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Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I resemble that remark! :D
Welcome to you Cburke111 and you too Wannafly34.

We're glad to have you both.
Don't be shy. Just dive right in.

We all love expressing our opinions and answering questions. That's what we're all about here.

We also love to see pictures of those beautiful pipes, and your local Pipe Shoppes.



Jul 7, 2011
Hello All , JD from Mass here . Been lurking on the boards here for a while picking up a lot of good info. I don't think I can contribute anything other than personal experiences considering most of the members here forgot more info about pipes than I know.. But hey you gotta start somewhere , right?



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Welcome Diverdude1!
:worship: I see today is your first day of discovery!

Don't be shy, ask any questions may occur to you.

No question here is unworthy of debate.

We never ridicule inexperience.

Quite the contrary.

We were all beginners at one time, and love answering beginner's questions.
A momentous day everyone! July 7, 2011.
Be sure to post a photo of your first pipe.

They are always something special.
We're please to count you as a fellow member in our wonderful world-wide pipe smoking fraternity!




Jul 8, 2011
Hello to all,
I'm just recently getting back into pipe smoking after several years without a single smoke. I stopped smoking 11 years ago when my daughter was borne. What was suppose to be a temporary break from my pipes turned into 11 years. My oldest son, whom is in the military started smoking a pipe this year. When he started asking me about pipes and tobacco I got the fever again. I found a local supplier of Black Cavendish that I like and I'm off and running.

I'm amazed about the popularity of pipe smoking now days.

I'm sure this site holds all kinds of quality information. I'm looking forward to many hours of reading.



Jul 10, 2011
Hi folks - new to the forums.

Curious to see how many other armchair blenders and/or perique addicts hang about here.



Jul 10, 2011
Came across this website when looking for pipe info, complete pipe newbie and I'm here to educate myself about the finer points of pipe smoking. I currently have a cheap Briar from ebay and I have a Luna pipes Hobbit pipe (massive LOTR fan, which piqued my interest in pipes.)
I'm currently based in London UK.
I'm looking forwards to all the information I can soak up from the more experienced members.



Jul 5, 2011
Hey guys, I'm new to this hobby, my first puff was just about 1 month ago :puffy: I currently own ~1970 straight Stanwell (I don't know the exact model, i can post i pic if you, guys, can help me) and one "no-name" pipe, which I'm smoking btw, meanwhile stanwell is laying down on the shelf, I've paid ~40$ for the 11/10 condition, well cleaned and with carnauba on it Stanwell, is it a fair enough price? Sooo, I hope to find much information here, look out others' pipes photos etc. And don't blame me for poor english dictionary and grammatical mistakes, because I live in east europe, Lithuania, and I still can't speak english well :wink:

Jul 8, 2011
Hi! Im Poppy and I live in the UK. Im a brand new pipe-smoker (up until lately Ive only ever had a smoke of someone elses!) Im usualy a rollie smoker but Im enjoying getting used to my starter pipe. Tobacconists are hard to come by where I live so I do alot of on-line shopping. Its great reading the stuff on this site for tips and advise, especialy as Im the only person I know that smokes a pipe. I do get a lot of odd looks, especialy being a girlie, but you all seem so nice here I feel right at home! Looking forwards to learning from you!

Jul 12, 2011
Western WA
New here as well. Smoked a pipe off and on for a couple of years, and then through my time in the Infantry. I quit when i got out of the Army but when I wanted to show my pipe to my sons, I could not find it. therefore, I purchased another one. That one, has grown into a small business of cleaning, restoring and repairing, and now i have over 150 pipes. All great fun, collecting and trading. The best part is that my sons are now active in the business as well helping me do repairs and cleanings as well as sales at shows and on the internet. Love the hobby, love the people, and there's always something to learn!
Cheers and blessings!



Jun 21, 2011
Welcome, welcome, welcome, You will all have a good time, lots of good info. :puffpipe:



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 14, 2011
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Christopher but most actually do call me Spider or Silver, the latter being a name I acquired when I starting playing guitar live. The former was a name I was given when I rode my first bike as less then an Independent and is a reflection of the fact that I saw my first grey hairs at 15 and was getting too close too salt and pepper by 30 to deny I was Grand Dad's boy. A few years before I turned 40(this spring)I was disabled and as a result have slowed down to smell the roses, if you will. One of the things I have always wanted to do, but never had the time or patience for,was smoking pipe. My Grandfather smoked pipe and I will always remember how he smelled, how the wood shop smelled, and how hunting trips smelled.

One week ago my wife brought home a pipe and some tobacco from the shop that I buy my supplies to roll cigarettes. I should have mentioned that I have been smoking for 25yrs. Anyhow, the pipe she brought to me is one I pointed at and said, "looks just like one of the ones my Granpa smoked", over a year ago. She reminded me how I always talk about wanting one but didnt have time, yadda, yadda... "so here ya go! Now go sit in your music room and relax and smoke for the experience not the craving like you keep saying." I so love that woman.

So after a few days of scorching my tongue and several days of lurking here I figured it was time to say hello. I am doing much better with my pipe and now have a couple cobs as well. I only seem to get what you fellas call "bite" about half the time but I'm sure most of it is my fault because 25yrs of ciggs teaches you to smoke fast IMO. Even now the bite I'm getting is just a spot here and there, not my whole dang tongue...anymore! The thing I find the most interesting is that I have gone from 25+ cigs a day to 6-10! I only inhale just trailers and whisps of smoke from the pipe to taste it but I still feel satisfied. This has to be better for my poor old lungs and it makes the wife smile to see me only roll 1/2 a pack of smokes a day.

Well, sorry if this was a tad long winded but I do much more lurking than I do posting and wanted a few of you to at least have some idea of who I am when I do chime in. Many thanks to the regulars who reply to questions and post the "how to" sort of thing as well. I'm learning how to prep, clean, pack, light, and smoke because of you folks. If your not right I sure am going to look like an ass at the local baccy shop with my shiny new pipe! lol

Many thanks and hope to see you around!

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