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Jul 30, 2013
Hello Everyone - I just wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Joshua and I'm 47, living in Gaithersburg, MD. My wife and I are fairly new empty-nesters, with my son having graduated from Univ of MD last May and my daughter finishing her senior year at Cornell.
I started smoking a pipe about four months ago and am thoroughly enjoying it. The sense of smell is such a strong trigger for memories. I have some wonderful and priceless memories of my father. As a wee lad, I can remember rummaging through his desk drawer in the basement and finding several pipes and some tobacco - and being in awe.
I don't smoke much at this point (outside only / two or three bowls a week) and I don't have much approval from my wife. Matter of fact, she's told me she disapproves of this new hobby, but she's tolerating it. Regardless, I'm enjoying it very much. I've been doing my best to keep my PAD/TAD in check, but it's difficult with so many wonderful options out there (darned Internet!) :) Before I knew it, I've accumulated a collection of about six different pipes many more types and flavors of tobacco. While I enjoy the aromatics, I've started venturing more into some of the crossover blends. My favorites so far are Frog Morton Cellar and Mississippi River; however, I have about five different sample bags of various Boswell aromatics that I'm fond of as well.
One of my other passions is barbeque / smoking. (Hence the name/handle). My wife got me a Cookshack smoker for Christmas several years ago and the rest is history. My favorites: homemade pulled pork and pork spare ribs. I've become quite the chef and my family loves it when Dad starts smokin'.
I've been lurking on the site for a bit but look forward to becoming a more active member!

Gaithersburg, MD



Sep 4, 2013
Popped in to say hello from Central Missouri

( I am located not to Far from Here )



Can't Leave
Jun 2, 2013
Welcome aboard. I live in Va, near Charlottesville. Congrats on your kids. Md. and Cornell-wow quite the feat. Will you be paying for it forever?

There is a terrific pipe show every October in richmond. you might want to come. Check their WEB site C.O.R.P.S. Conclave of Richmond Pipe Smokers.
Six pipes is a great beginning. Also check out for their bi weekly essay and list of new/estate pipes. Lots of fun to look and see what is out there. $50.

to $5000. Hold on to your wallet.
Hope your wife softens up a bit as it is a great hobby.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 6, 2013
Greetings! A quick introductory post from a longtime fan of the site and the wonderful community of pipesmokers that make it a fun place to spend some time.

My preferences lean toward English and Balkan blends and traditional pipe shapes (pots, billiards) and makers (Dunhill, Castello, GBD). Looking forward to joining the discussions!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 5, 2013
Hello! Joe here, tucked away in a quiet corner of England. Brand new member, and brand new to pipe smoking to boot.

I like the occasional cigar, but don't smoke enough to warrant a humidor. So, at least with pipes, I can have everything hanging around the house for whenever I feel like a puff rather than having to go out and buy a cigar every time.
Now the proud owner of a Peterson rustic churchwarden and a couple of tobaccos my local tobacconist recommended.



Jul 11, 2013
Hey everyone! I'm a young pipe smoker myself, still in college. I took to it when a few friends of mine did, which caused me to research the health and then realize it was no more harm than a stiff drink occasionally, so I said "why not?" one day in a Rite-Aid, and here I am! My mission now? To continue to enjoy my hobby as my school goes "Tobacco-Free" Jan 1 and avoid confrontation with my anti smoking mother over it all. This board is seriously a great wealth of information and support on everything pipe/tobacco, thank you all!



Sep 6, 2013
I guess it's my turn to introduce myself here.
I'm from Riga, Latvia. I'm 26 (almost) years old. I work as a project coordinator at a translation company.
I first smoked a pipe this week. So I'm a complete beginner. But I've thought about starting pipe smoking for some time. I have smoked cigarettes for 7 years, hookah for 5 years (not regullary though) and have tried cigars a few times.



Aug 30, 2013
Hey everybody. I think it is time for a proper introduction. I've been lurking around this forum for weeks now and I believe it is time to get into some discussions I have been reading here.
I am a weekend pipe smoker, and have never smoked cigarettes nor cigars. I've got into it because it reminds me of my childhood visits to my great-grand father, who was a weekend pipe smoker himself. Just like him I discovery a way to chill down the stress from the week and relax for at least 1~1.5 hours.
I've been doing this since 2006 and recently I found an online tobacco store with a good assortment of tin tobaccos so I could finally put and end to my Borkum Riff days (I live in Brazil and we do not have many options here when it comes to pipe tobacco options). My Petes are all thankful!



Sep 10, 2013
Hey guys. New to the forum and pipe smoking.
I'm 21, from West Virginia, and I just started smoking a pipe here in the last two weeks. So far I love it, and I can't wait to get into it more. I used this forum to get all the info I needed (how to pack a bowl, cleaning, tobacco types) and went out and bought a kind of cheap pipe. I've already managed to break it in and so far I am loving it! It's also helped me cut back on the occasional cig. Anyway, I figured I'd sign up and join in on the fun.



Might Stick Around
Sep 8, 2013
SF Bay Area, CA
Hey all, I've been lurking around the site for about a week or so. I just got into pipes this month. I first smoked a clay pipe around 10 years ago, but never really got into it. My first non clay pipe is a Stanwell Special 230 Red. I really like this pipe. The other pipe I just got is a Savinelli Churchwarden Rusic 404.
The tobacco I've really been enjoying is St. George's Blend (Black Cavendish and Rich Virginia with the sweetness of Black Cherry). I also got some other blends in, but haven't tried them yet.
So I guess I'll give a bit of a background of myself. I'm 34 years old, work at an oil refinery, love technology, and love photography. I stopped smoking cigarettes a little over a year ago, and haven't picked one up since. I live in the SF Bay Area in California.
I'm really enjoying the hobby so far, and look forward to chatting in the forums!



Sep 12, 2013
hello all my name is nick and i just started smoking a pipe a few weeks ago. there ain't much for b&m tobacconists where i live so all i have been able to enjoy thus far is some captain black. but i am very much looking forward to trying out any sort of baccy i can get ahold of, and most of all i am looking forward to meetibg you all and having many great conversations



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 13, 2013
Greetings Chaps,
Been researching certain things relating to Army Mount’s and Spigot pipes for a potential purchase, and came across your forum, said to myself “A forum dedicated to pipe smokers, I’m a pipe smoker. I should join”, and well, that’s what I did.
My forename is Chris, but most people refer to me as Herman, which is my surname. I live in Great Britain, South East of London in the glorious county of Surrey for any of you interested. By Sunday morning I’ll be in Wolverhampton for several months starting University (Politics & History), so if we have any Midlanders who know any good pipe tobacconists in that area, I’d be very appreciative.
I enjoy every form of political conversation, classic novels (George Orwell, Mark Twain, Leo Tolstoy), I have recently through pipesmoking got into the Sherlock Holmes stories and I like to travel, mainly Germany and Austria – lots of pipe tobacconists (even the train station), lovely buildings, fascinating history and interesting food.
Hope I can become an active member of the community.
Kind Regards,




Sep 12, 2013
I am a new pipe smoker and live in the Indianapolis area. I have grown tired of cigars and was always captivated by pipes. My baby brother and I decided to jump in with both feet recently. We have been smoking for a week now and are very excited about it. I have already learned a ton from this forum and appreciate all the great feedback. I have been married for 18 years and we have 3 kids ages 15, 13, and 7. I am a huge Oakland Raider fan and have been since I was 7. Also a big Cubs fan so you can imagine that my pain has been great over the years! Looking forward to spending more time here and learning much more!



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I've been smoking pipes, cigarettes and cigars for 50+ years. I chewed the stuff in the Air Force as we couldn't light up on the flight-line for obvious reasons.
I've lurked this site for a bit and . . . it seems friendly enough. I've found the blends I like and do very exploration tasting of new blends. I do like reading about other, more daring, smokers experiences.
I'm most intrigued by the number of people who purchase pipes, un-fondled or closely eyeballed, on line. I will post the question in the appropriate forum.
A man without a shillelagh is a man without an expedient.



Can't Leave
Jun 2, 2013
Welcome! A family man with a passion for pipes. Sounds perfect.
Tough luck re the Raiders/Cubs BUT once a a fan for life. Tell us about your pipe collection and tobaccy preferences.
Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sep 18, 2013
Hello all! I started smoking pipes 2 years ago, after quitting cigarettes many more years past. A former roomate was an avid cigarette smoker and had some pipes that he had me try, as he rarely used them. He ended up giving me 2, an Old Pal and a Stanwell, and I purchased from him a third, a Clifton. Since then I have bought a Savinelli and I'm looking to pick up a Bringham. I have smoked a lot of Cavendish, black and cherry, and I have started getting into more English blends. I am still experimenting with a lot of tobaccos, I'd be interested in trying some more 'traditional' blends/cuts to really get a better understand of what I'm smoking. I look forward to hearing from many of you more experienced smokers, and I will try to get some pics up soon!



Sep 21, 2013
Weekend pipe smoker for about two years. I enjoy learning about new blends, old standards, and the history of pipe smoking.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 21, 2013
Hi all,Australian cigar smoker living in Germany and on the cusp of jumping into my first pipe purchase. Like Greenzebra above me I am a weekend smoker. I enjoy a good smoke with a nice whisky or sipping rum and really like my window of escapism each week. I am attracted to the slow enjoyment factor of pipe smoking and also the rich flavours that only fine cigars and pipe tobacco can offer (I have only the smallest experience with the latter). I am looking forward to reading the pages and learning more about the finer details of the whole experience.
Cheers M

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