I am pretty much appalled at the initial comments by our esteemed forum gentlemen. Not everyone on YouTube is a hipster, or ramble about unimportant things on their YouTube Channel while smoking pipes, cigars or whatever. When I started smoking pipes, youtube videos from John Harden (Matches860), Jeff Mash (stogiefarts), Fr. Francis Stevenson (holysmokenpipepadre) helped me a LOT. Many of you won't be aware of these people but these are some of the men and women who are passionate about pipes and they share their experiences ranging from tobacco reviews, pipes, religion, stories, life experiences, heck even cooking recipes on YouTube.
It was because of Fr. Francis that I started making videos on YouTube. Of course I sucked a LOT, took me a long time to learn things. My webcam and mic sucked, but I kept going on because I wanted to share how I felt about the community and how thankful I was to be a part of something better. This includes forums, social platforms, pipe clubs and so much .
I have made acquaintance and friends through YouTube and Pipesmagazine and other social media. Many of them pipe makers, pipe collectors, tobacco blendersw, owners of tobacco houses and stores. Doctors, Engineers, Businessmen, Army Members around the world.
In the end let me request you all to actually check out people on YouTube, there are many of us who are there. We are not hipsters. We are just people who want to say something through a different media other than a forum.
It takes 1-2 hour to record a 15 minute video. Sometimes re-takes and re-recordings. Add a post-production of around 1-2 hours (rendering, editing, labeling) with a few more hours of uploading to the website.
If someone is passionate enough to invest that much time, we should atleast give them a friendly pair of eyes and ears and perhaps help them grow to be better YouTubers and forum members?
Chris :puffpipe: