Hi all!
First, Russ, thanks for the sample. I don't post much, so I wasn't sure if I would really get one, but I really got one!

Actually, I got my sample a couple weeks ago, but haven't had a chance to sit down with it until now.
While it seems that most people got cinnamon as one of the strongest flavors, I felt that cocoa was standout flavor in this one, from the tin to the bottom of the bowl. I think that the cocoa comes through in the flavor (as in taste) of this smoke better than any I've tried. It burned cool loosely packed in my Brebbia lovat.
The cinnamon, while present, only added a spiciness on top of the cocoa, for me. There is a bit of nice burley flavor underpinning the blend, and the honey adds a bit of sweetness. I didn't find it bitter, but I like my coffee black, and my chocolate dark, etc. What surprised me was that I didn't find the sweetness overpowering, as I just really don't like sweets. I find most aromatic blends far too sweet, but for me, this was just right.
I felt that it had a surprising amount of complexity in flavor, despite the simple formula. It just seems like good ingredients, well balanced. I found it rich like a good cup of coffee. Which I guess is to say that I found it bitter, but I liked it just fine!
I'll be looking for it in the upcoming weeks! Thanks again for the opportunity! I recommend it to those who like aromatics that aren't overly sweetened.