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Jul 21, 2015
I wonder if I can re-create some of my greatest pipe-smoking foibles. Dropping a cob off a roof. Or the time when, on a windy day, I cupped a lighter and did not successfully strike the flint the first time, so waited a second and hit it again... igniting a fistful of butane. Pipe, tobacco and smoker went flying in different directions in varying states of ignition.
Good times.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 5, 2014
Hey Gents thanks for all those who read and responded.

To the tips: I agree with keeping vids shorter. I took a shot at reviews and tried to keep them under a minute and a half. Called them TQRs. I quit because in order to make a solid well informed review I had to smoke a blend a bunch...and some tobaccos just weren't worth smoking.

Just like the forums not all videos are tips or reviews. Some are rambles or box opening and other are strictly entertaining. My channel is mostly me acting like an ass but you can find instructional videos as well as box opening and reviews.

Suggestions of folks not on the forums: Northern Bohemian, Smoking Pipeliner (these two use very layered humor missed by many who are simple), Alan Godwin (his brother Bryce), Nick the Polish Piper, The Cleveland Steamer, Eric's RandomWorld, Tyler Jerffrey, Stogie Farts, Sparkys Pipes and more.

I purposefully didn't provide links to my videos at first bc I use the forums to gather information, not to snipe subs for my channel or even give my opinion L anymore...if you are interested check my name here and that is my YT handle as well.

See y'all who leave the dark dens of solitude in Chicago, I'll be working the Uhles table if you'd like to chat



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 25, 2014
For what it's worth.....THAT ^ seems like a very reasonable post to me. Not that I'm the boss of anything. Just my opinion.



Mar 22, 2011
[quoteMy channel is mostly me acting like an ass...[/quote]
Sorry, but why would I want to watch THAT?



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 9, 2015
Sorry, but why would I want to watch THAT?
For the same reason we read most of what is written on the forums... it can be amusing and life isn't just about being uptight and serious all the time.



Jul 21, 2015
Speaking of short like a pop song... and on a familiar and excellent topic:
I quit because in order to make a solid well informed review I had to smoke a blend a bunch...and some tobaccos just weren't worth smoking.
Beastly, but true. This is why, in my experience, reviewers lean so heavily on (1) known winners and (2) distinctive outliers.
Any time you see a review written in this form -- "Like the Descendents mixing it up with Atheist if Motorhead controlled the tempo" -- it's targeting those outliers for their exaggerated traits.
Sort of like Mixture 79 (a.k.a. "the American Lakeland").



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 25, 2014
Even at 2:19 that video is horrible. I didn't last 1:00. Guy goes to the effort to write a little "song" to sing his review, but can't take the time to memorize his own song, or write the lyrics on a poster beside the camera so I'm watching him try to read notes off his knee? And the best backdrop he could come up with was his electric meter and cable tv wires draped along his house? It just screams - "hey, I think I'm clever, but I'm lazy and sloppy about it too." A shame really. I could see how he could take some time to pay attention to detail and actually create a clever video, and eventually build his own "brand" of reviews that people would look forward to.



Jul 21, 2015
I can sympathize with that observation. I also thought getting him into a studio with a click track might be a good thing. But, that's a luxury. I can explain why:
The internet emphasizes currency over completion. Think about what the blog format has done: it is more important to get the article out there in time to catch a wave of mass consciousness than it is to dot every i and cross every t.
That, and most people have only a few hours after work to pull the whole thing off.
It's a beastly, highly-competitive environment.
My analysis today is that the YTPC made a sensible move reaching out here: they may be competing well within the audience of existing pipe video makers, but they want to up their game. So they asked the curmudgeon-codgers.



Mar 29, 2016
"Even at 2:19 that video is horrible. I didn't last 1:00. Guy goes to the effort to write a little "song" to sing his review, but can't take the time to memorize his own song, or write the lyrics on a poster beside the camera so I'm watching him try to read notes off his knee? And the best backdrop.....BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH...... HEY EVERYBODY!!! COME WATCH ME TEAR APART A YOUTUBE VIDEO! I DON'T THINK HE EVEN HAD A BUDGET FOR THIS FILM?!"
Even to the last . your review is at best, competitive with a high school newspaper, movie review column. I made it to "read notes off his knee?". Look out Jesse Owens, this run on sentence is nipping at your heels! Seriously? Did you start the following sentence with AND?
I could go on, but it seems that the moderators and members alike, don't appreciate it when trolls call out trolls. MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
Wow jmatt.... you're just an ***. Here's a guy that enjoys a tobacco, and even does the review in song form. The reason being it was a video response for another YTPP and he does very well, and all you can do is criticize and put him down. I don't see you doing anything on this forum for anyone on here, so why do you even bother posting. Not only was it a good review it was entertaining. Get over yourself dude.
I don't get most of you old ***. Without a new breed of pipe smokers the hobby dies off. Which means your favorite tobacco's will go away, or your local pipe shop will close up etc. You may not like the new breed, but they're helping your hobby and sustaining it. If you don't like a tobacco someone is talking about fine, you don't think the pipe they bought is a good pipe fine, but don't rip them in the forums for their purchases. You can give your two cents, but you don't have to be a jerk about it when you do it. I've seen it far to often on this forum. The goal here should be to help one another out and help them grow in the hobby instead of tear them down and discourage them.
I don't have a $10,000 camera. I don't have a digital studio and engineers working for me to edit a video, I don't have sound engineers to mix audio, and I don't have a fancy location to shoot my videos. I also don't have countless hours to edit a video, just so some old fart might find it enjoyable. You guys obviously don't get it, and that's great... don't watch! Nobody is saying you have to. We're just saying there's another format out there for tobacco and pipe information. If you enjoy it great, but if you don't you can keep your opinions to yourself and not watch. Nobody wants to hear you talk (type), because most of the time you have nothing of interest to say other than to put someone down for their tobacco choices and/or pipe choices. Its very counter productive for the hobby.



May 11, 2013
...guys- let's try to keep this between the rails. Lively discussions are good- personal insults aren't.

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
My post was between the rails. I call it like a see it. Its not an insult if its true. To many high and mighty guys on here are always disrespecting the younger guys, so something needed to be said. Sorry if you felt it was out of line, but in my opinion its right on target.



Jul 21, 2015
If you don't like a tobacco someone is talking about fine, you don't think the pipe they bought is a good pipe fine, but don't rip them in the forums for their purchases.
My post was between the rails.
May I suggest this:
Polite critique in any forum is needed, and people must be able to disagree without making it personal.
The same criterion that applies to critiquing the tobacco choice of others applies to your critique of this forum's critique of the pipe videos.
In the meantime, the YTPC initiative here is succeeding: people are listening, and critiquing, which is how these videos will improve and their makers gain experience.
Seems win-win to me.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 25, 2014
I wasn't criticizing the man, I was critiquing the video. My suggestions could be addressed by turning the camera 30 degrees to the left, and writing his lyrics on a $2 poster board. I even suggested if he took some time to pay attention to such details he could build his own "brand" of reviews that people would look forward to. Without more time. Without professional editing. And without spending any money.
I'd suggest listening to critique, rather than bashing anything that isn't a fanboy "awesome video" comment, might help improve people's craft.
And beginning a sentence with "and" is perfectly grammatically correct. What you thought you learned in 6th grade grammar class was wrong. Goggle it. :puffpipe:



Jul 21, 2015
I was critiquing the video. My suggestions could be addressed by turning the camera 30 degrees to the left, and writing his lyrics on a $2 poster board. I even suggested if he took some time to pay attention to such details he could build his own "brand" of reviews that people would look forward to. Without more time. Without professional editing. And without spending any money.
I'd suggest listening to critique, rather than bashing anything that isn't a fanboy "awesome video" comment, might help improve people's craft.
That's a good point. Some kind of teleprompter or analogue would make it much easier for him.
I remember homebrewing one up on a laptop. I created a HTML file w/JS that scrolled it at about my speaking pace. I think they have little USB gadgets that would let you forward/back as well.

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
jmatt - that wasn't a critique. There's constructive criticism and criticism, and when the first words are its horrible, I don't know how you can call that a critique or even constructive criticism. All you did was bash the video in which you didn't even watch the entire video. If that's how you provide critique's then I suggest you rethink your approach. It's not doing anyone any favor's and is doing you a huge disservice.



Mar 29, 2016
Are you sure you want to do this? Let me get some work done, and we will give some time for people to pop the popcorn. Does three hours from now work for you?
I'm Looking through my 6th grade guide to grammar and it says nothing about beginning a sentence with, AND. I was merely critiquing (not criticizing) the lack of creativity you employ with your film reviews. Just so you are aware, there are grammatical situations that do require some level of coordinating conjunctions to balance logical equals. Your use of and at the beginning of your sentence, was not one of them.

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