Ok, I’ve talked to quite a number of people at the state on this.
The Tax angle, is because, in the past, there was no tax law for Vape products in the state, so a lot of companies were flying under the radar illegally selling vape products to minors.
Now Hawaii is saying the taxing for this, is also suppose to be the money needed by law enforcement to police this, supposedly the reason for taxing, also the fact vape products were never taxed before in Hawaii.
Act 62 is really about now taxing vape products that were never added before into law in Hawaii.
But, in this process, of now adding vape products into the tax law, Hawaii wants to make sure all retail and wholesale businesses of tobacco products, are also paying a GE and tobacco license and fees.
Hawaii stated to me, the cost on taxes for tobacco products has not changed for what companies are suppose to of been paying already in the past on their taxes.
The only thing that changes now, is that you are now registered in the state of Hawaii to do business, and the only cost differences is paying the GE and tobacco license and fees, but as far as the tax on tobacco products, Hawaii stated to me, this hasn’t changed.
So, to start business to legally sell/ship as a retailer to Hawaii consumers this is what’s needed.
1. $20 yearly GE License - Additional yearly GE fees may or may not be needed depending on the volume of sales.
2. $50 yearly Tobacco license
3. $250 yearly Tobacco license fee
4. M19 form to pay the yearly tobacco taxes
For consumers, wishing to send and receive tobacco interisland or from the Continental USA, if these are sent as Gifts, it is legal to send and receive tobacco products.
Wholesalers shipping to Hawaii have an additional wholesaler license/fee and form.
P.S. Ok, this is suppose to be it now!