I don’t think you are making a valid point
About what, I’m not following your reply, please elaborate?

I don’t think you are making a valid point
I could come on here and complain that some tobaccos have been marked up so high, i.e. *Escudo Navy Deluxe 50g *Capstan: Flake Blue 1.75oz *Three Nuns: Three Nuns 1.75oz *St. Bruno: Flake 1.75oz *Peterson: De Luxe Navy Rolls 50g *Mac Baren: Royal Twist 3.5oz, that even when they go on sale...it doesn't look like much of a sale to me. I mean, i could whine and cry about that. But I'm not gonna be that guy, I just won't do it. Please don't beat on me![]()
I have to point out that since they've been doing this Royal Twist remake it's always been a SmokingPipes exclusive.
Example: MacBaren Royal Twist Remake :: Pipe Tobacco Discussion - https://pipesmagazine.com/forums/threads/macbaren-royal-twist-remake.85340/
That started just after the TobaccoPipes acquisition so I imagine the deal was in place prior and they've just renewed it each year with each release. It's not nefarious or anything and I'd argue this isn't a big release regardless. It's a slightly tweaked version of Roll Cake using standard tobaccos, I wouldn't put it up there with the likes of Carolina Red Flake or Cringle.
Now if SmokingPipes used their C&D muscle to make all Small Batch releases exclusive I could see reason for concern, but as of right now I have no issues with any exclusivity deals. I'm more irritated at the $6 price jump.
I'm not getting the non-complaint complaint.
It should be released however the marketing/sales strategy dictates. There's no "right" of any other entity large or small to have an opportunity to sell it and it's one blend in a limited amount out of hundreds upon hundreds sold every day.
Keep that up and we are in "big fat Commie rat" territory! It's not about sharing for the sake of sharing!I was looking at this, from the standpoint as a blend with a history dating to the 60s, so even though it is, I guess some sort of remake, it was coming across like some pretty big Mac Baren history, which didn’t seem like history you’d only make exclusive to one business.
I didn’t elaborate on this, and we get how huge SmokingPipes is, but I also didn’t stress before, let’s also make sure we are not looking at this like only a USA situation, because if it’s only SmokingPipes USA Exclusive, then what about the rest of the world.
If it weren't for smokingpipes, many of the big pipe companies would have folded, and most of the artisans would have as well. They almost singlehandedly keep the hobby of pipes alive. I have no idea what this blend I have never heard of is, nor much about MacBarens, but for whatever reason, they are doing it the way the want. I will not disparage the heros of pipesmoking. I will just toast them like I do everytime someone mentions them.
Long Live SmokingPipes!!!
The same ones now saying 'shut up and stop complaining', will be the first ones to complain when one company has totally monopolised the market and are charging what they want.
I think the long and short of it is that it’s mutually beneficial (whether financial, positional, etc.) to these businesses to do it this way.I’m only here as a member on PipesMagazine expressing what I noticed today in SmokingPipe’s Newsletter, to try and understand, by what I thought, was a blend with a respected history from Mac Baren, as to why a historical blend of significance would only be exclusive to one business.
The best I can do is give you a 1:1 ratio of serious and joke posts.I asked that we can please keep this respectful, I’m seriously hoping that SPC or Mac Baren, or even some of the other Sponsors might jump in here and share their thoughts.
@LeafErikson & @anotherbob so can we please not carry on with ompalompas, etc... Thanks
P.S. Please let’s not troll the posts anyone. I’d greatly appreciate it if we can keep the tone serious here. Thank you....
We don't know what all is really going on. It could be that they are sending it to many different places, but smokingpipes is the only company to jump on the marketing before anyone else. Just a guess. There are so many possibilities. Maybe MacBaren owes smokingpipes a huge gambling debt and this was their way of paying up. no idea.