portascat, it's much easier to reload your own. Shop for your components, and on those cold days, and rainy days, just hammer out a bunch of rounds. I reload my rifle, shotguns, and Pistol ammunition, keep 8lb kegs of powder for each along with at least 5,000 primers, tips and lead shot for varmints and scoundrels alike. Neighbors are afraid to get too close to my shop, makes for better advertising than an ADT security alarm sighn out in the yard. Occaisionally someone will mention fire, and of course that usually raises some eyebrows, but none the less, I never run short, or have to hoard ammunition, and I shoot when I want to. When we had that shortage of ammunition scare last year, and friends were paying rediculously high prices for ammunition, I just grinned and hammered out another couple hundred rounds. Most of my friends have made the initial investment to purchase reloading equipment also.