I just find it annoying when a blend can't stand on its own merits and has to be touted as an attempt at a match of something else.
In most cased, yes. But this is taking a shot at 80's night cap, not more recent productions. I think it made for a valid selling point, in this case.
For several years, I was a slave to FOMO. I came to the game late, was wow'd by huge cellers like Peck's, and worried about losing out to closures and deeming. I can't say it was in vain, as I likely have enough McClelland tobacco to last me 15 years at the rate I smoke, if not more. I also have a fair amount of G&H, SG, and Germains to last through the drought.
I agree with the idea that we need to just let the tobacco companies do what they can in this thing of ours. We are still a tiny niche market, so whatever makes those companies remain interested in catering to us is fine by me.