There is a positive. With guys like many here didn't grow up seeing guys smoke pipes, it gives these youngsters someone to emulate and learn from. That's a plus. I just wish there were more pipes being smoked on Youtube while doing something else, like discussing religion, art, science, music, or reading... anything, poetry, literature, the directions to making toast. Just people smoking pipes while doing something entertaining. Something that would pique my interest. Brian Levine's radio show does this. Even though it's pipe or tobacco related, he sometimes has discussions with folks about calligraphy, art, or lots of stuff that I never knew about. But, at least these Youtubers are at least providing a visual instruction for guys who learn better that way. And, I'd watch a short commercial length, as Sable mentioned, review. I just have no interest in setting around watching guys like I already hang out with dabbling and babbling like I already do to kill time. But, not everyone has an amazing pipe shop with local celebrities and local legends coming in and out all day. You guys just all move down here. Slow down, talk slower and smile more. :wink: