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Jul 24, 2013
Columbus, Ohio USA
Greetings Friends!
I have been lurking for quite some time, but I felt I must participate in this AWESOME Forum. I am the owner of Smokers' Haven & Chheda Pipes in Columbus Ohio USA. I have just started as a sponser for and my advertisement should be going up very soon. Smokers' Haven and I have gone through some tough times in the past, but I am now very active, healthy, and excited to be an active member in our hobby and industry. Please feel free to contact me by forum pm, phone, or email if you ever have a question or concern. I LOVE Pipes and I hold the art and hobby very sacred. I grew up in the business and it is my life's work. My focus in pipe collecting are Old English Classics and the artisans that I deal with and become friends with. I enjoy mostly English blends, but I do enjoy some Virginias and Aromatics.



Aug 6, 2013
Hello everyone i'm Hobo Dave from Brisbane Australia.

Myself and Hobo Hoot have a blog Hobo Pipes

We collect pipes.

Smoke pipes.

And i have started turning a few Falcon Pipe Bowls.

Aug 7, 2013
Hi all, I'm Ian, I'm a Old Catholic priest living in Indiana. I'm 34, and I've been smoking a pipe regularly since I was 19, though I think I first tried one the summer before. But my first pipe of my own was a Grabow, smoking drug store cherry. I've graduated to slightly better seconds in the $30-$50 range. I have a few meers, too. Typically I blend my own tobacco, bulk vanilla cavendish with another 4-6 oz. black and a couple ounces of latakia, stoved, and rehydrated with some brown liquor or another. I've also tried my hand at growing tobacco, clamped the cured leaves in a homemade piston but never got it to really ferment.
I do other manly things like growing a beard, making wine, brewing beer, and carving wood signs. I do other less manly but equally crafty things, such as paint ikons, knit, sew my own vestments, etc. I live with my 29-year-old wife, who is a Ph.D. scientist, who occasionally likes a puff herself, usually when friends come for drinks. I will euphemistically refer to her either as the missus or the Abbess, which suits her fine. Additionally we grow fruit, garden, and keep various pets.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 7, 2013
Oslo, Norway
My name is Anders Sandum and I'm a 32 year old pipesmoker from Norway. Fairly inexperienced, but looking forward to learning more and geting to know you all.



Can't Leave
Jun 2, 2013
Welcome aboard! I'm 66 and an ancient pipe smoker like yourself (started at 19) and flat out refuse to buy any pipe more than $ 75. They all smoke just fine and I'm happy with the variety of tobaccos available to me on line. Retired ex school teacher/librarian and live in VA in the country outside of Charlottesville.
Keep posting!



Aug 8, 2013
Hey guys,

My name is Chris. I'm 23 and I live in Gainesville, Fl. I started smoking pipes a little over a year ago and I find it quite enjoyable. So since I'm still relatively new to pipe smoking I'll start off with a question for you guys because I've got a lot to learn. Can any of you tell me about MacQueen churchwarden pipes? I think the look pretty awesome and I would like to have a long wooden churchwarden pipe like Gandalf. I assume I'm paying more for the look than functionality, but I don't know. Anyways what is the deal with MacQueen pipes? I've heard they have terrible customer service, so if I can get a pipe like the ones they make that would be great, but I don't know if anyone else makes pipes like that. Thanks guys!

Aug 8, 2013
Hi all,

I'm a relatively young pipe-smoker, trying to get back into it after a brief foray a few years ago. I've cleaned out my Benton briar and I'm looking forward to a trip to the tobacconist this weekend to pick up one of the English/Oriental/Latakia blends (not quite sure on the nomenclature yet) I remember liking from a few years ago. In the meantime I've got a Missouri Meerschaum that I'm smoking with an unknown blend from a local tobacco shop, who unfortunately only had a very limited selection.



Might Stick Around
Aug 4, 2013
Hi folks
I'm Kevin from Detroit. I started smoking pipes at the end of high school when cigarettes were getting expensive, almost $2 a pack! I smoked pipes on and off for many years and quit cigarettes completely. Recently I went to dig out my first and favorite pipe and found it had disappeared in the 3 years since I had smoked it last. So I wound up here while looking for information. I've bought several new pipes, but still enjoying the one given to me by a girl back in 1992. It was clearly used and I think she stole it, but I still like that ugly, beat up pipe.



Aug 9, 2013

My name is Thibot from Paris and Iam 32.

I began pipe in March this year, so Iam newbie.

In my little collection I have danish,italian and french pipes.

And I just bought two old english, a Dunhill and a BBB.

As I begin I dont know many tobacco, I prefer latakia but like a good pipe of VA/PER.

All the best




Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 6, 2013

My name is Josiah. I live in Minnesota, USA and I'm 33 years old.

I've been smoking pipe since 2002. So I'm not new to the hobby, but always interested in learning more. I have 30-some pipes and always keep my eye open for something interesting that fits my small budget.

I joined a couple days ago after stumbling across a thread doing research about a Savory's pipe I was given a long time ago.

I don't really have a favorite tabac and run the whole gambit when the mood strikes. I find something interesting in almost every style of tabac.

I've already enjoyed reading through many threads and listening to the first few episodes of the radio show.



Aug 7, 2013
Regina, Canada
My name is Dean. Living in Saskatchewan, Canada (that rectangular province near the centre of Canada).

I've been lurking on the forums for about 4 months, until I heard Kevin Godbee on the OomPaul podcast and felt guilty for not becoming a member.

New pipe smoker, looking forward to exploring new tobaccos and finding my favourites.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Hello all, I am new here, but I came to smoking via corncob and drugstore English blends while fishing in my early teens. I then became a cigarette-a-holic up until a few moths ago, where I used my pipe as a way to kick the paper stuff. Looking forward to my corncob in the morning in my garden and my new Savinelli at the end of the day kept me focused on something other than constantly keeping a rolled paper lit in my fingers. Maybe it's not healthier, but it definitely agrees better with all of the girls in my life.
I am also a lapidary and jeweler that also makes silver and gold eyeframes, and I may also be making a few pipes soon. Making pipes is what had me searching pipe forums online, thus finding this one. I am also enjoying the reviews of different tobaccos, and I plan on expanding my experiences with these great baccys in time.
I'm looking forward to perusing the forum, and thanks for having me. :eek:)



Aug 12, 2013
Northern Indiana
Hiya, folks. Name's Dan.
I've been smoking a pipe off and on for . . . holy wow, better'n a decade at this point. I've gotten more into it since I started dating a social smoker a couple months back. I've been lurking this forum for a couple weeks now, looking for information and opinions and just generally soaking up the atmosphere. I like this place - it's friendly and unpretentious, which is perfect for a still-pretty-casual smoker like myself.
I don't know how active I plan to be just yet, but I thought I'd make an account for the off chance that I might have something relevant to say.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 12, 2013

New here just wanted to say hello to all. I love to smoke a pipe after long days and relaxing with my family. My wife also enjoys smoking pipes with me from time to time.

Nothing more really to add, other than I'm a fan of the briar and always will be. I also love a good aged cigar and have a very nice collection. Thanks for the site and I hope

to gather some good info from the site. Take care to all and happy smoking.



Jul 29, 2013
I have been lurking this site and others as well for sometime. I'm Cory, military vet from Colorado and a newer pipe smoker (hopefully a full convert from cigarettes). I've read a ton of great advice here and elsewhere on all the ins and outs of the hobby. I myself prefer the aromatics and haven't quite stepped out of that arena yet, though I do plan to try out English and other more full bodied blends once I find myself at the aromatic glass ceiling.
I recently just picked up an estate lot from eBay with some Medicos, a Dr. Grabow and a couple Yello Boles. I've all ready gotten started on cleaning and fixing them up to serviceable condition thanks to the plethora of information, experiences and shop conversation on this site. Looking forward to getting involved in other conversations around here.



Mar 5, 2013
My name is Daryl and I am brand new to the Pipe scene. I've been a cigar smoker for the past 4 years and started looking around at pipes. Picked up a Cob and am looking to buy a nicer pipe to start exploring the various tobaccos more. I live in Atlanta, GA with my wife and 2 boys.
I look forward to learning more here and participating in the Forum.



Can't Leave
Jun 2, 2013
Daryl: Good to hear from you. Welcome to the Forums and the world of pipes. Everything you wanted to know and more. I'm in Virginia near Charlottesville, a retired school teacher and pipe smoker.
A cheap suggestion. You might want to log in to (Bethlehem, PA) and ask for their Sept. printed catalogue. They sell loads of pipe stuff and the catalogue is fun to look through. Web site is good too. Also posts a bi weekly newsletter that features good writing and their latest acquisitions.
Best wishes.



May 17, 2013
Howdy! I've been in and out of here and thought it was time to introduce myself.

My name is Ryan. I live in Newark OH and I'm a 39 year old factory worker.

I just picked up the hobby earlier this year. Having fun trying out all the varieties of both pipes and tobaccos. Having even more fun learning all that I can from all of you!

No real influences to smoking a pipe, me being the only one I know.

Kind of all over the place when it comes to kinds of tobaccos. Still like a kid in a candy store! Leaning more towards aromatics but haven't ruled anything out yet because as it turns out there's plenty for me to learn still! I tend to immerse myself in my hobbies and having as many as I do, I'm just full of useless information!

Looking forward to sharing this experience with you all!



Aug 18, 2013
Columbus, OH
Hello everyone. My name is Kevin & I'm a relatively new pipe smoker. I've been smoking cigars for years & have only recently acquired a new found love for the briar. I've lurked here for a few months & have really learned quite a bit from many of the articles & reviews. I'm an active member at (same username) as well. I roast my own coffee & have a soon to be 7 year old son & 5 month old daughter. Looking forward to exploring the site, absorbing as much knowledge as possible & contributing whenever possible.

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