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Jan 21, 2014
Dave from NJ here! I love restoring estates and I'm looking forward to chatting with all you guys on this great forum. I've read lots of posts over the past few months and decided to get in on the conversation.

In my other life I work as an orthopedic resident in a small NJ town and enjoy cycling, woodworking, music, and of course pipes. I have a cigar once in a while but I never cigarettes.



Jan 29, 2014
A quick hello.
Just ran across the radio show mentioned by a friend on FB last night. Really enjoyed listening to the first few episodes. I've been a pipe smoker for 20 years now I guess. Mostly a VaPer guy with some straight Va.'s and burleys thrown in for good measure. I smoke a few English blends, mainly on the lighter side latakia wise, from time to time but they're not my favorite.
Guess that's the high points....thanks for having me!



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 30, 2014
Hello everyone!

I'm a 48 YO Hoosier, married 25 years this year.

Two grown sons, two grand kids.
Dabbled with a pipe years ago, found this site while researching pipe manufacturers.
Seems like a lot of good advise can be had here.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 30, 2014
Hey All,
I was directed to this forum by another member. I live in BC, Canada. I am new to pipe smoking and smoking in general. I picked up my dad's old pipe which is a Falcon. I have smoked a couple of bowls so far and am enjoying this new hobby very much.
Thanks for reading!



Jan 30, 2014
Hello All,

I recently have come back to pipes after about 5 years and I have fallen in love all over again with this wonderful hobby.

I'm 24 and live in Lincolnshire, UK. This looks like a great forum and I cant wait to get involved.



Aug 28, 2012
Hello all. Am a long time lurker but seldom poster. I firmly believe as Samuel Clemens once said its better to remain silent and to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth an remove all doubt. I've been smoking pipes since about 1973. I've tried em all, but generally favor aromatics. I'm partial to Milan's Sunset Rum. Its a good tobacco but once the freshness wears off it tends to go south a little. Six children (5 of them girls) The one boy became a US Marine. I'll let you draw your own conclusions about his life. We fought the good fight but were fatally outnumbered. I enjoy the conversation here. A remarkable amount of information about this little cosa nostra (affair of ours -pipe smoking) can be learned here. Grateful.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 29, 2014
Greetings all,

I began smoking pipes about 50 years ago and after reading this site for several months decided to register. My pipes are predominately classic English as is my tobacco, although I have a number of American artisan pipes and am exploring American blended tobaccos. I live in the mountains of Northwestern Pennsylvania and have limited opportunities to share my passion for pipes.



Feb 6, 2014
I live in the heart of Kentucky, use to be Burley country. Still is I guess but not as much. Have Smoked a pipe for better than 25 years. Joined to share with and read opinions of others who share the same zeal for pipes and pipe tobacco. Enjoy trying different blends and restoring old abused pipes.



Nov 16, 2013
Hi All!

I've actually been visiting this forum for ages so thought I should introduce myself.

My name is Josiah. I'm 25 years old, married, living in Cornwall, England, where I work for a church as a youth pastor.

My dad smoked a pipe occasionally when I was growing up, which I always loved. I began smoking an occasional cigar when I was 16, and at 19 met a professional pipemaker here in cornwall. He took me under his a wing a little and I began making and smoking pipes.

I still make pipes for friends and in time would love to share some of my creations here! I only smoke once a week as I don't like the idea of being addicted to anything and want to look after my health to some degree! But I really do get a lot of joy out of my pipes!

I have few briars that I made myself which smoke quite nicely, and a beautiful meerschaum that my wife got me for a birthday.

I mostly smoke virginias and a have little cellar full of Dunhill Royal Yacht, Stokkebye LNF and LBF. My favourite tobaccos that I've tried to date are Stonehaven and some well aged Solani 633. I want to get to know some pure Va/Bur tobaccos, but they seem harder to find.

I'm still dying to try Escudo, Macbaren's Old Dark Fired, and SG FVF.

Um... yeah.. Thats me!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 3, 2014
Welcome Josiah, I would like to see some of the pipes you have made. It takes a lot of patience and craftsmanship to make a pipe. You swill get lots of ideas here on the forum. Enjoy the forum, it is time well spent.



Might Stick Around
Feb 7, 2014
Greetings, I just joined the forum after being directed here by many of my google searches for information. I am from Colorado and have been smoking pipes off and on for a few years. I recently inherited some old pipes from my father-in-law that I have been enjoying, (he was a no-nonsense man so none of them are super fancy- just good smoking briars).
I've been enjoying the smell of Black Cavendish but lately have found it lacking in flavor. So, I am starting to try some non-aromatics and ordered the Sutliff English Blend sampler that I look forward to trying. My favorite brick & mortar tobacconist is Edwards on Broadway in Denver. I also had a chance to visit the Tobacco Exchange in the French Quarter, New Orleans when I was there this fall and really enjoyed that shop. The pipe tobacco on a warm, humid New Orleans night tasted a lot different than here in dry Colorado- it was a fun experience.
Anyway, just wanted to say "Hi!"



Feb 8, 2014
I am new to the forum but a long time follower. What a great source of information!
I am a native of Aix-en-Provence in southern France who came to study at an American university. Fell in love with an American girl, got married, and we have lived in Atlanta ever since.
I first started smoking pipes to replace my cigarette vice (my how American and French attitudes differ on this!) and ended up greatly preferring it. The variety of flavours! Now I won't go anywhere without one of my trusty pipes.
I love forward to visiting this forum in the future.



Dec 12, 2012
Yes, welcome to all the new members! I'm really surprised -- and pleased -- to see so many countries represented as well!
I want to put in a plug -- especially for folks who haven't yet spent much time on the site -- for the Pipes Magazine Radio Show. Click on the "Radio Show" link at the top of every page to check out this podcast. So far, there are over 70 episodes in the archives, with new shows being added every week. Each one features a little nugget of information or history about pipes, technique, and brands; an interview with someone from the hobby (blender, pipe maker, author, collector, etc.); music (usually from a pipe-smoking composer/songwriter), ads, listener mail, and an end "rant" that you may or may not agree with. Each episode typically runs just under an hour. Definitely worth checking out!

Feb 11, 2014
Hello fellow pipe smokers,
I have just recently joined this site and wish to introduce myself and who I am. My name is Joseph, most people call me Christian which happens to be my second name, and I have been smoking pipes for two years now. I am 19 years old and live in the USA, narrowed down more so to California, and I started pipe smoking due to a YouTube video about pipe smoking made by SmokeRingsPipeDreams, and have built up my collection of pipes and tobaccos ever since then. As to who I am, more so than not I could be considered a philosopher simply because I enjoy self contemplation and philosophical discussions about any topic. I am also an avid reader with my personal record of 19 books in a month when I went to London for the first time. While I do enjoy a good movie or TV show, it is rather apparent that reading is my passion, and this avid addiction for books has been greatly complemented by my love of pipes. Just recently I have also started to experimental with cigars and have also found this experience an enjoyable occasion. I also have an array of other interests such as my motorcycle, snowboarding, and rough water rapids, all of which help bring me enjoyment and break the monotony a rut in life can cause. All in all, I hope my time here will expands upon my experiences, knowledge, and acquaintances, thank you very much.



Feb 11, 2014
Hey all, found the forum and joined. Been puffin a pipe on and off since 83.(tobacco) All mine are old, but they work. I have an old Briar, and two meerschaums my wife bought when stationed in Turkey back in 90. Never smoked the meerschaums (carved faces) until this week, very nice. Ordered some tobacco from the site, gonna try a Thomas blend and the Trout stream. Don't like real strong so I could use some recommendations, and I can't wait to try them all. Nice to have options.



Feb 11, 2014
Hello all.

New member, greetings from rainy rainy South East Wales. Have decided to try again with the pipe now I'm 40. It didn't work out when I was 20. Too impatient I think. This forum informed every decision I made in picking the pipe up, so cheers to you.
I have only a rather dainty Mr Brog #14 (churchwarden) and a couple of magic inch types coming tomorrow- if the system isn't for me I can just switch out the stems. I covet many pipes and desire above most things a quality Oom Paul and a Tyrolean that doesn't look like a ghastly souvenir.
Still finding my feet tobacco wise. But very lucky I think to love the first one I've tried :)



Feb 12, 2014
Nottingham , UK
I have been a lurker on this forum for and others for a while. Figured it was time i joined in.
For those of you who do not know me, i am Glynn and work within the tobacco industry in the UK. I own and run GQ Tobaccos, which i set up last year after about 9 years working as Assistant and then Manager of Gauntleys of Nottingham. I am the blender behind GQ Blends and also created the house blends for Gauntleys.
I also run the Nottingham Pipe Club and am involved in the BPSC (British Pipe Smoking Championships).
Hope no one minds me being here and i will not use the forum as a means of spamming links etc. My passion is tobacco in all forms and that is why i am here, not for marketing. (and yes i have been kicked from one after only an intro post!)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 3, 2014
I definitely don't mind your being here, this is a great forum with lots of great people. I'm sure you will enjoy this site. Welcome aboard!

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