Canadian Box Pass Round 3

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Jan 23, 2015
Hi guys, hope everyone is going well. Looks like the box is moving around nicely. I haven't been on in a while as I have been CRAZY busy at work for some time now.
ben88 is joining the pass. I will add him to the list and slide him into the rotation once I have his personal info. Also, mortonbriar, if you have a new address could you forward it to me so I can update the list. Thanks.
Cheers guys, Jim



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 26, 2014
"Item Out For Delivery"
Always good news when you see this. I hope you find some good blends Isaac.



Oct 25, 2013
New Zealand
It landed! I had to borrow a forklift to lift the box inside. What were the rules again? One calendar year to try through them all and then pass it on?
I narrowed it down to 50 blends I would like to try, then narrowed it down again to about 35 once I took out all the blends with perique (gives me tongue bite) this is going to be quite the challenge!!!! thanks everyone!

One week, I know, I know.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 26, 2014
Two weeks actually! Take your time and enjoy the journey.



Can't Leave
Jul 29, 2012
For sure you need more than one week to sample all that the Box Pass has to offer.
FTR, I put in the SG 1792 into the box. With all I heard, I was excited to try this tobacco and in the end was let down with how I felt about it. I think I brought in 200 - 250G and once the tax man had his way with me, it was a pricey endeavour. I know that there are others out there that are equally interested as I was, so I wanted to share it with my brothers.



Oct 25, 2013
New Zealand
Hello slownumbers, yes I saw that hefty old bag of 1792, I have been wanting to try that for a long time so thank you for sharing.
All my quick reviews will be of blends I have never tried before, they will also be very informal notes rather than true reviews.
Bowl One: Sir Walter, really?

Smoked in a briar falcon.

Nice mild light honey kind of flavour with the nutty burley thing happening, Easy to light, stays lit, easy to smoke. This is a blend that does not demand any attention, you could forget you were smoking if multi tasking. This is the blend I have been looking for when recommending an initial blend to a new smoker, its just an easy smoke. I would buy a pouch in the future but I would not be cellaring it away in any quantity. One classic OTC checked off my 'to try' list, and it gets a 'sure, why not' out of ten.
Bowl Two: Germains Plum Cake

Smoked in an old dominion cob.

I have smoked a tin of the macbaren plumcake in the past and prefer that flavour profile with the hint of latakia, however this germains blend did not bite my tongue like the MacB version which means it wins out for me. The plum comes through and it smoked nicely enough, I would buy a tin of this now, although I think it would be an occasional bowl rather than regular rotation.
Isaac :puffpipe:



Oct 25, 2013
New Zealand
I remembered I needed to post a photo, here it all is taken on a strange angle (have you ever google searched 'askew'?)...a little out of focus...scattered across the kitchen table...atop my daughters artwork...

Bowl Three: Prince albert.

Smoked in a Dr Plumb pocket pipe.

Well to be honest it was a fairly distracted smoke, but I think even under better smoking conditions I still would not feel the need to smoke this again. It burned fine and had a pleasant mild taste/aroma, but no reason to make me reach for it over anything else in the future.



Oct 25, 2013
New Zealand
Well, this week I am working three jobs and my 'quick reviews' are turning into little more than a mental reminder of how much tobacco to replace to the box pass library.
Bowl Four: JOhn Cotton No. 1

Smoked in a full bent Jobey (I think)

First light I knew I would like this blend, there is a certain kind of blend that has just the right amount of latakia to create that sweet smokey taste that sticks through the blend but does not overpower, other blends that do that for me are Presbyterian mix, Rattrays Red Rapparee and Pease westminster. I know from this one bowl that I would happily buy this blend in quantity and it has gone to the top of my next tin list.
Bowl Five: John Cotton Smyrna

Smoked in a (very proudly) homemade briar billiard

I cannot review this blend because i used this stupid new sandalwood shaving cream and aftershave, and it was so strong it clashed with my morning pipe flavour! I could tell I liked it though, and will buy a tin, although the No.1 blend is more my thing.



Oct 25, 2013
New Zealand
Bowl Six: C & D Oriental Silk

Smoked in a Dr Grabow dublin.

Well I cannot smoke perique normally, but there must be some psychology involved because I did not realise this blend had perique while smoking it and I cannot say I was bothered by it at all, so maybe I can handle a bit of perique, I get the impression this blend has a light amount of perique? It was a pleasant smoke, I would happily smoke it again although probably not over the oriental blends put by Mcclelland, I would happily buy a tin on special though.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 26, 2014
Oriental Silk is a bulk blend so the price is already pretty good (pre customs that is)



Oct 25, 2013
New Zealand
Bowl Seven: Stonehaven

Smoked in a meer.

Well it was a wonderful smoke, I can see why people like it. I would definitely like to smoke more in the future but probably not willing/able to pay excessive premiums for its elite status. Thank you to whomever donated this bag!

It had the thick leathery taste from the start, and that stayed as predominate flavour throughout, the two blends it reminded me of was Old Dark Fired for the leather and then Bobs Chocolate Flake, although not specifically for the chocolate, more for the hint of floral-ish flavour. I smoked it from the bag and it was fine, but would let it dry a little more if I ever get to smoke it again. Lovely blend.



Oct 25, 2013
New Zealand
Bowl Eight: Margate

Smoked in a Comoy copper cloud.

Thoroughly enjoyed this bowl, there are certain english blends where I find the Latakia is just right, I am not sure if it is a ratio game, or how it is processed but the latakia seems to have a crispness to it right through the bowl, skiff mixture is the blend I have smoked recently enough to remember that had this same crispness.
Bowl Nine: 1792

Smoked in a big savinelli billiard.

Well I really should have dried this out a bit first, I had nearly as many relights as puffs. The flavour was very pleasant but I might have to take a pinch for a second bowl to try out dry and get a real feel for it.
Bowl Ten: Newminster

Smoked in a falcon.

I enjoyed this enough, but for newminster VA blends I much prefer the 400, superior navy flake so would not be looking to buy the 701.
I am enjoying this so much




Oct 25, 2013
New Zealand
Bowl Eleven: John Cotton 1 & 2

Smoked in a Dr Plumb pocket pipe.
This was a good smoke, I probably rate it third of the three John Cotton blends, but still very enjoyable and I will be buying a tin of all three to confirm the sample bowls. I cant even remember what I liked about it, sorry...
Bowl Twelve: Pease Navigator.

Smoked in Dr Grabow dublin.
Dry to the point of crunchy unfortunately, but I could tell I liked the flavour and will be buying a tin, Pease always appeases.
Bowl Thirteen: Brighams Own

Smoked in a cob.
I have not really branched out with arrows (he he) in years, this was a pleasant surprise, lovely vanilla and kind of a caramalised sweetness to it, maybe maple, the flavour stayed throughout the bowl and it did not get too hot, I would happily keep this on hand for the family walks etc.
Bowl Fourteen: Solani Silver Flake.

Smoked in a full bent jobey.
The winner of the day!!! Beautiful leathery earthy goodness. Its going to be purchased as soon as I can.

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