Any more stories?
Cooking (sautéing?) in NyQuil is the least dangerous and far-fetched idea I've seen in ages. It might even be delicious!
I doubt there'd by any injuries or death cooking with a bit of NyQuil except for the Salmonella they'll get mishandling the raw chicken.
Actually this might be another way for kids to abuse NyQuil.
NyQuil can help someone get through a cold, but it can also be misused. Learn more about the risks of NyQuil, DMX, and robo-tripping.
Understanding Dextromethorphan (DXM) Abuse
Some people, especially teenagers, take large doses of NyQuil to “get high.” This is because dextromethorphan (DXM), one of NyQuil’s three active ingredients, has mind-altering effects. DXM is an ingredient in over 70 medications. In small doses, DXM is just a cough suppressant which does not pose any risks for serious side effects. DXM is not even a
controlled substance. However, DXM does affect the brain. For this reason, excessive amounts of DXM can bring about hallucinations and euphoria. In other words, its effects are similar to those of illegal mind-altering substances, but because medications with DXM are legal and don’t require a prescription, some people abuse DXM as an easier alternative to recreational drugs. In fact, over 3% of American 12th graders have abused NyQuil, DayQuil, and other DXM-based medications to try to have fun. Abusing DXM is often called “skittling” or “robo-tripping”
When someone misuses NyQuil for its DXM, the consequences can be serious. The effects of a large DXM dose are actually similar to the effects of
PCP, an illegal and very hazardous
hallucinogen. DXM impairs coordination and judgment, which makes driving after “robo-tripping” a perilous venture. Additionally, the combination of a large dose of DXM with acetaminophen, alcohol, or antidepressants may harm the liver and cause heart attacks, seizures, and in some cases, even death. “Robo-tripping” has killed several people in recent years. Finally, people who abuse NyQuil to “get high” on DXM are at risk for developing addiction, a potentially lifelong burden. In summary, drinking NyQuil to have a good time may be legal, but it is absolutely not safe.
When I was a kid some other kids (not raised by Campbellite mothers) would inhale gasoline from farm tractors or sniff airplane glue from a paper bag.
Our mothers all kept a stove poker handy at all times. When we were told not to do something stupid we knew not to cross her.
She never would spank you, but she just might kill you, should you test her patience too much.
Today the children’s services would frown on such tactics, but it did make for children growing into respectful adults.