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Might Stick Around
Feb 7, 2012
Hi, my name is John.
I live near Kansas City, and have been part of the Greater Kansas City Pipe Club, on and off, for over a decade.
I mostly smoke Charatan's Make, Executives to Supremes, but I have a fair number of Perfections as well (after all, Dunhill made A perfect pipe. Uno. Ein. One. You don't have it, I don't either; but Charatan's Make is Perfection in Pipes!)
I also have several, but not all, KC club pipes, and I have an Enricoro, from Enrico Marola by way of Sally Dees Gottliebson, The Pipe Tart.
I've found my Arcadia: It's McClelland Anniversary.
Smoke in peace! :)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 7, 2012
Winnipeg, MB
Hello everyone!
My name is Chris, I'm from Winnipeg, MB Canada. I'm about as new to pipe smoking as I am to this forum. I've started small, but thanks to the good info I got from these forums, I've done a good restoration on the estate pipe I've acquired. This past weekend was unseasonably warm so I enjoyed the great outdoors while sampling my new pipes and a few recommended house blends from my local B&M. It's since dropped back down to regular freezing the balls off the brass monkey cold, so my smoking is on ice for the time being.
So, this is what I have started with.

A Ukrainian made Authors Bent pear wood pipe, with my new Czech tool and 25gr each of the local's blends of "Wolsely", "Paradise Found", and "Bengal Lancer"


A Mastersen Burl Briar "Cut 29" Estate -- before


and after



The stem spent an hour in some Oxiclean, then got scrubbed with a magic eraser. I sterilized the stem with some Slivovitz (which smelled like the aromatics I purchased). Finally I waxed and buffed the stem and bowl with a foodgrade beeswax based wax. Worked great, and I enjoy the slightly satin matte of the stem.
I look forward to many smokes and my time here as well.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 9, 2012
Hello friends, I am a puffer from Denver, CO. I have been reading this forum as a lurker for sometime and could no longer resist the urge to participate.

Have been a pipe lover since my senior year of highschool but recently in the last year got more fulltime about it ( ditched cigs the rest of the way )

Look forward to talking with everyone,
Go easy.



Feb 9, 2012
Hey guys, ive been a lurker for a while and figured it was time to join. I'm a senior in high school in Denver,Co. Ive always enjoyed the nicer,simpler things in life so pipe smoking seemed a good fit. I'm happy to be part of such a friendly community to help me learn some things, as I get a start in the hobby.



Feb 10, 2012
Hello all, I've been lurking the forums here for a while now. I'm 21 and just recently switching from cigarettes to pipe. I have to say I really like the helpful fun culture here and am looking forward to learning all I can from this great site.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 12, 2012
Chapin, SC
Hi everyone, Jim from Chapin, SC. I've been a pipe smoker off and on for the past 20 years, but just recently started getting serious with it. I've always enjoyed it more than cigs, but it's never as convenient. I've decided to slowly ween myself off of the cigs, and eventually smoke the pipe regularly. I think I'm heading in the right direction, because the cigs are starting to taste bad, and make me yearn for a bowl.
Anyways, cheers!



Feb 11, 2012
Hi everyone,
I'm Tom Gwilt from Conneaut (that's pronounced 'conn-eee-ott' with a slight accent on the first syllable) Ohio.
Pretty new to the passion - only since Nov 2011. Found this site after buying some of GL Pease's blends and wanting to find out more about them. Since glp writes often, this is the place to be for that.
I play classical guitar and just purchased a lute - for those of you who might not know, the lute was used in Queen Elizabeth's time, the Renaissance.
Since I started late in life, I had the means to purchase what some consider higher end pipes. Whoop-de-doo. They are all good smokers, but I imagine there are pipes in the 50-60 dollar range that are just as good.
My pipes:
Pipa Croci Amica

Savinelli Leonardo Da Vinci (5 of them)

Dunhill, both older 1937, and newer, 2000. I have 9 Dunnies.

2 JM Boswell pipes

Tsuge Ikebana F grade

Tyler Lane - 2 pipes, Sail and Irish Calabash

Erik Nording - 2 pipes

2 exquisitely hand carved Meerschaums - one in the likeness of J.S. Bach

A Calabash (for show)

Some I'm forgetting.
While it's not an extensive collection with only slightly more than 30 pipes, it's enough for me.
I love the GL Pease blends - all of them I've tried at least. My other tobacco favorites are mainly English blends and Latakia blends (who would have guessed ) such as Condor green, Frog Morton and company, Old Dog. I also really like Virginia blends.
Looking forward to meeting all!
Tom Gwilt



Feb 13, 2012
Morning gents,
I'm from Norway, 18 years old and I am a total novice, but that will change. I just barely got into pipe smoking and the making of these beautiful little masterpieces. Here the other day I got my act together and bought some briar and some stems, and started my pipe adventure. It is a billiard pipe with an 8 cm stem, and it is going to be my first quality pipe. (I made one out of birch before this, not good looking) I'm still working on the briar pipe, trying to get the stem to fit snug. It is a whole lot of fun, I love making things and being creative.
I will most likely post a picture of the pipe when I'm done.
It's going to be great talking with you guys. I'm looking forward to use this site and forum good, I will learn a lot!



Feb 14, 2012
Hello everyone! I have been smoking a pipe for about five years now. My grandpa and father smoked a pipe and I started smoking a pipe while I was in the army.



Feb 12, 2012
Hello, all. I'm in Charleston, SC, and have been smoking pipes on and off for about 15 years. I recently got back into it after a long break, and the advice here has been invaluable. It honestly seems that there are a lot fewer B&M tobacconists than there used to be, and the ones that still are around mostly focus on cigars. It's been hard to find a good pipe shop, but this is the next best thing :).



Feb 16, 2012
Hello everyone, been lurking for a couple months. I smoked a pipe in my early 20's, put it down for 30 years, and am picking it back up. Cigar smoker too, enjoy full body sticks. Currently pipeless but looking to remedy that real soon. Never been in a hurry, looking and deciding is half the fun, but I can feel a real case of PAD developing. Uncle Arthur and TheSmokinDragon are tempting me badly. I look forward to what's to come.



Feb 17, 2012
Hello everybody,
I’d like to say hi to everyone and tell you a bit about myself. I’m 47 years old and believe it or not I’ve never smoked a cigarette in my life; seven years ago I started to smoke cigars on special occasions, then more frequently, and more recently I bought my first pipe.
I usually smoke my pipes (ah, the collection is growing!) outdoors, whenever I go camping, or sitting on the roof of my house looking at the bay, either at sunset or when the moon is full; I also love smoking in the house while it’s raining, looking though the window, to combine the relaxing effect of the tobacco with that of the rain. I’ve realized that now I can discriminate between different sorts of tobacco and flavors more easily than six months ago; I have also realized that I am becoming addicted to both the nicotine and to the ritual of packing the pipe, smoking and cleaning it, buying a new pipe every now and then, etc. Addictions are supposed to be bad but for me, for my life such as it is now, pipe smoking has been a blessing.
I have several briars (two churchwardens, an Oom Paul, a couple of straight pipes, a couple of bent ones), a brylon pipe, a maple pipe and a cherry wood one (two of my favorites: cheaper than briars but I love them), and I’m soon to try corncobs.
So… this is me, I’ll be pestering y’all with tons of questions but I hope to be able to contribute with some answers too.



Feb 19, 2012
Bonjour mes ami! I've been lurking this forum for a few weeks and finally decided to join. The community here is great! I'll eventually post my small but growing collection. I started with one small pipe my friend and I found while cleaning her garage. It belonged to her dad and I was amused by it so she gifted it to me. Now I'm up to 6 pipes. PAD is ready to develop! I look forward to sharing my pleasurable smoking experiences with you guys!

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