Grangerous, I'd go easy trying to take your sweet cat fishing, or at least consider a few points. Unlike dogs, cats are as attached to their territory as much as to their "pack." so unlike dogs, they may not be comfortable in new terrain even if their people are there. Also, once in new territory, cats can have a strong tendency to stray, or to startle and run off and not get back. And finally, cats are weird about their litter. My wife had an indoor-outdoor cat, but once he got used to indoor litter, he wouldn't use the great outdoors. Cats who retain urine can develop kidney and urinary tract problems in a hurry. At least take along a litter box. All this said, specific somewhat rare cats accommodate to riding with their owners on bikes, living out of travel trailers, and of course, living on ships and tugboats, etc. Your sweet little gal may be a natural traveler, but she might be much more of a homebody than you know, and taking her abroad might screw up her disposition or her urinary tract, or just confuse her and make her disappear. I'd start out with a very local expedition that you don't mind scrubbing, to see how she does. She may want to stay home and sleep on your slippers awaiting your return. Cats are ardent about having control of their situation. They need that sense of pride and domain, so go slow, and see what works.