A bit late to the party. Whilst the poor folks in the northern hemisphere have been dealing with severe winter conditions we've been basking along at 29c daytime and 22c at night. Obviously I therefore picked up a Common Cold 10 days ago...
Now I remember as a kid that catching a cold meant one, two or at most three days in bed before being sent back to school. Seems different when you get older; yesterday was the first day I felt well enough to go out (I've woken up feeling OK a couple of mornings but after breakfast just gone 'nah' and crawled back to bed but yesterday was different
So I celebrated IPSD 2021 by going out for a short walk (only 4km instead of my normal 10kmb- thought I should take it easy) and finding a large tree to sit under and smoking Barbary Coast in a Peterson System Spigot whilst reading Collected Short Stories of Hercule Poirot). First smoke I'd had in 10 days ? . Tree is actually on the Avenida Paulista so not rural but it is a nice street on which to watch the world walking past (especially on a warm summer day in Brazil) ?
Anyway; I took the following photo yesterday and posted it to a watch forum to let them know about IPSD - actually got a much better response than I expected with lots of other watch collectors posting their pipes and tobacco choices...
Komandirskie 1965 posing with Peterson System Spigot and Barbary Coast.
Just since I also posted this photo yesterday; I'll include it here too.