Confession Time... I Don't Like...

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The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
I have very few dislikes when it comes to pipes.

The lovat looks like it suffers from dwarfism and is just an ugly design. If Toulouse-Lautrec was a pipe he'd be a lovat. I have one, but it's a Leeds era Ben Wade, so I accepted its misshapen self into the fold because it smokes wonderfully well.

Bulldogs and their variants do nothing for me, so the three that are in the pile are there because their renditions of this detestable shape are so flawless that I wanted to have them.

Penis pipes, which covers a lot of Danish output, do not appeal to me.

Certain Artisan makers don't appeal because their sense of design is non existent. I'll restrain myself from naming specific makers.

American Artisan carvers who carve warmed over Danish no not appeal to me. Develop an individual voice, please.

As for tobacco labels, Sutliff's line up of goopers ain't for me, but that has no bearing on the quality of their other blending and wholesaling operations. Sutliff bashing is the grand old sport of brain donating posers.

Since I'm 95% a smoker of Virginias and Va/Pers, C&D holds little appeal. Their Virginia offerings, with a few exceptions, aren't great. Their burley, on the other hand, is top notch. But I don't smoke Burley that often.

The current Balkan Sobrani clone is vile. Killing it off next year will be one of the few good things to come out of the whole FDA Deeming bullshit.

Dunhill? Never heard of them.


Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 4, 2013
I'm not particularly a fan of many traditional shapes. I like bulldogs. I like bent billiards (in fact, I adore them if they're just right). Oom Pauls, YES. Most straight traditional shapes are meh to me. Dunhills. Petersons. Meh. But I don't hate them. Occasionally I'll see one of these brands or styles and think, hey, I like that one!

What do I hate? I hate those 50s "streamliner" pipes that have an oval bowl, especially if they have that keel-like forward point on the lower front of the bowl. A pipe that's aerodynamic...?? I hate Custombilts. But I have nothing against people loving them. I know they find merit and beauty in them, I just don't. But I REALLY hate...

...those Oguz Simsek pipes on eBay. He carves mostly skulls, but occasionally does other designs. I think they are hideous. Ugly beyond ugly. Again, nothing against people who like or love them, but I cannot stand them.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I'm not particularly a fan of many traditional shapes. I like bulldogs. I like bent billiards (in fact, I adore them if they're just right). Oom Pauls, YES. Most straight traditional shapes are meh to me. Dunhills. Petersons. Meh. But I don't hate them. Occasionally I'll see one of these brands or styles and think, hey, I like that one!

What do I hate? I hate those 50s "streamliner" pipes that have an oval bowl, especially if they have that keel-like forward point on the lower front of the bowl. A pipe that's aerodynamic...?? I hate Custombilts. But I have nothing against people loving them. I know they find merit and beauty in them, I just don't. But I REALLY hate...

...those Oguz Simsek pipes on eBay. He carves mostly skulls, but occasionally does other designs. I think they are hideous. Ugly beyond ugly. Again, nothing against people who like or love them, but I cannot stand them.
you reminded me of two things I've noticed. First that every pipe carver and company I don't like will seemingly produce the rare and occasional pipe that I love and drool over. I've seen about three or four Dunhills that I've considered buying (full confession their old ones often hit a sweet spot for me and I almost bought a few really old expensive estates) I've seen two Grabows that I thought were just beautiful. And as far as other people having other opinions great. Imagine how hard it would be to get a nice pipe if we all liked the same stuff. Glad we're not all chasing the same tobacco blends either. When people hate a blend I love or love a blend I hate I always think it must taste very different to you.
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Feb 21, 2013
I am a fan of U.S. factory pipes and find some of the designs and finishes quite good, as industrial design for mass producing the product. I don't like rustication that just looks hurried, like it is done in eight minutes just to give the bowl some texture in the minimal amount of time. I consider the Yello-Bole Checker a pretty good look, primitive but artful if not artistic. Dr. Grabow can do minimal carving without it looking haphazard. But some rustication just looks hurried. Better to leave the briar unfinished than that.


Aug 20, 2013
Current Dunhill. Greedy, trading on the glory of the past, having emptied the excellence that these pipes once had, again for the money. Newsflash: make enough money to pay yourself and your employees to prosper along with the company's success that they helped to create. Put the rest of the profit back into the product.

The owners of Condor and 3Nuns who screw around with the recipes and production of fabulously loved blends, again for the money. They buy a name and funny up the tobacco for the filthy lucre. Newsflash: what about putting product excellence alongside money so that so that that excellence was maintained while bringing in the most money?

Capricious forum admins. I joined a forum that had so many rules that you never knew what thunder a post might bring down. I made a post or two, got whacked and vanished, which brings me to say that the rules of pipesmagazine are more rational than other forums. I don't agree with all of them, but quite usually understand the logic, and within them there is a good bit of freedom.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 20, 2015
Olympia, WA
Hipsters gravitate toward classic English shapes to emulate a look of ironic modern.



I don't consider myself a hipster (although I've been called an "accidental hipster" before... I think it was the glasses, or the PBR), but I do prefer classic shapes. Ice always just thought of myself as a classicism.

I personally can't justify spending more than $300 on any pipe whatsoever. You can get a good quality pipe for that (usually much less). Anything above that price just seems like name brand consumerism to me.


Aug 20, 2013
sittingbear said:

"Anything above that price just seems like name brand consumerism to me."

Very well said! But given my income, I never had to worry about this.

BTW, is sittingbear in any way related to SittingBull? Yeah, I know both are sitting. But sitting in what way? or how? or where? You picture your bear sitting amidst a stream, with front legs unusually long, suggesting a prehensile capability and seemingly indicative of higher thought.

Not very bullish.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Current Dunhill. Greedy, trading on the glory of the past, having emptied the excellence that these pipes once had, again for the money. Newsflash: make enough money to pay yourself and your employees to prosper along with the company's success that they helped to create. Put the rest of the profit back into the product.

The owners of Condor and 3Nuns who screw around with the recipes and production of fabulously loved blends, again for the money. They buy a name and funny up the tobacco for the filthy lucre. Newsflash: what about putting product excellence alongside money so that so that that excellence was maintained while bringing in the most money?

Capricious forum admins. I joined a forum that had so many rules that you never knew what thunder a post might bring down. I made a post or two, got whacked and vanished, which brings me to say that the rules of pipesmagazine are more rational than other forums. I don't agree with all of them, but quite usually understand the logic, and within them there is a good bit of freedom.
if the rules here stifle your ability to express yourself, it says more about the person and their inarticulation then it does about the rules. I've seen forums that had a zero tolerance for any subject not pipe related. To the point of people getting in trouble for saying something like "oh I like this particular food that tobacco reminds me of".


Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 20, 2015
Olympia, WA
sittingbear said:

"Anything above that price just seems like name brand consumerism to me."

Very well said! But given my income, I never had to worry about this.

BTW, is sittingbear in any way related to SittingBull? Yeah, I know both are sitting. But sitting in what way? or how? or where? You picture your bear sitting amidst a stream, with front legs unusually long, suggesting a prehensile capability and seemingly indicative of higher thought.

Not very bullish.
The only relation I can think of is sometimes I sit-and-bull(shit)! And yes, I do have thumbs, although I'm not sure what prehensilability has to do with sitting? (Maybe that's because of my lack of higher thought!)
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