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Jun 16, 2013
Chicago, IL USA
Hello My Fellow Pipe Smokers!!
I am Marc from Chicago

Turning 50 later this year

Have been smoking pipes on and off for the last 30 years along with cigars

Not a daily smoker but several times a week

I'm an avid motorcyclist (Sport Touring)

Love my Whisky (or do you say Whiskey?)

Professional Musician and Luthier

No wife or kids

I'm going to have to inventory my collection but have at least a few dozen pipes (pictures soon to follow)

Look forward to the advice and comments on this forum and will chime in with my two cents when I can
Talk soon



Jun 16, 2013
What's going on guys? I am new here as well as new to the pipe smoking world. I decided to join this website to gain knowledge about pipes and to also get some other information that will help me out with smoking. Right now I am smoking a corn cob pipe with some local tobacco blends, but plan on getting a decent pipe soon and taking it to the next level. I am looking forward to talking to all of you.



Can't Leave
Jun 2, 2013
dwreck: Welcome to the Forums. Ask away and you will get responses galore. Also may help to "read" the many posts to threads already posted. Good luck with your first BRIAR pipe purchase!



Jun 18, 2013
Hi everyone
Im Nisim Romano from Mexico City, im new to this forum but not to pipe smoking, i been smoking pipe for more than 10 years, i also smoke cigars, Cubans and non Cubans, (here in Mexico we dont have any restrictios about Cubans cigars)and ocasionally some cigarretes, i love Latakia based blends, im 51 y/o, married and i have 3 childs, want to make friends, learn and if i can teach to others, my expiriences with the tobacco world.
I have a podcast where i and 2 more friend make reviws of cigars (in spanish), and will start to review tobacco pipe and pipes.

Any suggestions will be very apreciated.
Bes Regards
Saludos Amigos



Jun 19, 2013
Hello all, My name is Mike and I'm (obviously) new here. I first started smoking a pipe over 25 years ago, but stopped for quite a while and have come back to the hobby. Back then I owned 2 Peterson pipes and smoked a discount vanilla aromatic. I didn't have a clue what I was doing. Now, I own several estate pipes and a few new ones and cannot believe how good some of the tobacco out there is (Frog Morton = OMFG!!!!). I really didn't know what I was doing back in the day. Anyway, I have been lurking on this site for quite some time and decided to finally take the plunge and join and introduce myself. Seems like a group of good folks with lots to share.

PS How do I get a signature in my signature line????



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 27, 2013
Hey, I'm Ron I've been signed up for a few months now but finally decided to join in the conversations, I read the forums constantly and have learn a lot from them. I've been smoking a pipe for only about two years, I'm 19, and I absolutely love it. I hope I will be of some value to the conversations



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 20, 2013
Well, I've been looking around the site for a few days and thought I would join in. I've been puffing on the sweet briar delight for about 14 years now, but let them cool off for awhile. Now I'm back in the game. I worked at a B&M in Virgina around 03-04 and really enjoyed it. I started smoking when my father gave me a Peterson System "conflict" pipe when I was 19. Right now I'm working through some english blends to reacquaint my palate.
Nice meeting everyone.



Jun 19, 2013
Hey everyone, I'm Brian from North Jersey.

Been smoking pipes off and on (mostly off) for about 12 years.

I've recently dedicated myself solely to pipe smoking.

A little about myself, I am a professional chef, a musician, and an

aspiring beer sommelier.



Oct 10, 2009
Hello fellow pipe smokers,
a Few things about Moi
* Army Vet, living in TX

* college student

* pipe smoker since 1995/96

* enjoys coffee, watching gunsmoke (the b/w ones) and looking at pretty girls

* enjoy a good handmade cigar from time to time

* appreciate good intelligent conversation on a variety of topics



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 19, 2013
Hi All,
New member here. I'm just getting back into pipe smoking after a hiatus. Big Cigar smoker during the '90s until retirement forced me to evaluate costs. Picked up pipe smoking for a number of years until I slowly stopped. Fast forward to 2013... Just had my first and only child and decided to take up the evening pipe again for relaxation and to give my son a lifelong memory.
I love the Cutty pipe shape and ordered a stand and pipes to fill her up with. I'll post a pic in the near future.



Jun 23, 2013
South Dakota
Hi all. New guy here. Joined the forum because it seemed like every time I googled something of interest related to pipes, something useful came up here.
The name is Chris - I hail from South Dakota. At the time of this post I'm 30, married, have a 3 month old baby, and a spoiled dog. I work full time in a church wearing a few hats, but mostly leading the worship band. I'm also a Regeistered Nurse by education/background.
Somewhat new to the pipe, having picked it up a couple years ago, but really just getting serious this year. I smoke fairly moderately - about once a week. My nursing background has put a good fear of God/cancer in me :)
As far as pipes go, I'm loving my Savinelli Roma 413KS, filled with MacBarren HH Old Dark Fired. Then, when I want to go to the other end of the spectrum, I enjoy my little 50's Kaywoodie 95b- a little straight apple (or maybe pot) shape, filled with some Half & Half for a super simple smoke that makes me think of Grandpa.
Glad to be here.



Jun 25, 2013
Hello, I've been a brethren of the briar for 40 years now, I've got a collection of 300,which has just about some of everything. I'm a DAV, married and a counselorsupervisor for a treatment program.If I had to pick one pipe that I prefer I would have to say clay.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 24, 2013
Edmonton Alberta
Good evening gentlemen, I am new to the forum and new to the pipe smoking in general. I have acquired a few estate pipes a la ebay and look forward to restoring them as well as a few new pipes. I went to the local B&M today and was not that impressed with the attitudes with the local shop employees. The youngest of the 3 seemed very nice while the older fellow seemed to not have the patience to deal with me and my questions.

I live in Canada just north of Edmonton and look forward to reading more and more information on this forum. I have been on here for a couple weeks and this is my first post.

I think I enjoy sweeter tobaccos as apposed to what I don't know. If anyone has suggestions on some great tobaccos to try for someone just getting into smoking I would love to hear some suggestions, hit me up with a PM.




Jun 26, 2013
Good morning brothers
          I'm new here my name is Marcelo and I live in Brazil, do not speak English so forgive me if I do understand correctly, is that I'm using the google translator because it is the only way to communicate with you.
        I started smoking a pipe about 6months, I have read and learned many things about this wonderful world of flavors, aromas testuras, aesthetic, and memories that make up the universe of pipes and tobacco.
        and after reading a lot on pipes magazine, I decided to sign up and try to participate a little more, and you learn a little more about the "noble art" as we say here in Brazil.
       Currently, and as every beginner, come aromatic tobacco smoking, and I confess that I like! More soon I will start in other mixtures that have been ordered and are on their way:
mac baren HH Vintage Syrian

mac baren signature

wo larsen signature

mac baren old dark fired
        A good aromatic, a great flake, an Englishman, and the other does not know how it can be defined?

        What do I know of is the fact that all tobacco products are well recommended, and will be my first experience with tobacco quality, because so far only come from smoking tobacco drugstore epero who has made good choices!
       it is good, I hope they can understand me, if able please respond so I can see if it worth writing by google translator, and continue to interact with you!
                                                               a big hug!



Jun 28, 2013
0 anecdote. Nothing more scientific and proven than that.
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Jun 29, 2013
Hi everybody, I've been looking at this page for the last couple of weeks and finally decided to join.
I've been smoking pipes for about 6 months, I started with some aromatics then my uncle sent me some EMP about a month ago and I am starting to really like the English blends, before that I was an occasional cigar smoker for about 10 years.
I really am enjoying learning about pipes and tobaccos and I see this is going to be a great place for information.



Jul 1, 2013
Iowa, United States
Hello, I'm Andrew from Des Moines,IA area. I already know a few members such as: Lyle, paintedklown and olewaylon as we are in pipe club together. I am also a member of stogie friends and know a bunch of guys over there as well. I like smoking well any kind of pipe tobacco so far, english and aros for the most part but i am diverging. I collect and smoke custombilts and I have about 20 or 30 of them and other Tracy Mincer made pipes. I am glad to meet everyone here and throw my questions to a wider net of people.
Greetings All,



Jun 29, 2013
Gott kvøld! New(er) pipe smoker here.
I'm a 25 year old Infantry Non-Commissioned Officer in the United States Army. Picked up pipe smoking during my second Afghanistan tour last year, since I redeployed back to America I've recently picked back up on the hobby. I'm from Baltimore, MD, attended college at FIU in Miami, FL, and am currently stationed in FT Carson, CO (outside of Colorado Springs).
My collection consists of 2 Bjarne vikings, a Cassano Forte, a Faroese (Danish) handmade, a "K&P" that I cannot identify, and something marked a "Ruff Root Light", which once again I cannot identify. The latter 4 came from the husband of a friend of mine, who has been smoking pipes for well over 50 years.
I smoke 3-4 bowls a night, still learning about and checking out new tobaccos, however I seem to prefer the unflavored and rougher tasting types.
What's going on, folks? What are you all smoking tonight?

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