cheaper every day smoke. I had bought my first pipe (a cheap Civic Co briar from Green's of Leeds) just over a month ago and I'm hooked! It took me a while to get the hang of it but I'm getting through full bowls with few relights now (the challenge was part of the fun at first). So far I've tried MacBaren scottish mixture, Rattray's bagpiper's dream, a couple of others given to me by a pipe enthusiast, but I'm not sure what they are, and I've just had my first twist (Gawith Hoggarth sweet rum) which I enjoyed a lot. The chap who gave me the tobacco also gave me a couple of pipes - a cheap, but broken in Stonehaven briar and a fancy looking swiss made thing that I'll post pictures of at some point. there we have it. I look forward to getting to know everyone and hopefully learning a thing or two about my new favourite hobby.

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