Canadian Box Pass Round 3

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Can't Leave
Jul 29, 2012
The box has been sent out to fmgee earlier today. Although I did not want the box "stuck" in the postal system, I felt that with the snail mail still moving, it stands a chance of getting to the next destination before the mail grinds to a halt. fmgee, I hope it reaches you quickly and sorry for the delay.
The tracking number for the shipment is: GS266306437CA. Currently sitting at 2.682 kilos.



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
Thursday is the earliest date for a lockout so it should arrive in time. However I can see this being the end of Canada post, it's already losing money and it will cost them another billion dollars to give the workers what they want.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 26, 2014
ahh good to know it is on the way. If the strike happens I doubt it will make it. I live on an island and everything is slow here. It is only a province away so who knows we might get lucky. I'll be sure to post when it does arrive.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 26, 2014
I think it should be fine as it should make it up island today and get out to me tomorrow. Good thing the strike was pushed back to Monday!
I hope you managed to grab some samples before sending it out. I would love to hear what you liked and what you did not.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 26, 2014
and the box has landed.
Do you Canadians know that the whole idea of the box is to take and smoke what is in it and not just add more? I swear a lot of the packages are as full as the last time I saw the box (some like the SToP look like they have more in them!) and there are way more bags and tins that are new.
I saw plenty of things I want to try and a few new things that scare me (what the hell is that smell coming of SG 1792 flake?). Not sure what I'll pick first but I hope to find a moment later today to fire up a bowl.



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
Wow, extremely lucky. If it hadn't landed today it would of been in package purgatory as there's no deliveries on weekends and Monday is the lockout.

Do you Canadians know that the whole idea of the box is to take and smoke what is in it and not just add more?
Yup this is a typical Canadian box pass. :rofl:



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 26, 2014
Well I have smoked several blends. My new meer is wonderful to have as I try smaller bowls of different tobaccos.
I just had lunch and loaded up some 1792 Flake. I figured this was my one chance as there is a big bag in the box. It smells aweful in the bag. The taste was okay but not great. Make me thing of scrapings from the BBQ. I can see why people like it but it is not for me.
Winners so far
University Flake: Remarkably good, I was worried the plum might be too much but I did not find that. I could imagine having a tin of this around
Esoterica Dorchester: I don't know how to describe this one, "fresh" comes to mind. Very pleasant smoke. I could not find any perique but lots of great "fresh" tastes. I look forward to comparing it to Dunbar.
Ashton Artisan Blend: Big bold english that was very smooth. Wonderful smoke. I have a tin in the cellar and after this I might have to add some more.
Loosers (by my taste buds):
Stonehaven... all I could taste was special sauce or something and it was not great. I found it pretty flat. It is only one bowl so I will not judge it just from that but I won't be chasing any.
1792 has to fall here as well. It is just not for me.
On the middling front I would put Meat Pie. A fine middle english but nothing more.
Not sure what I will try next. Bayou Morning and White Knight are high on the list. I am also waiting for the right moment to fill one of my big pipes with GL Pease Odyssey as it smells amazing.



Can't Leave
Dec 1, 2014
Esoterica Dorchester: I don't know how to describe this one, "fresh" comes to mind. Very pleasant smoke. I could not find any perique but lots of great "fresh" tastes. I look forward to comparing it to Dunbar.
I'm interested to hear your comparison! From what I've gleaned, people seem to prefer dunbar but I was quite the opposite. Glad the box made it to you! Who knows what's going on with this strike business these days. It probably put a dent in online sales for fear of customers not receiving packages all the same.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 26, 2014
I have not spent as much time with the box as I would have liked in the last few days as my son had a baseball tournament that involved a lot of baseball and a lot of parent volunteering. But I have managed to get a few bowls in! For some reason when the box is around I always smoke small bowled pipes or only half bowls so I have time to taste a couple in a row. This was not the case with GL Pease's Oddyssey I loaded up a big pipe and spent a couple of hours in heaven. I am buying some of that!
I tried Dunbar and it was very interesting compared to Dorchester. No 'fresh' taste, more "butter" and an earthier feel. If I had not tasted Dorchester I would think Dunbar is great but Dorchester has element I have not tasted in other tobaccos so it gets the bigger nod from me.
Solani white and black was really really flat. So flat I stopped smoking it and loaded a bowl of prince albert instead. I enjoyed the prince albert, maybe the best of the codger blends I have tried although I would want to smoke them back to back to pick a favourite.
Magnum Opus was all around solid but did not stand out in the same ways Artisan's Blends and Odyssey stood out. I could not help but smoke a bowl of Margate and it made me very happy to know I have a bag in the cellar.
I am pretty sure that is all I have tried up to this point. My time is almost with the box. I have another baseball tournament to attend this weekend but will organise to get it sent out early next week.
Mortonbriar I think you are next? Are you ready?



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
You guys should seriously consider switching from Canada post to fedex or puralotor until the Canada Post strike threat is over, it would be a shame for all that tobacco to end up sitting in a warehouse for an indefinite amount of time.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 26, 2014
I have not heard from Mortonbriar (I sent a PM a couple of days ago as well). Should I hold out for a while or move down the list?
I found a new box to move the contents into. The old one was in rough shape. This box is slightly smaller but I took out Jim's pipe stand and bagged a few of the near empty tins so that is will fit well.



Oct 25, 2013
New Zealand
Hello, sorry fella's I have been off the forum for a while.

Fmgee, if anyone expressed urgency for the package go ahead and move down the list, but otherwise I would be happy to be the next keeper of the blessed box! I PMed you my new address.




Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 26, 2014
Great to hear from you Isaac. I had a busy week and have not considered the box in a bit. I doubt I can get it out tomorrow but should be able to do Wednesday. I'll let you know when it is on the way.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 26, 2014
Ben88: Nope it should be fine. Send jkrug a private message and he can figure out the details (he is not on the forums right now as he is super busy at work). There is a ton of stuff in the box and it is a great way to sort out what you may or may not like. Also right now it is a good way to try things that you cannot find to buy.
Isaac: The box will head out in the morning. I have added a little of Lane Limited Crown Achievements, C&D Star of the East and Peter Stokkebye Proper English.

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