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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 1, 2012
From one newbie to other newbies: Welcome! Thanks also to all you who mentioned serving in the military!!



Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
Hello, new guy, 69yr old cajun, quit the pipe 40yrs ago,figured if he art bypasses,bout with cancer can"t get me then i"m going to my old loves, the pipe I live on a 41 acre farm that i inherited,growing sugar cane, retired from Exxon in B.R LA



Jan 19, 2012
Hello all,
I am new to the forum and just wanted to introduce myself. I enjoy Peterson pipes and Va, Vaper and Vabur tobacco's. I usually smoke after work, a bowl a day sometimes a couple on the weekends. Looking forward to particpating in discussions and the site looks amazing.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 19, 2012
denver co
I guess I cant really say I'm new since I bought my first pipe about 12 years ago. It was just an off the rack pipe the only marking on it are the words big pipe. At any rate I set it down and didnt really get back to pipes until about a year ago. I picked up 4 pipes at an estate sale for a dollar apiece turns out I got a yelo bole 2 kaywoodies and a medico. I picked them up on a whim and havent put them down yet. I havent tried many tobaccos either. I bought a can of captain black white, it smelled good and I like it so I havent wandered to far afield.



Might Stick Around
Jan 20, 2012
Hi all,
Greetings from Jakarta, Indonesia.

Been a lurker in this amazing forum for a while, (since 2008 actually) but i decided to join this forum after i experience several amazing coincidences that kinda tells me that perhaps the universe did approve me enjoying my pipe. Hahaha.
One of this coincidence is the fact that i managed to acquire 2 Dunhill's in a flea market in Jakarta.

Mind you that pipe smoking is not our culture here (being a tobacco growing country, hell yeah we do smoke! but not pipe!) so the chance of finding an estate Dunhill is well-virtually impossible. [:puffy:]
Well, that's my brief intros
Have a lovely puffs [:)]



Can't Leave
Jan 19, 2012
Hello everyone,
I'm not really much of a forum guy. I prefer irc but after nosing around for the past few weeks i figured its time i gave forums another go.
I started smoking a pipe originally a few years back but i was trying to quit cigarettes at the same time.

It didnt quite work out.So i had to quite everything first and i restarted in august 2011.
My spelling and grammar isn't that great so im throwing out fair warning in advance :)
anyway its nice to be here and thankyou to those who have befriended me already.



Jan 21, 2012
Nova Scotia, Canada
Hey Everyone,
Been browsing this forum for a few weeks and decided to join. I just picked up a pipe last month and have only smoked it once so far. However I am very interested in learning about the hobby. I live in a rural town in a small province of Canada, so I will probably end up getting all my tobacco and supplies online from the US, as there are no local "real" tobacco shops. I just purchased an estate pipe off ebay and am excited to get it and start the restoration project.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 22, 2012
Metairie, LA
Hello everyone!
I've been smoking pipes for about two years now. A culture in and of itself, it's also a hobby I've come to love greatly. In this short amount of time I've been fortunate enough to experience pipes of all makes and materials, although my favorite is your typical briar (recently I've purchased my first Meerschaum, and loving that a great deal, as well). I've visited this site many times in recent months and, with the lack of anyone to share my favorite hobby with, I've decided to finally make an account here.
Happy smoking,




Might Stick Around
Jan 23, 2012
hello people! this is my very first forum. been looking at the site for about a year, been smoking about two years. so sorry in advance for all the mistakes i might make looking around and figuring out everything. I've never participated in a forum despite being online since the 80's



Can't Leave
Jan 18, 2012
Hello all, I have been smoking pipes for 10 years or so on and off but only have 6 or so pipes and only tried 10 aro's and mild english blends. I am now full time pipe smoker( my favorite cigars are getting too expensive), glad i held on to my pipes.
Cheers to all.



Jan 22, 2012
Hi I'm Chris M. Carden "alapiper" from alt.smokers.pipes and the irc channel from the late 90's. I left the pipe scene in 2004 due to some personal family stuff and now I'm re-emerging to the briar scene. I smoke Petersons primarily. . .I smoke 965, the Briary's English Aromatic (Birminhgam AL), EMP, and I still love 1Q.
I'm the Interim Chief of Police in Sylacauga Alabama, and I have been smoking pipes since about 1995.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 25, 2012
Hello one and all,
I've been browsing the forum for a bit and decided to take the plunge and join. Looking forward to all the pipe and tobacco related discussion we surely will have!



Jan 25, 2012
Hello the name is Mike. Home is North Central Ohio and I am 41. Occasional pipe smoker for just over 20 years. The last pipe smoker I knew was my barber and he is no longer with us. I stumbled upon this site just browsing the web about a year ago and was happy to see pipes are still appreciated and by younger people too. The quality of this site is top notch and I am proud to now be a member. Although generally a man of few words I'll try to contribute once in a while.
Other hobbies include motorcycles, bicycles/fitness, camping, shooting sports, amateur radio(W8MDE), collecting antique glass telegraph insulators, history, reading, blogging.



Jan 26, 2012
Hi guys! I'm new to this forum but not new to tobacco forums - I've just been looking for somewhere with more of a focus on pipes than cigars, and this seemed like a great place!
I'm 31, live in the wilds of northwestern PA, am married with no kids, etc etc etc. I'm really not all that interesting - I like good food & drink, football and futbol, reading, cinema, music, and I enjoy target practice with my handguns. Pretty simple.
I've really gotten bit by the TAD and PAD bug as my interest has shifted to pipe tobacco (and nasal snuff) with cigars being only a once-in-a-while treat. Part of this was spurred on by my job... I work at a tobacconist (yes, yes I do, and it's wonderful!) and it's much easier to put a pipe down to help around the shop, then come back to it later, than it is to do the same with a cigar. Doing so has really started a fire that's burning a lot stronger than I initially thought it would. I've fallen head over heels, I guess!
I have a bunch of pipes but three standouts: I just received a custom pipe from Dave McCarter, it's absolutely the nicest pipe in my stable. Next to that I have an Erik Nording Freehand that I really enjoy smoking, and a simple GBD Virgin estate that was unassuming at first but a very welcomed addition because of how well it smokes. I enjoy a bunch of different tobaccos but I've been trying to scale down to focus on just certain ones (it's not really working). Some of my favorites are (in no order): Anniversary Kake, Lancer's Slices, SPC Plum Pudding, Red Raparree, Irish Flake, Penzance, Wilderness, Full Virginia Flake, Ennerdale Flake, Black House, Irish Oak, Kingfisher, Escudo, Nightcap, Hamborger Veermaster, Marlin Flake, Stonehaven and pretty much ALL of the GLP blends. Yeah, it's a long list.
Anyway, I look forward to digging into some of the many threads here. It'll take some time for me to get through them!

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