Well I got my sample in of this yesterday. The "tin" note is fantastic, you can really smell the chocolate/cocoa in it. I could not really detect any honey or cinnamon though. The tobacco is also very bright as you can see from the picture. Lots of blondes and light browns, very little dark tobacco in it. My go to aromatic is Hearth and Home Trout Stream and I thought this might give it a run for its money after smelling it. I have tried three bowls of it, one each in a Peterson System 304, MM Egg and a Savinelli 320EX. Sadly I am not a fan, it seems very harsh to me. It has a strong bite on the sides of my tongue and has a bitter smoke and room note. Three bowls isn't a lot, but there was nothing there that makes me want to try again. I hope others like it though and it becomes a big success, but I will stick with Trout Stream for now.