Once I thought I was Wrong, but I was Mistaken
I must apologise to Charles Fairmorn Lancer Slices.
I had 3 pipes of this today, and it keeps getting better.
Tobacco reviews are so subjective, something I thought was so so, literally yesterday is GREAT today
I suspect it has a lot to do with what you have been eating, drinking and smoking, more than pipe, weather etc
Also I had not smoked any cigarettes before having the first two bowls today.
I always remember my father saying when he had his heart attack and stroke and the saw bones said he only had 3 - 6 months to live if he did not get $200,000 he stopped cigarettes. He said his pipes never tasted better, and foods he did not like before he now enjoyed taste.
Note he lived for 10 years after, without the operation, and still smoked pipes, and occasional cigarette....
Those Doctors are almost as big scam artist as Bankers and Politicians
But back to my point. Tobacco Reviews must be the most inexact science on earth.
I also expect that like wine aficionados, when people look at and taste a baccy and say it has this and that, many of them are BS, and if you ask 10 different self proclaimed experts, you will get 10 different opinions.
What I have found is, find someone who seem to have the same taste as you and use them as a benchmark.
EG Admin / Kevin seems to like the same baccys as I do. Also has similar taste in Food and well lets not go there on this forum. But this is why I kept pushing him to SG Commonwealth Mixture.