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Jan 9, 2014
Good day everyone,
I'm a new member on this site. I live in Canada. In the province of Quebec, near Ottawa. I bought my first pipe when i was 18. I've always loved and admired pipe smoker, man or women. At the moment i have 4 pipes: a Brigham system pipe, a Paradis, a corn cob and my latest one is a Mollina. I am novice, but ready to learn more about this great hobby. And yes, for those who know where i live, i'm a French Canadian. So i apologize if my writing might seem weird sometime.
Cheers to all,



Jan 13, 2014
Hi everyone i joined last night, this is the first forum i ever joined, so how do i post pics? I'm 27 and live on treasure island SF. I got my first pipe at a local headshop and then researched (wrong order, i know). That lead me here because i realized i could do better, lol.



Jan 13, 2014
Hi everybody, I just joined and just looking over the website and trying to figure it out. Love the radio shows. 20 year pipe smoker and find it very relaxing. A good aromatic and a strong cup of coffee and I'm good to go. Once I figure it out, I will post a question. It's nice to find this group of fellow pipe smokers on line



Nov 28, 2013
hey yall!! live in Iowa, started smoking pipes in 1992 and i've never been on a sight like this. I'm a loaner a little anti-social i have cronnic depressive anger. smoke cause i can and want to, it is one of my coping mechanisms.I have 11 pipes my favorite is a petersen.



Might Stick Around
Dec 18, 2013
Hi all. I'm from Milford IN and have been smoking a pipe for about a year. I found this site by doing a search for info on pipe smoking . I'm 32years old , married, and have 4 boys ages 8months - 7 years. I have 2 briar pipes at the moment and 4 MM cobs on the way . Thanks for all the great articles and info . Keep it coming.



Can't Leave
Jan 15, 2014
Hello everybody, I live in Wales, though I'm originally from England. I've smoked a pipe for a good while but had no idea this site existed. I usually smoke clay pipes, and only have a couple or three briars for taking to the pub, etc. I tend to smoke what people call 'English' blends.



Jan 15, 2014
Hello all,
Name is Dave and I'm new to pipe smoking. Started about a month ago. Had some great memories with family members and the smell of a pipe was in those memories. Came across this site while researching pipes and related materials. Only a month in and I already have 4 pipes and a few tins to get me going. I live in Texas with my wife and son.



Dec 1, 2010
Good morning all. I've actually been a member for a little over a year or so but never really post anything. I have been in the Marine Corps for about 15 years now. I started smoking at around 2004 time frame while stationed at the American Embassy in China. I enjoy a good cup of coffee, Earl Grey Tea, Single Malt Scotch/Bourbon/Rye whenever I smoke. I mostly smoke aromatics but I have lately been getting into the more English/Non-aromatic blends. I just purchased a tin of Mac Baren highland and thoroughly enjoy the smokeyness of it. If anyone on this forum have any suggestions for a good blend, I'm all ears (if you knew me and the size of my ears, you'd all laugh). God bless.



Can't Leave
Jun 2, 2013
Tank: Welcome aboard. Glad to know the military is well represented. Are you still stationed abroad? Where? What kind of pipes do you smoke/prefer?
I'm aslo an aromatic guy who enjoys bourbon as well as port wine.
Favorite tobacco is Lane 1Q and Peter Stokkebye "Nougat."
Post often!



Jan 20, 2014
Hi all
Very new to pipe smoking but enjoying the adventure which has been a great experience. Packing up cigarettes and smoking a pipe ( and not taking it down) is the best thing ive done...i smoke a bowl a bay, if that and find my taste buds and lungs love me again
Started off with MM cobs, moved to Briars and discovering new tobaccos weekly im having a blast, looking to purchase some cheap estate pipes and restore and clean them myself in the near distant future.
The advice on here looks fantastic and looking forward to the vast amounts of knowledge i can gain, i also dont have a local tobaconist so alot of my research is online so its great i can ask questions.
Cheers and all the best



Jan 19, 2014
Hey everybody,
I'm new to pipe smoking, having been a long time cigar smoker and looking for something to smoke inside during the winter. I have been really enjoying exploring the wide variety of tobacco blends and being able to enjoy a calming smoke without freezing my butt off.



Jan 22, 2014
Hello everyone, from central Florida! I've been a cigarette smoker on and off for about 12 years, but have been interested in pipes for longer. My grandfather, uncle and cousin are avid pipe smokers, and I still remember the smell of sweet burning tobacco from their pipes and how much I loved it (although my grandmother hated it). :) I live many states away from them now and it's hard to use their knowledge for myself as we're all so busy, so I decided to join these forums to get some more information and make some friends!
For background, I'm also a huge J.R.R. Tolkien fan, and some of the most comforting images I can conjure in my head are of the characters smoking pipeweed and blowing smoke rings. I swore that I would buy one of LOTR collectible pipes when I could afford one, but Life took over, as it does, and my pipe dream (hehehe) was lost for a bit. Now that the Hobbit movies are back in full swing and my love for these stories is leaving the background of my life and coming into the foreground, I;m stepping away from boring, nasty cigarettes and taking my first few brave steps into the world of pipe smoking!
I have my eye on a few churchwardens by a company called Macqueen pipes, but unfortunately I've heard horror stories about their customer service. I'm still holding out for one of their Halfling style churchwardens!
I hope that I can make a ton of new friends and start hosting some pipe smoking get-togethers! I also know close to nothing about tobacco blends themselves, but I'm cramming the knowledge in each day!
Thanks everyone!!!



Jan 20, 2014
Hey everybody. I got into pipe smoking 7 years ago while I was a cigarette smoker. I found that to be too much smoking for one body. I have since quit smoking now for the past year and a half and decided to get back into pipes. Looking forward to chatting about something worth talking about. Because frankly cigarettes did not do it for me. :puffpipe:



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 24, 2014
Hi everyone,

Santa brought my first pipe for Christmas 2013.

I'm an Englishman living in Wales and looking forward to joining in once I get some time in.

This place and it's members seem a friendly, helpful bunch, so hello again.



Jan 21, 2014
Rome, GA
Hello everyone.

I guess I'll enter the fray as it were.

I've been lurking around here for about 6 months and have decided to throw my two cents in.

Been an occasional pipe smoker for about 16 years, but have decided to devote myself to the hobby this past year with an introduction to McCranie's Red Ribbon.

Look forward to talking with you.



Dec 1, 2010

I'm currently Stationed stateside though I've done my time overseas. So far, I only have about 5 pipes. I have a Savenelli Churchwarden 602, Missouri Meer (country gentleman), 2 Meerschaums, and a Big Ben bent billard. I'm looking to buy some more because I'm wanting to try some non-aromatic/English blends. I smoke mainly my Missouri Meer and my Big Ben. My churchwarden used to be my favorite but I think I'm going to leave that, as well as my Big Ben, as my aromatics.



Jan 23, 2014
Hello to all
I'm Tim and i joined this forum a few days ago in search of ideas and tips on pipe smoking. Today was my first "real" time smoking a pipe. the first bowl I made maybe 1/3 full and it was frantic, frustrating, tense and very awkward. the bowl kept going out, my seating was all over the place and I couldn't decide if I was going to hold the pipe or bite it.
The second I decided I was going to do this, and it worked ever so well. I made a full bowl a fresh coffee, singed the top then prodded it some more and re-lit. the pipe worked great, its warm bowl in my hand the gentle easing of the smoke whisking from my mouth and pipe set me to relax and then it set in. even though I was on a balcony overlooking a main road, everything seemed to flow and my thoughts were away with themselves, in that moment all I said was "I like this"
sorry for the long introduction =]



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 22, 2014
Weyers Cave, VA
My name is Larry and recently joined the forum. I have smoked a pipe of and on for 40+ years but just started smoking pipes exclusively. I had quit smoking cigarettes for almost a year and got the craving to smoke again so I decided to try pipes again and now I am smoking only pipes.
I am from just south of Harrisonburg, VA in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley. If there are any others in the forum from this area let me know.
I am learning lots here and looking forward to learning more. Thanks for having me!



Can't Leave
Jun 2, 2013
Hello, Larry and welcome to the FORUMS.
I, too am a Virginian living near to Charlottesville and have some family close to Bridgewater.
Enjoy your pipes and post often to the Forums. We look forward to hearing from you.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 28, 2014
Hello. Checking in. New to pipes and smoking for that matter. Carrying a serious case of Savinelli PAD and hoping to find my way in this new sport/hobby/religion. Have enjoyed the forums so far and many thanks to those who've supplied the info.

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