Thanks for the kind words, guys! I assume you've all seen and played the "Choose your own adventure" game version of the comic now, yes? I posted it sometime after the Halloween strip above. You can find the link on the comic's site. It's basically just a "Choose your own Adventure" as a comic strip, where you, the player, have to try and navigate through an entire pipe discussion without going off topic or getting totally derailed. Baragon and K8ty are there to "help", of course.
I'll have a new strip up pretty soon, though the holidays pretty much squashed my comic making for a while. Testing and mixing the new colors for our own cast rod stock for the Yule Pipes was a real bear, and ate up November and half of December which is why the last comic update was back near Halloween. More soon.
As for knowing pipers pretty well...

Well, I've been on and around pipe forums ever since I founded the first pipe board on AOL back around 1990 or so. So, I've been through AOL, Compuserve, Usenet, the hundred fractured forums that popped up after ASP exploded, and now the hundred new clubs that are all congregating on Facebook. Let's just say there's a lot of potential humor there to mine from.. :
